Dock Land

Title : Dock Land
Filename :
Author : Steven Hindley
Contact info :
Date of release : 11 Febuary 2000
Update : 16 Febuary 2000
Description : Later on the same night as the setting for
"Garrett's Revenge" earlier in the night
you robbed the vault of the Hammerite bank.
After which you returned to your room at the
inn, you can hear the Hammerites searching
for who is responsible for the robbery, it
only takes one Hammer to check the registry
in the local inn to see if there is anyone
new in this part of town. In the bar below
your room you were met by another keeper,
who had some items you might find useful,
for a price. You go to your room together
to sort out a deal, you hear from him that
the gate to the docks is open, the Hammer's
opened it to escort some drunk guards
The game starts where you are dealing with
the keeper.
Note you start with no weapons, and no starting kit, but your lockpicks,
you wore out your blackjack earlier, it fell to bits just after you got
to your room at the inn, the keeper says you've got to use stealth to
get through the dockyards, and so your sword would just get in the way,
so he will take it and hide it in the Custom House, north of the river,
for a price, which is why you don't have much cash left to buy any stuff.
Also the keeper doesn't have any blackjack's left having sold one to a
guard at the guard house, south of the river.
Items you need to
buy from shop : 2 rope arrows
2 earth arrows (moss)
1 water arrow
* Play Information *
Game : Thief: The Dark Project
Level Name : Dock Land
File name : miss16.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes Normal/Hard/Expert
Equipment store : Yes
Map / automap : Yes / No
New graphics : Yes (but only for a book)
New sounds : No
EAX Support : Yes (but can't test this, my crap sound chip don't support it)
Multi language support : No, English only
Briefing : No
Known bugs : This is an objective changed driven level, so your objectives
will change depending on what you read. If you don't read
it then... won't finish it!
Update : Added ambient of 0.25 to level, you can now see where to go.
Fixed portculises, so you can't frob them when you aren't
supposed to frob them.
Fixed portculis, the one you could walk through, you can't now.
Fixed tap in custom house, it pours water now when you turn the
Fixed smoke from transformer in control room, it now smokes
after you've damaged it, and not before.
Added a book and Hammerite guard, that should have been there
but were not.
Other info : Ha, Ha, little cogs.
Base : Garrett's Revenge
Build Time : Too Long (5 months, note this is version 11, versions 1 to 9
were distroyed by dromed in spectacular ways)
unzipping information : Check the zip to see if any files are going to be overwritten,
and make copies of the originals, somewhere safe, if they are
going to be over written.
will work in thiefloader
Loading information : Copy into "mission" folder and then run the
level with Thiefloader.
* Copyright *
Blah blah, you have the right to play the level, but not to use it as a base for other
levels, blah, blah, nor may it be stuffed in a compilation on a CDRom or DVD, blah, blah,
you may stick it on your web site as long as all original documentation remains intact.
You can not make any cash out of this level, cos I will be sorely pissed if you do, and
Garrett will visit you on the darkest night, and pinch everything not nailed down, blah,
blah. This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Interactive, so they won't have a clue what you're talking about if you ask them for
any information.
Title : Dock Land
Filename :
Author : Steven Hindley
Contact info :
Date of release : 11 Febuary 2000
Update : 16 Febuary 2000
Description : Later on the same night as the setting for
"Garrett's Revenge" earlier in the night
you robbed the vault of the Hammerite bank.
After which you returned to your room at the
inn, you can hear the Hammerites searching
for who is responsible for the robbery, it
only takes one Hammer to check the registry
in the local inn to see if there is anyone
new in this part of town. In the bar below
your room you were met by another keeper,
who had some items you might find useful,
for a price. You go to your room together
to sort out a deal, you hear from him that
the gate to the docks is open, the Hammer's
opened it to escort some drunk guards
The game starts where you are dealing with
the keeper.
Note you start with no weapons, and no starting kit, but your lockpicks,
you wore out your blackjack earlier, it fell to bits just after you got
to your room at the inn, the keeper says you've got to use stealth to
get through the dockyards, and so your sword would just get in the way,
so he will take it and hide it in the Custom House, north of the river,
for a price, which is why you don't have much cash left to buy any stuff.
Also the keeper doesn't have any blackjack's left having sold one to a
guard at the guard house, south of the river.
Items you need to
buy from shop : 2 rope arrows
2 earth arrows (moss)
1 water arrow
* Play Information *
Game : Thief: The Dark Project
Level Name : Dock Land
File name : miss16.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes Normal/Hard/Expert
Equipment store : Yes
Map / automap : Yes / No
New graphics : Yes (but only for a book)
New sounds : No
EAX Support : Yes (but can't test this, my crap sound chip don't support it)
Multi language support : No, English only
Briefing : No
Known bugs : This is an objective changed driven level, so your objectives
will change depending on what you read. If you don't read
it then... won't finish it!
Update : Added ambient of 0.25 to level, you can now see where to go.
Fixed portculises, so you can't frob them when you aren't
supposed to frob them.
Fixed portculis, the one you could walk through, you can't now.
Fixed tap in custom house, it pours water now when you turn the
Fixed smoke from transformer in control room, it now smokes
after you've damaged it, and not before.
Added a book and Hammerite guard, that should have been there
but were not.
Other info : Ha, Ha, little cogs.
Base : Garrett's Revenge
Build Time : Too Long (5 months, note this is version 11, versions 1 to 9
were distroyed by dromed in spectacular ways)
unzipping information : Check the zip to see if any files are going to be overwritten,
and make copies of the originals, somewhere safe, if they are
going to be over written.
will work in thiefloader
Loading information : Copy into "mission" folder and then run the
level with Thiefloader.
* Copyright *
Blah blah, you have the right to play the level, but not to use it as a base for other
levels, blah, blah, nor may it be stuffed in a compilation on a CDRom or DVD, blah, blah,
you may stick it on your web site as long as all original documentation remains intact.
You can not make any cash out of this level, cos I will be sorely pissed if you do, and
Garrett will visit you on the darkest night, and pinch everything not nailed down, blah,
blah. This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Interactive, so they won't have a clue what you're talking about if you ask them for
any information.
• Uploaded 11.02.2000
• Size 3.89 Mb