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The Thieves Quarter :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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The Thieves Quarter

September 2000
Author: Alan (Rugball) Miles
Contact info: amiles@csusm.edu
Homepage: none
Release date: September 2000

* Description *

Footsteps approach, you hear a futile plea for help and a brutal murder occurs just a heartbeat away.
Thus begins your adventure in the Thieves Quarter, a decidedly bad neighborhood.

The slain man has information about the Mage's Medallion that was stolen from Ramirez.
The thief responsible has been taken into custody by the Sheriff whose rise to power can be
traced to his relationship to Ramirez. You must locate the medallion and take it the owner of
the Laughing Skull Tavern, Bartok, twin brother of Farkus, your supplier.
You will be rewarded for your trouble but another favor will be asked -- recover the
Builder's Chisel. You, of course, cannot allow Ramirez to use his influence to run this part of
town. Teach him a lesson by helping yourself to the contents of his treasury.

Ramirez is trying to find the artifacts left behind by the Hammerites after they were ousted
from the temple. His quest for these mystic items can point to only one thing -- a pact with the
Trickster. Make your way to the church and find Jakob's skull and the Talisman of Fire before
Ramirez and the Sheriff's men can. Escape with the artifacts (and your life) and return to the tavern.


- Steal the Builder's Chisel.
- Steal Jakob's skull.
- Steal 1450 in loot.
- Return to the Laughing Skull Tavern.

Additionally --
- Don't kill Bartok, the owner of the Laughing Skull Tavern.
- Steal the Mage's Medallion.

Additionally --
- Steal the Talisman of Fire.

Note on gameplay:
Play sneakie. It can be dangerous to try to wipe out all of the AI since some
are tough and more will appear if you kill some. Besides, you're a thief, not a commando!
It's also very bad for business to steal from your fence, Bartok.


* Play Information *

Game: Thief: The Dark Project
Mission Title: The Thieves Quarter
File name: miss21.mis
Difficulty Settings: yes
Equipment store: yes
Map / automap: yes / no
EAX support: yes
Multi language support: German text provided by von.Eins

Briefing: no Experimented with making one but no time to make one of any value.

Difficulty levels: Normal, Hard, Expert

* Construction *

Base: From scratch.
Build Time: Nearly a year in the making with lots of detours.


* Loading information *

Thiefloader/Darkloader ready. File name thvsquar12.zip. Place the zip file into the missions folder.


* Copyright *

Copyright (c) September 2000 by Alan Miles. Okay, so I didn't actually get a copyright.

Permission is granted to freely play and distrubute this level providing it remains whole
and intact. Cheers to all that managed to create a mission for our little community to enjoy.
A special thanks to everyone that tried the early versions that, shall we say, lacked some polish.
Extra special consideration goes to von.Eins who provided the German text translation and
helped beta test the level.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 31.08.2000
• Size 1.65 Mb
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