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Downloads :: Thievery :: Maps
Airship Unlimited
An alternate version of Th-Airship, with the enforced maximum time limit removed. Based on a post-1.5 version which also fixes the issues preventing it from running on dedicated server installations (i.e. Brodys servers).
• Uploaded 06.12.2005 Mordengaard • Size 5.08 Mb
Ancient Excavated Ruins
No Describtion
• Uploaded 18.10.2002 Ed Duke-Cox • Size 2.21 Mb
A wealthy financier and socialite, Albert Grump, purchased the old Clock Tower from the government for a song. Grump apparently refurbished the delapidated building as a 'gift' to the city. In reality a private, members only club and casino was built wi...
• Uploaded 08.12.2004 SilentNight • Size 1000 Kb
A wealthy financier and socialite, Albert Grump, purchased the old clock tower from the government for a song. Grump apparently refurbished the delapidated building as a 'gift' to the city. In reality, a private members only club and casino was built wi...
• Uploaded 20.01.2005 SilentNight • Size 2.48 Mb
Apprentice v2
A wealthy financier and socialite, Albert Grump, purchased the old clock tower from the government for a song. Grump apparently refurbished the delapidated building as a \'gift\' to the city. In reality, a private members only club and casino was built ...
• Uploaded 11.03.2005 Brody • Size 2.66 Mb
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