Hammerhead: Return to the Docs

"Hammerhead : Return To The Docks"
By Gonchong aka James D Roberts
Version 1.0 Jan 2000
rev 0.001-Fleur dyeth not in vain.
"I'm in deep now. I retrieved the Horn Of Chaos from the Hammer compound just four days ago. It seems like an age now. The job went well: guards, traps, gates - nothing I can't handle. After getting the horn home and preparing to fence it I hear word on the street is that the Hammers are furious - and scared. That horn must be more than a mere trinket to them and it will be impossible to fence it off now in the City.
Time to leave. I've got a trustworthy Southdock contact, Fleur, who can arrange passage for me to a place called Willow Island - home to some wealthy -and discreet- art collectors. I'm leaving tonight... I can't stay any longer as the Hammers are breaking down the door of anyone they suspect of this crime - and heads are rolling. Fleur's house isn't too far away but I'll have to watch out for Hammer patrols - I'm a known thief and sure to be next on their list."
On his way to Fleur's Garrett has been ambushed by a pair of Hammerites. He hears gates slam shut as they surround him. He struggles free and runs. A Hammerite notches up a fire crystal and takes aim...
Additional Credits:
Dockside Ambient Sounds: MJC "Muzman"
Original CotT Plot: T.Piper/S.Adams
Beta Testing: COtT team
This level was originally developed as Mission 3 of the 'Coming of the Trickster' Series. Build time 6 months.
Thanks to:
Totality for custom objects.
All the tutorial writers and everyone on TTLG for support.
There is no equipment in the store-Garrett was not expecting to need any- But I kept the store in as a pause between loading and the gameplay - The action starts straight away, so be prepared! Your start location on the map is the one identified as an ambush hotspot.
After the initial fun, this is a planning and sneaking mission. There are a few secret areas, too.
* Play Information *
Game: Thief: The Dark Project
Mission Title: Hammerhead
File name: Hammerhead.zip / miss23.mis
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Equipment store: No
Map / automap: Map
New graphics: No
New sounds: Yes
New Objects: Yes
Multi language support: No
Briefing : No.
* Loading information *
Use Thiefloader 1.5.
Won't run properly unless level is fully installed.
* Copyright *
This level is (c) by Gonchong productions 1999
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
You may include this level to a map pack without my permission. Tell me first if you want.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
No Hammerites were harmed during production.
By Gonchong aka James D Roberts
Version 1.0 Jan 2000
rev 0.001-Fleur dyeth not in vain.
"I'm in deep now. I retrieved the Horn Of Chaos from the Hammer compound just four days ago. It seems like an age now. The job went well: guards, traps, gates - nothing I can't handle. After getting the horn home and preparing to fence it I hear word on the street is that the Hammers are furious - and scared. That horn must be more than a mere trinket to them and it will be impossible to fence it off now in the City.
Time to leave. I've got a trustworthy Southdock contact, Fleur, who can arrange passage for me to a place called Willow Island - home to some wealthy -and discreet- art collectors. I'm leaving tonight... I can't stay any longer as the Hammers are breaking down the door of anyone they suspect of this crime - and heads are rolling. Fleur's house isn't too far away but I'll have to watch out for Hammer patrols - I'm a known thief and sure to be next on their list."
On his way to Fleur's Garrett has been ambushed by a pair of Hammerites. He hears gates slam shut as they surround him. He struggles free and runs. A Hammerite notches up a fire crystal and takes aim...
Additional Credits:
Dockside Ambient Sounds: MJC "Muzman"
Original CotT Plot: T.Piper/S.Adams
Beta Testing: COtT team
This level was originally developed as Mission 3 of the 'Coming of the Trickster' Series. Build time 6 months.
Thanks to:
Totality for custom objects.
All the tutorial writers and everyone on TTLG for support.
There is no equipment in the store-Garrett was not expecting to need any- But I kept the store in as a pause between loading and the gameplay - The action starts straight away, so be prepared! Your start location on the map is the one identified as an ambush hotspot.
After the initial fun, this is a planning and sneaking mission. There are a few secret areas, too.
* Play Information *
Game: Thief: The Dark Project
Mission Title: Hammerhead
File name: Hammerhead.zip / miss23.mis
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Equipment store: No
Map / automap: Map
New graphics: No
New sounds: Yes
New Objects: Yes
Multi language support: No
Briefing : No.
* Loading information *
Use Thiefloader 1.5.
Won't run properly unless level is fully installed.
* Copyright *
This level is (c) by Gonchong productions 1999
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
You may include this level to a map pack without my permission. Tell me first if you want.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
No Hammerites were harmed during production.
• Uploaded 18.01.2000
• Size 2.50 Mb