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Events in Highrock

I know, most of you won't read those "boring, empty and useless" plot descriptions. I'm
one of your kind. But if you want to understand something, please, spend several minutes
to read following description. This also will help to complete second objective.
Also do not read files in "Doc" folder unless you want to get some hints & spoilers.
Thanks for your time.

Expect polycount around 300-500, sometimes 500-800.
I tried to make more sutable environment, but failed, sorry....

May 16th, 2000

Title : Events in Highrock
Filename : Highrock.zip
Author : Pershin Sergey V. "mad god"
Contact info : pershin@softlab.ru
Date of release : May 22th, 2000
Version : 1.0
Description : "All the mess has began when I escaped from the City to the HighRock
town. City's major has organized a big round-up, all my hideout were revealed and I barely
escaped his guards. All my stuff remained there, but this is not important for now, because
I'm just mad of what was happened recently...

I met another thief in Highrock one night. He was almost catched by local guard when I black-
jacked the second and such saved thief's freedom. His name was Switcher. He was very grateful
and offered his services. Soon I got the rich information about locals nobles and goldbags.
Switcher became my friend. I liked that fellow. He was honest and straight-forward guy. Of
course all this made bad thief from him.

So I even rent some room in the southwest part of the town called River's End because there
the river that flows across the town leaves it under the Town Wall. The river called Tetis.
The life there was very slowly and calm. It was some sort of vacation from the dangerous and
nervous work in the City.

But soon all was ended unexpectedly. Switcher came to me with the strange request. He lost
the contact with his son Mike, who was a memeber of the Mage's Guild. And he was afraid that
there something happened, since before that Mike regulary visited him. He said that will pay
for this and has provided me with some information. Of course I could not refuse to him - he
loved his son very much and became a thief to support son's education. He told me about some mage's items which should be there and gave approximate location of some tomb where I can
get some valuable things. He told that he knows a person who will pay generously for those
stuff. I agreed.

So the Mages Guild was deserted, but not exactly. It was haunted and from several notes that
I have found I figured out that they were turned to undeads by some magical stone-artifact.
I even saw it - it was very attractive, it seems whispered "take me, I will show you a great
power" or something like that. Somehow I have not touched it and still ok. I think it is due
to Alexander's notes that I found in one of the watery caves. Alexander was one of the mages
in there and he has understood the danger but have not managed to warn the others.

After visiting deserted Mages Guild two weeks ago some events forced me to remember those
days. When I returned from the wilderness I sold almost all of the goods that I have found
there to local trader named Cunny. He gave me half of the price I expected to receive for
this crap. When I demanded more he laughed to my face and said that I can take it back and
try to sold in other places. He perfectly knows that in this little town only he has enough
money and power to buy a decent amount of illegal goods. Of couse I was not going to back to
City and try to sold goods there - it needs more time to cease the round-ups there. Then I
took the money, but decided to give him a lesson in the future.

The doings were even worse with the other more relic items I discovered in there. Switcher
organized a meeting with the person interested in items belonged to mages. He especially mentioned the Ring and the Sceptre. I must tell that he scared me to death: tall, dark-
-cloacked figure seems appeared out from nowhere. He spreaded some cold and grim around.
But he very generous paid for the Sceptre, Ring and the Crown and vanished. Already saw
teleportation of mages I didn't felt any strange in that. I should thought about where did
he learned such things, but I was so happy to feel the weight of gold and almost forgot
about him, especially when bad feelings disappeared along with him. All was fine, several
days I spent resting in my small home and local pubs. I even began to think about the
returning to the City when suddenly noticed that all the gold has vanished and a pile of
garbage appeared there.

I couldn't understand who managed to perform that. Thinking for a while I decided that it is
somehow connected with that dark fellow I sold items to. But I had no information where he
could live and who is he. So I decided to visit Switcher and find out where he found such
a 'friend'. The only problem is I have no idea where Switcher exactly live - he changes his
quartes very often, because he is wanted by town guards due to his low thief skills. I heard
the last residence he was lurked in is placed somewhere East of Clock Tower. Anyway I must
find him.

Also since I left only with Lucky Coins which I'm not going to spend I might need some funds
to live further. Seems it is time has come to remember about my friend Cunny. That trader
needs to be teached not to mess with me. I'm going to steal all goods I sold to him and
all gold from his day's profit. But I got to be careful, Cunny suspects thief in me and very
cautious while I'm nearby. He just opened his second shop, it is not yet completed, but
Cunny won't lose the time. I should somehow distract his attention, maybe hide in the
shadows till he'll forget about me or wait for some late customer to take his attention?
I got to think hard to cheat this fat bastard, the direct stealing approach is unappropriate here, only if something could happen during my hiding in the shop..., don't know. Also I
should not get to his line of sight after taking his stuff, because he may call the guards
and I'll be cautch.

That dark fellow will also regret about cheating me. I'm very angry to lose such amount of
gold especially when it was posessed from such dangerous place as Mages Area. For now I
need some sleep - I have a lot of work to do tomorrow.
You almost fell into the depths of dreaming when suddenly you hear a strange sound behind
the door. What is it? it sounds so similar.... you heard that before, but where and what is

Mission Type : "People-Undead-Beast" type. Contains City part with people & Mountain
Castle part with undeads. Caves with spides & burricks. None of the
areas were made thoroughly because of great amount of work, shortage
of time and my lazyness.

Thief TDP, Thief Gold compatible.

Briefing : Objective screen only

Special thanks to:

-Paul B. aka "LoanStar" for custom sounds and all npc speech creation. His
speech is great to my opinion.

-My english friend Ivan Teague aka "Garrett Jnr" for opinions on plot and willing of
betatesting and sending me a lot of textures of which I used only several in order
to reduce overall mission size and 'cause it is very difficult for me to choose
appropriate texture from loads of them :).

-Randy Sybel aka "Shadowspawn" for making a custom door for me in one of the 3d editors. I
tried to made it myself, but messed up with UV mapping and stopped trying due to shortage
of time.

-Looking Glass Studios for releasing the editor and such wonderfull game. It was a shock
to me when I knew they are closed. The world has lost a lot. Let us to continue their
doings, though we'll lack their presence...


* Play Information *

Game : Thief: The Dark Project
Level Name : Events in Highrock
File name : MISS23.MIS
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment store : No
Map / automap : Yes / Yes
New graphics : Yes
New sounds : Yes
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : No

Briefing : No
Length : n/a
Size : n/a

I must beg non-english players' pardon for not including multi-language support. This is due
to large size of a mission. Any additional language will add approx 2 megs to archive size
(due to waves which are already in good compressed format).

Difficulty level info : Normal
Find Switcher and ask him about the dark fellow.
Get your stuff back from Cunny's Shop.
Get 1000 in loot (500 of gold, 300 of gems, 200 of goods).
Do not kill unarmed citizens.

: Hard
Find Switcher and ask him about the dark fellow.
Get your stuff back from Cunny's Shop.
Get 2000 in loot (1000 of gold, 600 of gems, 400 of goods).
Do not kill unarmed citizens. Kill no more then 7 armed guards.

: Expert
Find Switcher and ask him about the dark fellow.
Get your stuff back from Cunny's Shop.
Get 3000 in loot (1500 of gold, 900 of gems, 600 of goods).
Do not kill humans.

Other info : Well, you are on your own in this mission. I will not write
any walkthrough on it. Also it is my last Thief mission and I
will not make any for Thief2 in the future. It's over.
Though you can ask question or send any comments me by e-mail.

* Construction *

Base : dark.gam
Build Time : I just don't remember... I feel like I'm making it all my life.
Just to be serious - 2-3 months.


* Loading information with Thief Loader*

Put the highrock.zip in the thief/missions folder.
Run Thief Loader, and select it from the list.

* Loading information without Thief Loader*

To load this Thief map:
Unzip files in the archive to ..\thief
Start Thief normally.
Start new game, and select "Events in Highrock".

*** WARNING ***
The archive includes various files that will overwrite the original ones if unzipped
without prompting.
Also you need 23-28 megs of free HD space to unzip mission there (not including archive
file size (7-8 megs) and space required Thief to run (approx 40 megs) and space for
save files (a lot :)). I increased sizes a little just to be sure.

* Copyright *

This level is (c) by Pershin Sergey V. 2000.

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free.
You also may freely take it apart.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

Keep on thieving...

- End of Highrock.txt -

• Uploaded 31.05.2000
• Size 8.45 Mb
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