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The Immoral Immortal :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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The Immoral Immortal

Jan 31, 2000

Author : Keith Kelly
Contact Info : kkelly@technologist.com
Homepage : Insignificant
Date of Release : Jan 31, 2000

Description : A man in a black cloak walks into the tavern and starts asking about you. The bartender, after a close examination of the man, points to the dark corner that you are sitting at. As he walks over, you pull out a small, hidden dagger from your belt and hold it under the table. The man sits down and tells you his name is Marc. The mission he is offering you to do quickly unfolds.

A Warlock named Zail has, apparently, gotten hold of an Apple of Immortality. The Apple cannot be used to it full potential unless certain herbs and powders can be sought out. While Zail is collecting these ingredients, you are to go inside his unground keep and steal the Apple of Immortality.

You ask for background information on this Zail charactor. Marc tells you of several of Zail's explots, many of which are against the hammers. Only two of the tales are of any importance. The first one is a tale decribing a wild burrick that has the ability of turning ordinary rock into silver. Zail seeked out and partially tamed the beast. The burrick now resides in his keep. The second tale of importance is about how Zail trains his guards to have good vision. Gold and jewelry is hidden as part of everyday items in the keep. In order to get their pay, the guards have to find and bring Zail a certain amount of this treasure. This job sounds like taking candy from a baby.

Briefing : No
Additional Credits : Satan for taking the blame for everything. God for keeping me from insanity. All the people who made levels before me. Xarax for solving a problem I had. All the people that made the levels that I learned stuff from. My beta-testers. Korn. Limp Biscuit. Grandma. And Looking Glass for the partially stable Dromed program.


* Playing Information *

Game : Thief: The Dark Project
Mission Title : The Immoral Immortal
File Name : Miss30.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : Yes
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : No
New Sounds : No
Multi-Language Support : No

Briefing : No
Length : n/a
Size : n/a

Difficulty Level Info : Cutthroat, Keeper, Garrett. Keeper and Garrett have an additional goal. Loot needed is progressive.

* Construction *

Build Time : I was learning Dromed at the time so the learning curve is included. 40-50 hrs?


* Loading Information *

This should work just fine with Thief Loader. It was made with Thief,
so no problems should arise.


* Copyright Information *

This level is ? by nobody

Distrubute unchanged with permission.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

(This text file was created with Notepad)

• Uploaded 31.01.2000
• Size 1.04 Mb
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