
Title : Dread
Filename : dread.zip
Author : amievil? (mike ryder)
Contact info : dilligaf_77@yahoo.com
Date of release : 12 June 2001/this verison is a revised and final version 10/28/01
Description : I was on my way tonight to rob another rich lord. Just a little job,
pay would have been good. I had to take to the sewers, since the streets
were red hot. An important official in the city has been murdered, and
the Sheriff's men are out looking for the Murderer. So I was taking a
unfamiliar route through the sewer, and in the darkness I stumbled. I
fell through a hole in the sewer floor. I was hurt, but upon taking a
healing potion, felt better. The problem I have now is I can't get back
up! I have rope arrows, but they do me no good here. Im left to wander
around down here and try to find a way out. Rumor has it that there was
a team of city workers down here long ago, and they vanished. No one heard
from them again. Guess since i'm down here already, it wouldnt hurt to
find out what happened. My map really doesnt show my way around down here
since the place isn't mapped. I do know that if I travel East and through
the East Hills, I may come out somewhere near Bloodstone Prison. And then
i'll know my way back to the city. And I guess it wouldn't hurt to pick up
some valuables while i'm down here...
* Play Information *
Game : Thief Gold
Level Name : Dread
File name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes Normal/Hard/Expert
Equipment store : No (goes with plot)
Map / automap : Yes / No
New graphics : No
New sounds : Yes
EAX Support : No
Multi language support : No, English only
Briefing : Yes (text in this file)
Known bugs : sound problem on a couple doors
Other info :This is an undead type of mission. I tried to make it best for sneaking
so that people who dislike undead missions may be able to tolerate this one.
Also if you find any bugs please email me.
*important* This fm uses a special version of Dark.cfg which is included. I
played an fm that uses it while building mine and mine changed itself to
this dark file. So when you play this, be careful to not save your mission while
playing mine if you dont want this dark file. It seems to save itself, I didn't
tell it to :(
As far as I know, everything works fine. If something doesnt work for you, let me
Base : None
Build Time : About 140 hours
Loading information : Place this zip in your Thief directory in your missions folder, and
run Darkloader.
By now you should know how to run fms :D
* Copyright *
2001 by Amievil? (Mike Ryder)(Some music copyright 2000, 2001 Megadeth, all rights reserved nstuff)
Distribute this level as you wish but not with a Mission pack without asking. This level was
not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
Have fun and email me with comments if you wish!
***Thank list***
First off, I would like to thank the editors guild forum, and all of the people who have
written tutorials that i have followed on various subjects. Thanks to everyone that has
helped a poor taffer along :)
Thanks to the eidos board as well, without you guys i wouldn't even know of fms!
Thanks to my family, for putting up with me.
Special thanks to catman, for sending me thief gold and t2. Without you this wouldnt have been
possible :)
Special thanks to my testers, for letting me know that everything worked!
xtra special thanks to Looking Glass for releasing the editor!!
And thank you for playing Dread! This is my first fm, I will begin work on the next very soon.
Expect something totally different from dread!
10/28/01 revised verison...couple new puzzles, implemented to help you follow the story easier. also major fix to
the lighting!!
Title : Dread
Filename : dread.zip
Author : amievil? (mike ryder)
Contact info : dilligaf_77@yahoo.com
Date of release : 12 June 2001/this verison is a revised and final version 10/28/01
Description : I was on my way tonight to rob another rich lord. Just a little job,
pay would have been good. I had to take to the sewers, since the streets
were red hot. An important official in the city has been murdered, and
the Sheriff's men are out looking for the Murderer. So I was taking a
unfamiliar route through the sewer, and in the darkness I stumbled. I
fell through a hole in the sewer floor. I was hurt, but upon taking a
healing potion, felt better. The problem I have now is I can't get back
up! I have rope arrows, but they do me no good here. Im left to wander
around down here and try to find a way out. Rumor has it that there was
a team of city workers down here long ago, and they vanished. No one heard
from them again. Guess since i'm down here already, it wouldnt hurt to
find out what happened. My map really doesnt show my way around down here
since the place isn't mapped. I do know that if I travel East and through
the East Hills, I may come out somewhere near Bloodstone Prison. And then
i'll know my way back to the city. And I guess it wouldn't hurt to pick up
some valuables while i'm down here...
* Play Information *
Game : Thief Gold
Level Name : Dread
File name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes Normal/Hard/Expert
Equipment store : No (goes with plot)
Map / automap : Yes / No
New graphics : No
New sounds : Yes
EAX Support : No
Multi language support : No, English only
Briefing : Yes (text in this file)
Known bugs : sound problem on a couple doors
Other info :This is an undead type of mission. I tried to make it best for sneaking
so that people who dislike undead missions may be able to tolerate this one.
Also if you find any bugs please email me.
*important* This fm uses a special version of Dark.cfg which is included. I
played an fm that uses it while building mine and mine changed itself to
this dark file. So when you play this, be careful to not save your mission while
playing mine if you dont want this dark file. It seems to save itself, I didn't
tell it to :(
As far as I know, everything works fine. If something doesnt work for you, let me
Base : None
Build Time : About 140 hours
Loading information : Place this zip in your Thief directory in your missions folder, and
run Darkloader.
By now you should know how to run fms :D
* Copyright *
2001 by Amievil? (Mike Ryder)(Some music copyright 2000, 2001 Megadeth, all rights reserved nstuff)
Distribute this level as you wish but not with a Mission pack without asking. This level was
not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
Have fun and email me with comments if you wish!
***Thank list***
First off, I would like to thank the editors guild forum, and all of the people who have
written tutorials that i have followed on various subjects. Thanks to everyone that has
helped a poor taffer along :)
Thanks to the eidos board as well, without you guys i wouldn't even know of fms!
Thanks to my family, for putting up with me.
Special thanks to catman, for sending me thief gold and t2. Without you this wouldnt have been
possible :)
Special thanks to my testers, for letting me know that everything worked!
xtra special thanks to Looking Glass for releasing the editor!!
And thank you for playing Dread! This is my first fm, I will begin work on the next very soon.
Expect something totally different from dread!
10/28/01 revised verison...couple new puzzles, implemented to help you follow the story easier. also major fix to
the lighting!!
• Uploaded 11.06.2001
• Size 3.68 Mb