The Assassin at Sir Ganrish House

19 Oct. 2000
Author: Erik Svensson (Esemor)
Contact info:
Homepage: none
Date of release: 19 Oct. 2000
Description: A Thief is captured that knows all about Garretts secret plans so you have
to kill him before he gives them out to Loard Ganrish. The building is similar to lord
baffords. A Lord Bafford type mission
Briefing: no
* Play Information *
Game: Thief: The Dark Project
Mission Title: The Assasin at Sir Ganrish House
File name: miss15.mis
Difficulty Settings: no
Equipment store: no
Map / automap: no
New graphics: no
New sounds: no
Multi language support: no
Briefing : no
Difficulty level info: Easy
* Construction *
Base: none
Build Time: about 100 hours
* Loading information *
You can play this level without using Dromed. Just extract the "miss15.mis"
file directly under your Thief directory.
* if the files desn't extract correctly
Create a folder under your Thief directory
called "strings" (Leave out the ") and another one called "intrface"
(Leave out the " and note that there is no E!) put the "Missflag.str" and "Titles.str"
file under the folder called "strings" and put the "newgame.str" file directly under the "intrface" folder.
Now, Under the "intrface" folder create another folder called "miss15"
(leave out the ") and put the "goals.str" file under this folder.
Now start "Thief: The dark project" and choose
"New Game" and then "The Assasin at lord Ganrish".
When you are done your Thief directory schould look like this:
| |
| |______newgame.str
'are not created by you
Your Thief is now totally screwed up and if you want to return to your default Thief
settings (so that you can play the original levels) just delete the "intrface" and
"strings" folders.
Don't try to look at the map because the game will crash then.
* What the breifing would be like if i had the programs to make one *
Garrett: "In my early days as a thief i met up with a guy called Esemor Kastrop, this thief learned
me alot of tricks and we became partners for a while. Our coporation went on fine until i got
captured during a mission at lady Frescas House (yes, i admit it). I got away by turning him in
and since then i haven't heard of him. Today i heard from a man called Bastian that the House
of Sir. Ganrish had captuerd a thief called Esemor. Iv'e done a few jobs in Sir. Ganrish's other
houses and he has been after me for a long time. They probably know about my relationship with
Mr. Kastrop. And they will definently toture him just to get to me. And even if they don't, Esemor
will turn me in with out thinking twice. So what i have to do is to get in to the prison cells and
find Esemor. He probably won't be so glad to see me, but what the hell, he was never good with the
sword anyway. And as long as i'm in there i might just pick up something for my selfe."
* Copyright *
This level is (c) by Erik Svensson & 9 nov. 2000
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
Author: Erik Svensson (Esemor)
Contact info:
Homepage: none
Date of release: 19 Oct. 2000
Description: A Thief is captured that knows all about Garretts secret plans so you have
to kill him before he gives them out to Loard Ganrish. The building is similar to lord
baffords. A Lord Bafford type mission
Briefing: no
* Play Information *
Game: Thief: The Dark Project
Mission Title: The Assasin at Sir Ganrish House
File name: miss15.mis
Difficulty Settings: no
Equipment store: no
Map / automap: no
New graphics: no
New sounds: no
Multi language support: no
Briefing : no
Difficulty level info: Easy
* Construction *
Base: none
Build Time: about 100 hours
* Loading information *
You can play this level without using Dromed. Just extract the "miss15.mis"
file directly under your Thief directory.
* if the files desn't extract correctly
Create a folder under your Thief directory
called "strings" (Leave out the ") and another one called "intrface"
(Leave out the " and note that there is no E!) put the "Missflag.str" and "Titles.str"
file under the folder called "strings" and put the "newgame.str" file directly under the "intrface" folder.
Now, Under the "intrface" folder create another folder called "miss15"
(leave out the ") and put the "goals.str" file under this folder.
Now start "Thief: The dark project" and choose
"New Game" and then "The Assasin at lord Ganrish".
When you are done your Thief directory schould look like this:
| |
| |______newgame.str
'are not created by you
Your Thief is now totally screwed up and if you want to return to your default Thief
settings (so that you can play the original levels) just delete the "intrface" and
"strings" folders.
Don't try to look at the map because the game will crash then.
* What the breifing would be like if i had the programs to make one *
Garrett: "In my early days as a thief i met up with a guy called Esemor Kastrop, this thief learned
me alot of tricks and we became partners for a while. Our coporation went on fine until i got
captured during a mission at lady Frescas House (yes, i admit it). I got away by turning him in
and since then i haven't heard of him. Today i heard from a man called Bastian that the House
of Sir. Ganrish had captuerd a thief called Esemor. Iv'e done a few jobs in Sir. Ganrish's other
houses and he has been after me for a long time. They probably know about my relationship with
Mr. Kastrop. And they will definently toture him just to get to me. And even if they don't, Esemor
will turn me in with out thinking twice. So what i have to do is to get in to the prison cells and
find Esemor. He probably won't be so glad to see me, but what the hell, he was never good with the
sword anyway. And as long as i'm in there i might just pick up something for my selfe."
* Copyright *
This level is (c) by Erik Svensson & 9 nov. 2000
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
• Uploaded 24.11.2000
• Size 1.77 Mb