A Meeting with Cutty
May, 2005 (Deutsch unten) (Italian below) (French below)
Author : Azrarhn
Contact Info : azrarhn@hotmail.com
Homepage : None
Version : Version 1.1
Date of Release : May 14, 2005
These events take place before the events in Thief 1.
Different from version 1.0 is the Italian and French translations.
You have a meeting with Cutty at the local pub. It seems he has some interesting
info on a simple, yet profitable job. Simple, profitable jobs are always a welcome
opportunity, so you are on your way. The only problem is the City gates are closed
at this time of night so you have to find another way around.
Special Thanks To,
Griffin for betatesting and editing the texts. The readables make much more sense
flying_hope for betatesting and the german translation.
Krenim for Italian translation.
Nightwolf for French translation
Thanks To,
Everyone for making great tutorials, without them this level would not exist!!
The TTLG forums and all who ask and answer questions.
Looking Glass Studios for making Thief!
*Playing Information*
Game : Thief: The Dark Project, Gold
Mission Title : A Meeting with Cutty
File Name : miss21.mis
Difficulty Settings : No, they're all the same.
Equipment Store : No
Map : No (only a blank one to prevent a crash)
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : No
New Sounds : No
Multi-Language : No
EAX Support : No
Map Briefing : No
Difficulty Level Info: Normal, Hard, Expert (again they're all the same)
Base : From scratch
Build Time : Far too long for such a small mission.
It is a small mission and I hope you have fun playing it.
*Loading Information*
Get the latest version of Darkloader and run it. DO NOT UNZIP THIS FILE!!
*Copyright Information*
This level was created by Azrarhn 2005
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit this mission or modify it in any way.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
Mai 2005
Author : Azrarhn
Kontakt Info : azrarhn@hotmail.com
Homepage : None
Version : Version 1.1
Erscheinungstag : 14.05.2005
Diese Geschichte spielt kurz vor den Ereignissen in Thief 1.
Triff Dich mit Cutty in Eurem Stammpub. Es scheint so, als ob er Infos zu einem
sehr profitablen Bruch hat. Einfache, profitable Jobs sind immer willkomme seltene
Ereignisse. Du bist auf dem Weg. Dummerweise sind nachts die Stadttore geschlossen.
Du musst Dir einen anderen Weg zu Cutty bahnen.
Besonderen Dank an,
Griffin f?r den betatest und die ?berarbeitung der Texte. Diese lesen sich nun
fl?ssiger und sind stimmiger.
flying_hope f?r den betatest und die deutsche ?bersetzung.
Danke an,
Alle f?r die tollen Anleitungen und Hilfen, Ohne Euch w?rde dies nicht existieren!!
Das TTLG forum und alle die Fragen und Antworten.
Looking Glass Studios f?r Thief!
*Playing Information*
Game : Thief: The Dark Project, Gold (Directors Cut)
Mission Title : A Meeting with Cutty
File Name : miss21.mis
Difficulty Settings : Nein, alle die gleiche Stufe.
Equipment Store : Nein
Map : Nein (Eine leere Seite, damit Thief nicht abst?rzt)
Auto Map : Nein
New Graphics : Nein
New Sounds : Nein
Multi-Language : Ja, English & Deutsch
EAX Support : Nein
Map Briefing : Nein
Difficulty Level Info: Normal, Hard, Expert (again they're all the same)
Base : From scratch
Build Time : Viel zu lang f?r diese kleine Mission.
Eine feine kleine Mission, zu der ich Dir viel Spass w?nsche.
*Loading Information*
Nimm Dir die neuste Darkloader Version und spiel. HEY, NICHT AUSPACKEN!!
*Copyright Information*
Dieses Level wurde von Azrarhn im Mai 2005 erstellt
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit this mission or modify it in any way.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
Maggio, 2005
Autore : Azrarhn
e-mail : azrarhn@hotmail.com
Homepage : Nessuna
Versione : Versione 1.1
Data di Rilascio: 14 Maggio, 2005
Questi eventi hanno luogo nel periodo immediatamente precedente a Thief: The Dark Project.
Devi incontrarti con Cutty nella taverna locale, sembra che abbia qualche informazione
interessante su di un semplice ma profittevole lavoro. I lavori semplici e profittevoli
sono sempre un'opportunita' a cui non sai rinunciare, quindi ti stai dirigendo da lui.
Il solo problema e' che le porte della Citta' sono chiuse a quest'ora di notte, quindi
dovrai trovare un modo per aggirarle.
Ringraziamenti Speciali a:
Griffin per il betatesting e per aver corretto i testi. Tutto ha molto pi? senso ora!
flying_hope per il betatesting e la traduzione in tedesco.
Krenim per la traduzione italiana.
Grazie a:
A tutti quelli che hanno preparato degli stupendi tutorial, senza di voi questo livello non esisterebbe!!
I forum TTLG e tutti quelli che pongono domande e vi rispondono.
Looking Glass Studios per aver creato Thief!
*Informazioni di Gioco*
Gioco : Thief: The Dark Project, Gold
Titolo Missione : A Meeting with Cutty
Nome FIle : miss21.mis
Livelli di Difficolt? : No, sono tutti uguali.
Acquisto Equipaggiamento: No
Mappa : No (solo un foglio bianco per evitare crash)
Auto Mappa : No
Nuova Grafica : No
Nuovo Sonoro : No
Multi-Lingua : Si, inglese, italiano e tedesco
Supporto EAX : No
Briefing : No
Livelli di Difficolt?: Normale, Difficile, Esperto (ma sono tutti identici)
Base : Dal niente
Tempo di Costruzione : Troppo per una missione cos? piccola.
E' una piccola missione e spero che vi divertirete a giocarla.
*Informazioni di Caricamento*
Prendete l'ultima versione del DarkLoader e avviatela. NON SCOMPATTATE IL FILE!!
Questo livello ? stato creato da Azrarhn 2005
La distribuzione di questo livello ? concessa fino a quando rimarr? gratuita e il pacchetto rimarr? intatto. Non potete includere questo livello in nessuna raccolta di mappe senza il mio permesso. Nessuno pu? modificare o editare questa missione in alcun modo.
Questo livello non ? stato creato e non ? supportato dai Looking Glass Studios o dalla Eidos Interactive.
Mai 2005 (versions anglaise et allemande disponibles plus bas)
Auteur : Azrarhn
Contact : azrarhn@hotmail.com
Version : Version 1.1
Date de parution: May 14, 2005
Traduction FR : NightWolf
Ces ?v?nements ont lieu avant ceux de Dark Project: La Guilde des Voleurs.
Vous avez rendez-vous avec Cutty dans un pub du coin. Il semblerai qu'il ait des
inforamtions sur un travail facile et profitable. Un travail facile et profitable,
?a ne se refuse pas, et vous vous mettez imm?diatement en route. Le seul probl?me
est que les Portes de la Cit? sont ferm?es ? cette heure de la nuit. Il vous faudra
trouver une autre voie.
Un ?norme merci ?:
Griffin pour le beta-test et l'?dition des textes. Ils ont bien plus de sens
flying_hope pour le beta-test et la traduction allemande.
Merci ?:
Tous ceux qui font ces merveilleux tutoriels, sans eux ce niveau n'existerait pas!!
Les forums de TTLG et tous ceux qui posent des questions ou y r?pondent.
Looking Glass Studios pour avoir cr?? Dark Project!
*Informations de jeu*
Jeu : Dark Project: La Guilde des Voleurs, Thief Gold
Titre de la mission : Rendez-vous avec Cutty
Nom de fichier : miss21.mis
Niveaux de difficult? : Non, tous sont les m?mes.
Achat d'?quipement : Non
Carte : Non (une carte blanche pour ?viter le crash)
Carte automatique : Non
Nouveaux graphismes : Non
Nouveaux sons : Non
Multi-Langues : Non
Support EAX : Non
Briefing : Non
Informations sur les niveaux de difficult?: Normal, Difficile, Expert (encore une
fois, tous trois identiques.)
Base : N?ant
Temps de construction : Beaucoup trop long pour une si petite mission
C'est une petite mission, et j'esp?re qu'elle vous amusera.
*Informations de chargement*
Prenez la derni?re version de DarkLoader et lancez-la. NE DEZIPPEZ PAS CE FICHIER!!
Ce niveau a ?t? cr?? par Azrarhn, 2005.
La distribution de ce niveau est autoris?e tant qu'elle est gratuite et que les
fichiers restent intacts. Vous ne pouvez pas inclure ce niveau dans un groupe de
cartes sans ma permission. Personne ne peut ?diter cette mission, ou la modifier
de quelque fa?on que ce soit.
Ce niveau n'a pas ?t? cr?? et n'est pas support? par Looking Glass Studios ou
Eidos Interactive.
May, 2005 (Deutsch unten) (Italian below) (French below)
Author : Azrarhn
Contact Info : azrarhn@hotmail.com
Homepage : None
Version : Version 1.1
Date of Release : May 14, 2005
These events take place before the events in Thief 1.
Different from version 1.0 is the Italian and French translations.
You have a meeting with Cutty at the local pub. It seems he has some interesting
info on a simple, yet profitable job. Simple, profitable jobs are always a welcome
opportunity, so you are on your way. The only problem is the City gates are closed
at this time of night so you have to find another way around.
Special Thanks To,
Griffin for betatesting and editing the texts. The readables make much more sense
flying_hope for betatesting and the german translation.
Krenim for Italian translation.
Nightwolf for French translation
Thanks To,
Everyone for making great tutorials, without them this level would not exist!!
The TTLG forums and all who ask and answer questions.
Looking Glass Studios for making Thief!
*Playing Information*
Game : Thief: The Dark Project, Gold
Mission Title : A Meeting with Cutty
File Name : miss21.mis
Difficulty Settings : No, they're all the same.
Equipment Store : No
Map : No (only a blank one to prevent a crash)
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : No
New Sounds : No
Multi-Language : No
EAX Support : No
Map Briefing : No
Difficulty Level Info: Normal, Hard, Expert (again they're all the same)
Base : From scratch
Build Time : Far too long for such a small mission.
It is a small mission and I hope you have fun playing it.
*Loading Information*
Get the latest version of Darkloader and run it. DO NOT UNZIP THIS FILE!!
*Copyright Information*
This level was created by Azrarhn 2005
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit this mission or modify it in any way.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
Mai 2005
Author : Azrarhn
Kontakt Info : azrarhn@hotmail.com
Homepage : None
Version : Version 1.1
Erscheinungstag : 14.05.2005
Diese Geschichte spielt kurz vor den Ereignissen in Thief 1.
Triff Dich mit Cutty in Eurem Stammpub. Es scheint so, als ob er Infos zu einem
sehr profitablen Bruch hat. Einfache, profitable Jobs sind immer willkomme seltene
Ereignisse. Du bist auf dem Weg. Dummerweise sind nachts die Stadttore geschlossen.
Du musst Dir einen anderen Weg zu Cutty bahnen.
Besonderen Dank an,
Griffin f?r den betatest und die ?berarbeitung der Texte. Diese lesen sich nun
fl?ssiger und sind stimmiger.
flying_hope f?r den betatest und die deutsche ?bersetzung.
Danke an,
Alle f?r die tollen Anleitungen und Hilfen, Ohne Euch w?rde dies nicht existieren!!
Das TTLG forum und alle die Fragen und Antworten.
Looking Glass Studios f?r Thief!
*Playing Information*
Game : Thief: The Dark Project, Gold (Directors Cut)
Mission Title : A Meeting with Cutty
File Name : miss21.mis
Difficulty Settings : Nein, alle die gleiche Stufe.
Equipment Store : Nein
Map : Nein (Eine leere Seite, damit Thief nicht abst?rzt)
Auto Map : Nein
New Graphics : Nein
New Sounds : Nein
Multi-Language : Ja, English & Deutsch
EAX Support : Nein
Map Briefing : Nein
Difficulty Level Info: Normal, Hard, Expert (again they're all the same)
Base : From scratch
Build Time : Viel zu lang f?r diese kleine Mission.
Eine feine kleine Mission, zu der ich Dir viel Spass w?nsche.
*Loading Information*
Nimm Dir die neuste Darkloader Version und spiel. HEY, NICHT AUSPACKEN!!
*Copyright Information*
Dieses Level wurde von Azrarhn im Mai 2005 erstellt
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit this mission or modify it in any way.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
Maggio, 2005
Autore : Azrarhn
e-mail : azrarhn@hotmail.com
Homepage : Nessuna
Versione : Versione 1.1
Data di Rilascio: 14 Maggio, 2005
Questi eventi hanno luogo nel periodo immediatamente precedente a Thief: The Dark Project.
Devi incontrarti con Cutty nella taverna locale, sembra che abbia qualche informazione
interessante su di un semplice ma profittevole lavoro. I lavori semplici e profittevoli
sono sempre un'opportunita' a cui non sai rinunciare, quindi ti stai dirigendo da lui.
Il solo problema e' che le porte della Citta' sono chiuse a quest'ora di notte, quindi
dovrai trovare un modo per aggirarle.
Ringraziamenti Speciali a:
Griffin per il betatesting e per aver corretto i testi. Tutto ha molto pi? senso ora!
flying_hope per il betatesting e la traduzione in tedesco.
Krenim per la traduzione italiana.
Grazie a:
A tutti quelli che hanno preparato degli stupendi tutorial, senza di voi questo livello non esisterebbe!!
I forum TTLG e tutti quelli che pongono domande e vi rispondono.
Looking Glass Studios per aver creato Thief!
*Informazioni di Gioco*
Gioco : Thief: The Dark Project, Gold
Titolo Missione : A Meeting with Cutty
Nome FIle : miss21.mis
Livelli di Difficolt? : No, sono tutti uguali.
Acquisto Equipaggiamento: No
Mappa : No (solo un foglio bianco per evitare crash)
Auto Mappa : No
Nuova Grafica : No
Nuovo Sonoro : No
Multi-Lingua : Si, inglese, italiano e tedesco
Supporto EAX : No
Briefing : No
Livelli di Difficolt?: Normale, Difficile, Esperto (ma sono tutti identici)
Base : Dal niente
Tempo di Costruzione : Troppo per una missione cos? piccola.
E' una piccola missione e spero che vi divertirete a giocarla.
*Informazioni di Caricamento*
Prendete l'ultima versione del DarkLoader e avviatela. NON SCOMPATTATE IL FILE!!
Questo livello ? stato creato da Azrarhn 2005
La distribuzione di questo livello ? concessa fino a quando rimarr? gratuita e il pacchetto rimarr? intatto. Non potete includere questo livello in nessuna raccolta di mappe senza il mio permesso. Nessuno pu? modificare o editare questa missione in alcun modo.
Questo livello non ? stato creato e non ? supportato dai Looking Glass Studios o dalla Eidos Interactive.
Mai 2005 (versions anglaise et allemande disponibles plus bas)
Auteur : Azrarhn
Contact : azrarhn@hotmail.com
Version : Version 1.1
Date de parution: May 14, 2005
Traduction FR : NightWolf
Ces ?v?nements ont lieu avant ceux de Dark Project: La Guilde des Voleurs.
Vous avez rendez-vous avec Cutty dans un pub du coin. Il semblerai qu'il ait des
inforamtions sur un travail facile et profitable. Un travail facile et profitable,
?a ne se refuse pas, et vous vous mettez imm?diatement en route. Le seul probl?me
est que les Portes de la Cit? sont ferm?es ? cette heure de la nuit. Il vous faudra
trouver une autre voie.
Un ?norme merci ?:
Griffin pour le beta-test et l'?dition des textes. Ils ont bien plus de sens
flying_hope pour le beta-test et la traduction allemande.
Merci ?:
Tous ceux qui font ces merveilleux tutoriels, sans eux ce niveau n'existerait pas!!
Les forums de TTLG et tous ceux qui posent des questions ou y r?pondent.
Looking Glass Studios pour avoir cr?? Dark Project!
*Informations de jeu*
Jeu : Dark Project: La Guilde des Voleurs, Thief Gold
Titre de la mission : Rendez-vous avec Cutty
Nom de fichier : miss21.mis
Niveaux de difficult? : Non, tous sont les m?mes.
Achat d'?quipement : Non
Carte : Non (une carte blanche pour ?viter le crash)
Carte automatique : Non
Nouveaux graphismes : Non
Nouveaux sons : Non
Multi-Langues : Non
Support EAX : Non
Briefing : Non
Informations sur les niveaux de difficult?: Normal, Difficile, Expert (encore une
fois, tous trois identiques.)
Base : N?ant
Temps de construction : Beaucoup trop long pour une si petite mission
C'est une petite mission, et j'esp?re qu'elle vous amusera.
*Informations de chargement*
Prenez la derni?re version de DarkLoader et lancez-la. NE DEZIPPEZ PAS CE FICHIER!!
Ce niveau a ?t? cr?? par Azrarhn, 2005.
La distribution de ce niveau est autoris?e tant qu'elle est gratuite et que les
fichiers restent intacts. Vous ne pouvez pas inclure ce niveau dans un groupe de
cartes sans ma permission. Personne ne peut ?diter cette mission, ou la modifier
de quelque fa?on que ce soit.
Ce niveau n'a pas ?t? cr?? et n'est pas support? par Looking Glass Studios ou
Eidos Interactive.
• Uploaded 13.05.2005
• Size 1022.90 Kb