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The Enterprise

THE ENTERPRISE - A Thief 1 fan mission by frobber
Version 1.2 -- Released November 10, 2000

Use DARKLOADER 2.1 or above.


The Trickster has been dead 30 days tonight, the world is still saved from his evil, and yet strangely I have grown darker these past weeks. But Why? Comfort from old wine cellars has been easy enough to find, and loot at the expense of my rich neighbors still pays the bills. Is this not the easy life I always wanted with no world in need of rescue?

Lisha says this darkness descended on me when my old Hammer eye gave out. But what good is the new mechanical eye the Hammers have waiting for me? Even when I had two perfectly normal human eyes I wasn't any richer than I am tonight!

Yet, as I write this, I am beginning to feel a shift in the air ...and not simply the early Autumn wind I hear blowing like it can't wait to get home to Old Man Winter. Perhaps it's just another crazy dream, but something keeps saying that my fortunes are about to change ...that the BIG one is just around the corner ...where I'll finally know the true comfort and peace of mind that comes with becoming a genuinely wealthy man!


Many thanks to Kevin Carr, Apache, and kfgecko for patience in playtesting (I'll never forget how Kevin got stuck behind a door 30 seconds into one version after I had -thought- it was clean -- reinforcing my commitment to beta tests!). Also thanks to the Cult of the Resurrection Team for one skin and the idea for how to steal a chandelier from Thief Gold. To Dan and Saam (and whoever else is behind the scenes) many thanks for creating and supporting the Circle of Stone website and TTLG forums -- this would have been a hopeless exercise without you guys maintaining the infrastructure of our community! Lastly, to the countless TTLG forum members who answered my many questions along the way -- I would have given up a long time ago if not for your constant encouragement and clear answers.

Playing Notes:
There is no equipment for sale in the store since Garrett will be in a hurry tonight and the Old Village Armory and Supply shop is closed for the evening anyway.

Also, there is only one main objective (except for loot and "don't kill" on harder difficulties). As the story unfolds it should be clear what to do (I hope). So just because I didn't create in-your-face official objectives along the way, that does not mean there are none implied. Hopefully, my little experiment of a no-shopping-list approach enhances your experience more than it confuses you.

* Play Information *

Game: Thief: The Dark Project
Mission Title: The Enterprise
Filename: enterprise.zip / miss23.mis
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Equipment store: Nothing for sale
Map / automap: Map
New graphics: Yes
New sounds: Yes
New Objects: No (the fancy chandelier was stolen from Thief Gold)
Other stolen stuff: Garrett's local neighborhood from the 'Lost City'
Multi language support: No (only English at this point)
Briefing : No

* Other Information*

Build time: 560 hours
Weight gained: 15 pounds
Hair lost: Most
Attitude shift: Bad to worse
What's next?: Sleeping for six weeks!

* Copyright *

This fan mission is copyrighted (c) 2000 by frobber

Distribution of this mission is allowed as long as it is free and the zip file is kept intact and unmodified. You may include this project in a mission-pack without my permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.

Any resemblance in the real world to places, events, or people found in this fan mission are entirely unintended and purely coincidental.

Address support questions to the Editor's Guild section of the TTLG forums: http://www.ttlg.com/forums or to the Eidos Thief Forum http://www.eidos.com

This level was not made by nor supported by Looking Glass Studios (RIP), Eidos Interactive or Ion Storm of Austin, TX.

• Uploaded 10.11.2000
• Size 5.86 Mb
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