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The Restored Cathedral



(Deutsche Beschreibung weiter unten)

The Restored Cathedral v1.1

* Play Information *
Game: Thief Gold
Mission Title: The Restored Cathedral v1.1
File name: Miss22.mis
Difficulty Settings: yes (Easy/Normal/Hard)
Equipment store: yes
Briefing: no
Automap: yes

Filename: TheRestoredCathedral.zip
Author: Zaccheus (Richard C. Lafferty)
Contact info: thief@rcl-software.org.uk
Homepage: http://www.rcl-software.org.uk
Date of release: 26-OCT-2002
Version: 1.1

* Mission Briefing *
"The Keepers have a job for me.
They have recently learned that the Hammers have returned the eye
to the newly restored cathedral complex. Locked away securely, no doubt.
The Keepers aren't too happy about this arangement, though,
and have asked me to use my 'special skills' to retrieve it for them.
Given the old quarter's history, I can't blame them.
Getting in shouldn't be a problem. The main cathedral doors will be locked down,
but I hear there is a new side entrance leading to the cloister gardens, and I
should be able to find a backdoor key for the cathedral somewhere in St.Yora's.
Then I'll have to find the eye. The Keepers are paying me for this job,
so at least I won't have to worry about loot too much."

Please note:
The point of making the mission was simply to restore the cathedral.
Nothing more.
The mission is not the most difficult in Thief's history.
It only has a simple story and two simple objectives,
but the purpose of the mission is to show the cathedral in all its glory.

* Construction *
Based on: Thief Gold, Mission 11 - Return to the Cathedral.
Map Size: Small.

* Loading Information *
Runs from Dark Loader (v4.1).

Leave the file ZIPPED - DO NOT UNZIP this file,
but put the whole zip file into your DarkLoader FM folder.

* Copyright Information *
This FM was made by Zaccheus (Richard C. Lafferty)

Permission is granted to freely play and distribute this level
providing it remains whole and intact, with its original filename.

This level was not made and is not supported by
Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

* Credits *
This mission is a heavily modified version of
ThiefGold's Mission11 "Return To the Cathedral".

The custom AI skin files shipped with this mission
are original LGS files which were shipped with ThiefGold.

The auto-map files shipped with this mission are modified
versions of LGS files which were shipped with ThiefGold.

Yametha kindly gave me permission to use her idea for the
small wall and steps which are by the garden pool.

* Thanks To *
All the people on the Thief forums who have supported
us FM authors during the last few years.

Thanks to my original v1.0 Beta testers TheBlackman and Vanguard,
who's comments and suggestions helped me make this update.

Thanks to my v1.1 Beta testers, especially
Peter Smith, Nightwalker and SlyFoxx.

Thanks also to Christine for supplying me with the files
needed to make the German version possible.

Special thanks to my wife and to our creator.


Die Erneuerte Kathedrale

(German section)

FM Bescheibung:

"Die Hueter haben einen Auftrag fuer mich.
Sie haben herausgefunden, dass die Hammer das Auge in das neulich
wieder instandgesetzte Kathedralen Gelaende zurueckgebracht haben. Vermutlich gut weggeschlossen.
Die Hueter sind darueber aber nicht besonders gluecklich, und haben mich gebeten,
meine 'besonderen Talente' zu benutzen um das Auge in ihren besitz zu bringen.
Mit den einstigen dunklen Begebenheiten im 'Alten Viertel' kann ich das gut verstehen.
Rein kommen sollte kein Problem seien. Der Haupteingang wird zwar verschlossen seien,
aber ich habe gehoert, dass es ein Seitentor zum Klostergarten gibt, und
in St.Yora kann ich sicher einen Schluessel fuer den Hintereingang der Kathedrale finden.
Dann werde ich das Auge finden muessen.
Die Hueter bezahlen mich fuer diesen Auftrag, ich brauche mir also wenigsten keine sorgen
wegen Beute machen."

Bitte anmerken:
Der Grund fuer diese FM war einfach nur die alte Kathedrale instand zu setzen.
Nichts mehr als das.
Diese FM ist nicht die schwerste FM aller Zeiten.
Sie hat eine einfache Geschichte und zwei einfache Ziele,
aber der Hauptpunkt ist die Kathedrale in all ihrer Pracht zu zeigen.

• Uploaded 25.10.2002
• Size 1.96 Mb
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