Downloads :: Thievery :: Misc
Alert Delayer
This Mutator delays the Objective bell
• Uploaded 15.02.2005 Firetiger5
• Size 5.32 Kb
Alert Delayer 2
This mutator will delay the Objective bell for guards depending on how the mutator's ini file is configured.
• Uploaded 16.02.2005 Firetiger5
• Size 5.79 Kb
Alert Delayer 3
The latest Version fixes several Bugs in v2.
• Uploaded 11.03.2005 Firetiger5
• Size 9.41 Kb
Alien Mode Mutator
Adaption of a mutator by HOB released in the Modsquad forums on Following description adapted as well:
This mutator spawns spiders and spider eggs around the map that will infest the map in different areas if not killed. ...
• Uploaded 19.03.2006 Beowulf
• Size 50.03 Kb
Also Known As
The Also Known As mutator keeps Players IPs in a database to reset their Name back when they do join aliasing.
• Uploaded 24.11.2003 Brody
• Size 5.16 Kb