Downloads :: Thievery :: Misc
V5.0 25 New Thievery Items Final Beta
This is the next version up from the Alpha release. It still contains 3 bugs, nothing too major but I suggest the rat potion isnt buyable for the moment unless you're just 'Taffin' about' and the SOS flare has a message in it that shouldnt be there :)
• Uploaded 20.11.2005 Chief
• Size 1012.23 Kb
Vampire 1.2.1
This Mutator enforces " no kill/knock "with multible valuable
• Uploaded 24.01.2004 Brody
• Size 8.43 Kb
Vampire 1.2.2
This Mutator enforces " no kill/knock "with multible valuable
• Uploaded 24.01.2004 Brody
• Size 8.43 Kb
This Mutator writes Say and Teamsay Messages in a seperately html File.
• Uploaded 30.01.2002 Brody
• Size 28.99 Kb
Zombie Mutator
This mutator makes thievery play like Th-SoulsHarbour, ai are all zombies, broadheads and sword dont do damage, water and flash do, thieves get explosive arrows etc, most the code is Dan Hines so all credit goes to him, also used immorts shop config cod...
• Uploaded 13.11.2010 Keggie
• Size 206 Kb