The Final Crusade I

2nd June 2000
Author: Brother McEla (M?kel?)
Contact info:
Homepage: None.whatsoever
Date of release: x June 2000
"In times of despair and misfortune,
didst we hold our ground.
Endured only the few did and remained vigilant
over the slain brethren.
Again the time to see
the blood of the righteous, as it
did here today, will come.
Then 'tis for the young and bravehearted to
judge decisions of time past and
tell the tale of a few brave sentinels.
Now hast my time come to endure death
one final instance."
-Last passage of the last Sentinel
Two nights ago when I ordered my fifth pint of ale
over at the local pub, the door slammed open and
this clearly drunken fellow came in and sat next to me.
I was about to seat myself at another table when he turned and
presented himself; "Walken", he said, "Terrence Walken", he added.
I didn't want to seem rude so I chatted with him for a while.
He told me he owned his own plumbing company and about the problems
of installing sewerpipes big enough to hold a man into solid rock.
I told him I was in the carpenting business and asked where he had
worked recently. It turns out he'd been doing some renovating over
at Lord Baffords TwelveThorne estate. Bafford uses it to house important
associates and other such people. He has more or less sold his old
manor and is moving out of it. I wonder why..
There's been all sorts of rumors going about how he shut down DeWall's
operations, more likely he just switched ownership of the various
gambling dens and such. And now he's supposedly chewing on Websters
organization as it was badly crippled during the raid. Looks like
he wants to play too and there's no room in the sandbox so he's just
making some. A saint in the eyes of law and a sinner to the unlawful.
Something tells me this won't last long.
Aside from the usual Walken mentioned something else, Baffords minions
have apparently gotten their pawns on The IronClad Hammer somewhere
in Olde Quarter.
I could not remember why it sounded so important but
the day after I contacted Wells, my only source when it comes to
ancient history, he doesn't have accurate records since the Hammers don't
let him study their writing as he's not part of the fold. However he told me
a story about the Sentinels, a special division in the brotherhood that has been abolished
a long time ago. The group consisted of great architects, scientists and such.
Apparently every last member died during the Olde Quarter siege.
They were the ones who sealed the Cathedral and perished doing so.
When a few brave hammers came to collect their bodies they found along side
the Sentinel leader Leon an ornamental hammer with the blood from every member of the
group on it. It was declaired a testimony of courage and righteousness at the
spot, but it was lost during the confusion and mayhem.
Wells did point out that it was worth a fortune and he knew a few people
who were willing to pay for it too.
I pulled a few strings and found out where it was currently located.
I know that it is on display somewhere in the TwelveThorne manor but
that it is all too heavily guarded in a room with only one entrance.
I also know that Bafford, greedy as ever, is going to sell it too the
highest bidder but who it is remains a mystery. I'll better find out
who it is, that person might be a bit more lax when it comes to keeping
the relic safe and therefore be easier to make a hit on.
I do know the chief of the houseguard in TwelveThorne, Marcus, he has
not been all that friendly with amongst others Cutty, he was the one
who snitched on him to the Hammers, I think it might be time to
have some of that sweet revenge.
Still remembering the last entanglement with religious fanatics and
mad gods, I think I'm up to the challenge, bring it on...
* Play Information *
Game: Thief: The Dark Project
Mission Title: The Final Crusade I gold
File name: miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings: yes
Equipment store: yes
Map / automap: yes
New graphics: yes
New sounds: yes
Multi language support: no
Briefing : optional Total length about 40 sec. size: about 4.9 megs
Difficulty level info: Normal/Hard/Expert
* Construction *
Base: The Final Crusade 1
Build Time: 3 weeks(?) (+10 from TFC1)
* Loading information *
ThiefLoader ready - place entire archive in Thief/missions/ - do not unzip.
-Known problems; Well the lightrendering crap I experienced before is caused
by my choise of light source in the beginning of the mission, the game doesn't
handle it perfectly. I reduced it though, so it should look better than in the
first draft of TFC1. Also there's EAX support but I don't know how it sounds,
hence I haven't got any support for it myself, so if it sounds like crap feel free
to turn it off. Finally, perhaps some spelling errors (God knows they're common.),
maybe a texture that is misplaced or misaligned or wrong-sized.
*Changes from TFC1 to TFC1gold*
(It might take down on the overall atmosphere of the mission.)
-The entire manor has undergone a serious makeover, andd I've added more areas
to visit. Plus a few secrets. Also I've added and removed some guards and
re-routed their patrols for difficulty. I've removed some loot and spread it around.
Totally new sounds and ambients. (Some of which I've ripped from Thief2) New light
sources. The streets haven't changed much but there's a larger sewer system now,
nothing fancy but a good safe spot if you get into trouble. Automap is re-configured
for the changes. Some of the plot elements are changed to fit in between of Thief1 and
Thief2. Texts are changed and added. (eg. Baron Dupondt/Lord Dupondt
[can't have two barons now can we?]) The rest is in the eye
of the beholder. (Actually i can't remember half of what I've done and fixed..)
* Copyright *
This level is (c) by me (Brother McEla) (2 june 2000)
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.
(God bless them.)
The author of this file cannot be held responsible of whatever
physical, psychological, temporary or long-term damages it might
cause to the end-user.
Brother McEla is currently under the supervision of the Event Grouping
and being so means that he can practise certain privileges as constituted
in Event prescriptions and rules of engagement ?26. For more information
on the Event group go to "". Furthermore Brother
McEla cannot be held accountable for any verbal or scripted insult and/or
comprimising opinion stated anywhere. The Event group has the capability to track
down and kill the person(s) or organisations sending spam and other inacceptible
e-mail to Brother McEla's e-mail adress "". The Event group
does not answer to any country or union dependent law and therefore is neither
responsible for any deaths or injuries it might consider and cause upon human
beings or animals.
Author: Brother McEla (M?kel?)
Contact info:
Homepage: None.whatsoever
Date of release: x June 2000
"In times of despair and misfortune,
didst we hold our ground.
Endured only the few did and remained vigilant
over the slain brethren.
Again the time to see
the blood of the righteous, as it
did here today, will come.
Then 'tis for the young and bravehearted to
judge decisions of time past and
tell the tale of a few brave sentinels.
Now hast my time come to endure death
one final instance."
-Last passage of the last Sentinel
Two nights ago when I ordered my fifth pint of ale
over at the local pub, the door slammed open and
this clearly drunken fellow came in and sat next to me.
I was about to seat myself at another table when he turned and
presented himself; "Walken", he said, "Terrence Walken", he added.
I didn't want to seem rude so I chatted with him for a while.
He told me he owned his own plumbing company and about the problems
of installing sewerpipes big enough to hold a man into solid rock.
I told him I was in the carpenting business and asked where he had
worked recently. It turns out he'd been doing some renovating over
at Lord Baffords TwelveThorne estate. Bafford uses it to house important
associates and other such people. He has more or less sold his old
manor and is moving out of it. I wonder why..
There's been all sorts of rumors going about how he shut down DeWall's
operations, more likely he just switched ownership of the various
gambling dens and such. And now he's supposedly chewing on Websters
organization as it was badly crippled during the raid. Looks like
he wants to play too and there's no room in the sandbox so he's just
making some. A saint in the eyes of law and a sinner to the unlawful.
Something tells me this won't last long.
Aside from the usual Walken mentioned something else, Baffords minions
have apparently gotten their pawns on The IronClad Hammer somewhere
in Olde Quarter.
I could not remember why it sounded so important but
the day after I contacted Wells, my only source when it comes to
ancient history, he doesn't have accurate records since the Hammers don't
let him study their writing as he's not part of the fold. However he told me
a story about the Sentinels, a special division in the brotherhood that has been abolished
a long time ago. The group consisted of great architects, scientists and such.
Apparently every last member died during the Olde Quarter siege.
They were the ones who sealed the Cathedral and perished doing so.
When a few brave hammers came to collect their bodies they found along side
the Sentinel leader Leon an ornamental hammer with the blood from every member of the
group on it. It was declaired a testimony of courage and righteousness at the
spot, but it was lost during the confusion and mayhem.
Wells did point out that it was worth a fortune and he knew a few people
who were willing to pay for it too.
I pulled a few strings and found out where it was currently located.
I know that it is on display somewhere in the TwelveThorne manor but
that it is all too heavily guarded in a room with only one entrance.
I also know that Bafford, greedy as ever, is going to sell it too the
highest bidder but who it is remains a mystery. I'll better find out
who it is, that person might be a bit more lax when it comes to keeping
the relic safe and therefore be easier to make a hit on.
I do know the chief of the houseguard in TwelveThorne, Marcus, he has
not been all that friendly with amongst others Cutty, he was the one
who snitched on him to the Hammers, I think it might be time to
have some of that sweet revenge.
Still remembering the last entanglement with religious fanatics and
mad gods, I think I'm up to the challenge, bring it on...
* Play Information *
Game: Thief: The Dark Project
Mission Title: The Final Crusade I gold
File name: miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings: yes
Equipment store: yes
Map / automap: yes
New graphics: yes
New sounds: yes
Multi language support: no
Briefing : optional Total length about 40 sec. size: about 4.9 megs
Difficulty level info: Normal/Hard/Expert
* Construction *
Base: The Final Crusade 1
Build Time: 3 weeks(?) (+10 from TFC1)
* Loading information *
ThiefLoader ready - place entire archive in Thief/missions/ - do not unzip.
-Known problems; Well the lightrendering crap I experienced before is caused
by my choise of light source in the beginning of the mission, the game doesn't
handle it perfectly. I reduced it though, so it should look better than in the
first draft of TFC1. Also there's EAX support but I don't know how it sounds,
hence I haven't got any support for it myself, so if it sounds like crap feel free
to turn it off. Finally, perhaps some spelling errors (God knows they're common.),
maybe a texture that is misplaced or misaligned or wrong-sized.
*Changes from TFC1 to TFC1gold*
(It might take down on the overall atmosphere of the mission.)
-The entire manor has undergone a serious makeover, andd I've added more areas
to visit. Plus a few secrets. Also I've added and removed some guards and
re-routed their patrols for difficulty. I've removed some loot and spread it around.
Totally new sounds and ambients. (Some of which I've ripped from Thief2) New light
sources. The streets haven't changed much but there's a larger sewer system now,
nothing fancy but a good safe spot if you get into trouble. Automap is re-configured
for the changes. Some of the plot elements are changed to fit in between of Thief1 and
Thief2. Texts are changed and added. (eg. Baron Dupondt/Lord Dupondt
[can't have two barons now can we?]) The rest is in the eye
of the beholder. (Actually i can't remember half of what I've done and fixed..)
* Copyright *
This level is (c) by me (Brother McEla) (2 june 2000)
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.
(God bless them.)
The author of this file cannot be held responsible of whatever
physical, psychological, temporary or long-term damages it might
cause to the end-user.
Brother McEla is currently under the supervision of the Event Grouping
and being so means that he can practise certain privileges as constituted
in Event prescriptions and rules of engagement ?26. For more information
on the Event group go to "". Furthermore Brother
McEla cannot be held accountable for any verbal or scripted insult and/or
comprimising opinion stated anywhere. The Event group has the capability to track
down and kill the person(s) or organisations sending spam and other inacceptible
e-mail to Brother McEla's e-mail adress "". The Event group
does not answer to any country or union dependent law and therefore is neither
responsible for any deaths or injuries it might consider and cause upon human
beings or animals.
• Uploaded 05.06.2000
• Size 10.44 Mb