Thief 1

30.11.24 - Maps
29.11.24 - Maps
27.11.24 - Maps

Thief 2

27.12.24 - Maps
22.12.24 - Maps
18.12.24 - Maps

Thief 3

25.05.24 - Maps
05.04.22 - Maps
25.11.21 - Maps


01.12.24 - Bonus
30.11.24 - Bonus
11.11.24 - Mods


02.03.08 - Mods
30.12.03 - Editors
30.12.03 - Editors

The DarkMod

30.11.24 - Maps
16.11.24 - Maps
31.10.24 - Maps


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Winds of Misfortune

Title : Winds of Misfortune
Filename :
Author : skacky & Prinxellier
Contact info : PM on TTLG
Date of release : November 27th, 2024
Version : 1.0

Last night, while I was drinking down my usual ale, something interesting came my way: Wexler, a too-rich-for-his-own-good art dealer, got hit by a heist. Word is, a band of thieves swiped a large emerald he's been after for years. Wexler's well-connected in the shadows, with Monsegur, the Stonemarket Warden, who always has his back. I wonder if someone with deep pockets sent these thieves to do his dirty work for him. They were skilled, organised... but not skilled enough. One of them got himself nabbed by Wexler's men. I'm betting he's sitting in some damp little cell right about now, wondering where it all went wrong.

Normally, I'd steer clear of Wexler's business, but my coin pouch is feeling a bit light. Besides, rumour has it those thieves only took the emerald. Meaning Wexler's place is still packed with valuables... a tempting invitation for someone with my particular talents.

His manor looms over Downlock, a beacon of arrogance and ill-gotten wealth. Getting inside won't be the challenge; it's what I'll do once I'm in. First, I'll find this captured thief. Maybe he left a little something for me to follow—like a trail to the amateurs who still have Wexler's prize. After that, it's just a matter of liberating that emerald from their less-than-capable hands.

* Play Information *

Game : Thief Gold
Level Names : Winds of Misfortune
File names : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Normal/Hard/Expert
Equipment store : Yes
Map/Automap : Yes/No
New graphics : Yes
New sounds : Yes
New conversations : Yes
New models : Yes
EAX Support : No
Multi language support : No
Briefing : Yes, in video form
Subtitles : No

* Notes *

- NewDark 1.26 or above is required.
- FMSel, AngelLoader and NewDarkLoader are strongly recommended to play this FM.
- This FM is running using The Black Parade's gamesys and resources.

* Construction *

Base : From scratch
Map Size : Large
Build Time : A little over a month (construction), with two weeks-ish of beta testing

* Known Bugs *

- Performance isn't that great at some points due to the open nature of the map.
- Some AIs may act strangely during their patrols.
- One AI might get stuck in a spiral staircase.
- Some objects may flicker when you touch them, I have no idea what's causing it nor how to fix it.

* Loading Information *

Runs from FMSel, NewDarkLoader and AngelLoader. Leave the file ZIPPED - DO NOT UNZIP this file, but put the whole zip-file
into whatever folder/directory you want to on your hard drive, then in FMSel setup, point to
this folder/directory, and the mission should show up in the FMSel main screen.

* Thanks To *

- Goldwell for the Garrett VO made specifically for this mission, and for the video briefing.
- marbleman and Random_Taffer for their tweaks with the sound files.
- Yandros, nicked and vfig for their help with various things, most notably the optional objective system.
- DirkBogan for his modified civic textures (and for applying 95% of them).
- Dan Thron, Goldwell, masterthief3, MattDistraction, Random_Taffer and Shadow_Creepr for their voices from The Black Parade.
- Objects by Team CoSaS, Sluggs, Nameless Voice, von.eins, Vigil, Firemage, R Soul.
- Textures sourced from Clive Barker's Undying, Undule, Calendra's Cistern/Legacy, Melan, The Dark Mod.
- Sounds sourced from Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Bohren & der Club of Gore, Christopher Frutuoso, Fatal Frame 4, Fornever, Gigagooga, GORT, Hollywood Edge: Eerie Edition, Kingsal, Myst: Uru, Prinxellier, Sephy and The Dark Mod.

* Beta Testers *

- DirkBogan
- FireMage
- marbleman
- nicked
- Schlock
- Random_Taffer
- Yandros
- Zoro

* Copyright Information *

This level is © 2024 by skacky & Prinxellier

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as the archive
and this file are kept intact.

This level was not made and is not supported by
Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 27.11.2024
• Size 119.64 Mb
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