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Cult of the Resurrection :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Cult of the Resurrection


Version: 2.2
Author: Sledge
Contact info: theawakened@hotmail.com
Homepage: none
Original date of release: May 3, 2000
Release of latest revision: July 31, 2000


The biggest news in town is that one of the local Hammerite temples to the north was just
raided. Several key artifacts were taken from the temple grounds, and the Hammers themselves were
left butchered and torn apart. The word on the street is that the job was pulled off by
a group of unknown, independent thieves, but the Keepers have found a way to get you a more
accurate description of what happened.
Apparently, the job was pulled by a cult calling themselves The Resurrection. Comprised
mostly of ex-bandits and thieves, the group has been on a mad quest to collect a number of
arcane relics for use in some bizarre rituals. The group is headed by a woman, shrouded in
mystery, who the Keepers have found to be obsessed with the return of the Trickster. Convinced
that his return to the realm of the living is imminent, she has been recruiting various
rogues into her dark organization to carry out her bizarre schemes. The recent raid on the
Hammerite temple is testimony to power and fanaticism of both the leader and the cult itself.
The target of this most recent attack was none other than the fabled Spirit Stone - a blood
red gem supposedly imbued with the powers to grant life. Not surprisingly, the Keepers would
like you to find out where the cult is hiding it and steal it back. However, the cult is
quite cunning, and although the Keepers were able to follow several of the members back to
an old, walled-off section of the city, they have no idea where their hideout is. They
want you to find their fortress and descend into the depths, stealing back what was taken
by whatever means necessary.
Ordinarily, you don't take this kind of job due to the risk factor, but you don't anyone out
there giving thieves a bad name. And, if the cult has been collecting artifacts, they're bound
to have a horde of loot down there just ripe for the taking...


Briefing: none (yet)


* Play Information *

Game: Thief Gold / Thief Dark Project
Mission Title: Cult of the Resurrection
File name: Miss15.mis
Difficulty Settings: Burglar, Assassin, Master Thief
Equipment store: yes
Map / automap: yes, no
New graphics: yes
New sounds: yes
Multi language support: no
Version 2.2 Notes:
-corrected bug for play with Thief: Dark Project
-corrected sword bug
-added minimal new architecture to add variety
-fixed invisible walls
-minor texture corrections
-now there is no getting stuck behind certain objects
-there is one more earth crystal to get


* Construction *

Base: from scratch
Build Time: about 4 months


* Copyright *
This level is (c) to David Riegel, April 2000. Distribution of this level is allowed (in fact,
encouraged) as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level
in any map pack without my written permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission
without my expressed permission.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.



First and foremost, I'd like to thank everyone at the TTLG forums who helped answer all of my menial
questions and made this level possible. All feedback from forum members (or anyone else) is
welcome. Also, special thanks to all my beta-testers, formal and informal, who e-mailed me with
input. Thanks to Dan for the quick responses and the advice.

Things you might want to try if you have time:
1. Try playing on different "difficulty" settings; they make the level experience pretty
different, as I tried to make them correspond to different styles of play.
2. Try hitting the lantern guard with an arrow.
3. I put in allusions to my 3 favorite FM. Can you find them?
4. Try letting Robert get the drop on you.
5. Try disposing of the mummified corpse in a place or in a manner besides the obvious one.
6. Try picking up some body parts :)

• Uploaded 31.08.2000
• Size 5.59 Mb
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