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Oblivion :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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PLEASE PLAY THIS THROUGH THE "LOADER" PROGRAM AND NOT DROMED. I feel that looking at the level through Dromed before, spoils the over all effect of surprise. Also this is a large complicated level in all respects. I am releasing this as an open beta since I know I will be tweeking this thing forever without outside help. Everything works (as far as I can tell, and with a couple of known querks). But as they say "You always forget something." Please email me with comments suggestions and bugs found.

Episode 3: Oblivion

Thank you for playing Oblivion. If this is your first mission of mine that you're playing I urge you to start by downloading the first two Episodes: Escape the Bear Pits and The Tower of Illusion. Episode 3 is the 3rd episode of 6 and is what I consider the Key mission for the whole story line.

First off,. I consider this mission advanced. From the start I have designed it as more difficult from the previous ones. I have added mission difficulties, but they are really just to prolong the game play and give an advanced player more to do. Novice: plays untill the object is found, about 2/3 of the level. Taffer: plays all the way through. Master: plays all the way through with additional objectives. I suggest playing it on Taffer, that way you can experience the whole level without the torchure of the additional objectives.

Sep 17, 1999


While looting the lost temple of Seth, you came across an ancient
text describing a holy sword of the undead burried within a sacred
tomb. The tomb was magicaly sealed with a sceptor the Hammerites
consider holy. The text says Oblivion is where the sceptor is kept.
Having survived the Tower of Illusion and made it through the
gateway, you now find yourself at the heart of the Hammerite Order.

Find your way in. Learn the secrets of Oblivion. If it exists,
gather loot and the Sceptor then escape back through the gateway...

Author : Wrichards
Contact Info : wrichards@fea.net
Homepage : http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Stadium/7974
Date of Release : Sep 17, 1999

Description : "Human some monsters" type level, loot, find object, escape.

Briefing : Look under "Map"


* Playing Information *

Game : Thief: The Dark Project
Mission Title : Oblivion
File Name : miss.15
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : Yes used for Briefing
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : No
New Sounds : No
Multi-Language Support : No

Briefing : Look under "Map"

Difficulty Level Info : Novice, Taffer, Master

* Construction *

Base : Third episode of Six
Build Time : well over 250 hours


* Loading Information *

This mission requires a special version of Dark.CFG which is provided in the
zip, I DO recommend that you back up your original dark.cfg before loading
this mission. Oblivion.zip is in the "loader" format and is suposedly compatable
with loader 1.2, I do not take any responsibility for any dammage due to the
oblivion zip. I have made every attempt that it works correctly with my system,
it should work with yours.


* Copyright Information *

This level is ? by wrichards, please respect the copywrite laws

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact.I do require that you contact me if you are distributing this
file. wrichards@fea.net

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

(This text file was created with the Homemade Mission Text Wizard)

• Uploaded 16.09.1999
• Size 4.51 Mb
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