Shining Standards

Title : Shining Standards
Author : Aaron Pettett / Spanker
Website :
Email :
Description : This is a single player FM that I made for Thief 2, containing 2 missions.
My Ramblings : Weather and fog are included so you will get a better and more atmospheric
gameplaying experience with these options switched on, but at the cost of framerate on
lower end machines (SORRY!).
The game may chug slighlty on the outside parts (ITS NOT MY FAULT!), just try not to
take the action out into the gardens.
I would be very appreciative of any comments or suggestions anybody wants to make about
these levels, or anything in general in fact.
As a Thief you pride yourself as having very 'high standards' as it were, most of the lucre
you acquire is of very high quality and can reach a fair price on the market, especially
with rare peices. Tonight is no different.
There has been word around that Lord Vernstien, of the Vernstien Manor, has recently
bought some very valuble items, these items have cost him dearly and it seems the
Lord may have the debt collectors around his Mansion anytime soon this could be
bad for your business.
There have been some rumours about the items what the Lord has bought, something
about 'Gems' and 'Very expensive' spring to mind, this could be a very fortunate business
venture for someone such as yourself to find out what these items are.
Your job tonight, is to get into the Vernstien Manor, hopefully without too much comotion,
and 'acquire' these items for your self, there could be a lot of money waiting for you at the
other end of this IF you can manage to get out alive with them. The Vernstien Manor is
very well protected by patrolling guards, even at this time of year, and getting in could be
harder than you think.
Front and rear entrances are both heavily guarded, so going in by either of these ways
would not be a god idea, the best idea would be to find some sort of drain or sewer to gain
access to the basement of the Manor, since the Lord hasnt got as much money as he
would like to think, the servant staff has been cut in half and many have left, luckily this
will be to your advantage as gaining access to more areas and rooms is essential
because I should imagine some doors will be unpickable locks and a key would be
Find as much information on the Lord as you can before you leave, this will give us some
background on the Lords freinds, which I'm sure would be more than obliging to help out
some poor soles, such as ourselves.
Editor(s) used : DromEd 1.18, Paint Shop Pro 7, Milkshape 3D
Build Time : Around a year or so (very on and off)
Base : My Brain and various infuencing websites and games.
Bugs : (See Bugs.wri included)
Build machine : Started as a 333Mhz with a Voodoo 3 and 192MB RAM,
now a 1GHZ (Overclocked to 1.12) with Ge-Force 2 MX400 and 384MB RAM (HOT!)
How to play
Use Dark loader for ease of extracting and returning Thief 2 to its original missions or
Extract the zip file into your Thief 2 directory with directories enabled (could be potentially dangerous).
These levels were desgined by Aaron Pettett.
Distribution of these levels is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
You may include these levels to a map pack but with my consent first.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
(Blah Blah Blah, You get the picture)
Thanks to
- Looking Glass, for the great game.
- Everybody at TTLG forums, especially at The Editors Guild.
- The BETA testers: Silent_Warrior, Sexypat, Long_Finger, TheCapedPillager and Glenn Italiano
(Well only some got back to me, but I cant remember which, but they all deserve credit for applying
for the job of a Beta Tester, which I couldnt live without...)
- More thanks to everyone who has played this mission.
Title : Shining Standards
Author : Aaron Pettett / Spanker
Website :
Email :
Description : This is a single player FM that I made for Thief 2, containing 2 missions.
My Ramblings : Weather and fog are included so you will get a better and more atmospheric
gameplaying experience with these options switched on, but at the cost of framerate on
lower end machines (SORRY!).
The game may chug slighlty on the outside parts (ITS NOT MY FAULT!), just try not to
take the action out into the gardens.
I would be very appreciative of any comments or suggestions anybody wants to make about
these levels, or anything in general in fact.
As a Thief you pride yourself as having very 'high standards' as it were, most of the lucre
you acquire is of very high quality and can reach a fair price on the market, especially
with rare peices. Tonight is no different.
There has been word around that Lord Vernstien, of the Vernstien Manor, has recently
bought some very valuble items, these items have cost him dearly and it seems the
Lord may have the debt collectors around his Mansion anytime soon this could be
bad for your business.
There have been some rumours about the items what the Lord has bought, something
about 'Gems' and 'Very expensive' spring to mind, this could be a very fortunate business
venture for someone such as yourself to find out what these items are.
Your job tonight, is to get into the Vernstien Manor, hopefully without too much comotion,
and 'acquire' these items for your self, there could be a lot of money waiting for you at the
other end of this IF you can manage to get out alive with them. The Vernstien Manor is
very well protected by patrolling guards, even at this time of year, and getting in could be
harder than you think.
Front and rear entrances are both heavily guarded, so going in by either of these ways
would not be a god idea, the best idea would be to find some sort of drain or sewer to gain
access to the basement of the Manor, since the Lord hasnt got as much money as he
would like to think, the servant staff has been cut in half and many have left, luckily this
will be to your advantage as gaining access to more areas and rooms is essential
because I should imagine some doors will be unpickable locks and a key would be
Find as much information on the Lord as you can before you leave, this will give us some
background on the Lords freinds, which I'm sure would be more than obliging to help out
some poor soles, such as ourselves.
Editor(s) used : DromEd 1.18, Paint Shop Pro 7, Milkshape 3D
Build Time : Around a year or so (very on and off)
Base : My Brain and various infuencing websites and games.
Bugs : (See Bugs.wri included)
Build machine : Started as a 333Mhz with a Voodoo 3 and 192MB RAM,
now a 1GHZ (Overclocked to 1.12) with Ge-Force 2 MX400 and 384MB RAM (HOT!)
How to play
Use Dark loader for ease of extracting and returning Thief 2 to its original missions or
Extract the zip file into your Thief 2 directory with directories enabled (could be potentially dangerous).
These levels were desgined by Aaron Pettett.
Distribution of these levels is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
You may include these levels to a map pack but with my consent first.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
(Blah Blah Blah, You get the picture)
Thanks to
- Looking Glass, for the great game.
- Everybody at TTLG forums, especially at The Editors Guild.
- The BETA testers: Silent_Warrior, Sexypat, Long_Finger, TheCapedPillager and Glenn Italiano
(Well only some got back to me, but I cant remember which, but they all deserve credit for applying
for the job of a Beta Tester, which I couldnt live without...)
- More thanks to everyone who has played this mission.
• Uploaded 22.03.2002
• Size 5.30 Mb