The Order of the Vine

June 30th, 2000
Title : The Order Of The Vine (Beta 2)
Filename :
Author : Conor Armstrong (SilentSleep)
Contact info :
Homepage :
Date of release : June 30th, 2000
Version : 1.0
Mission Type : Humans, in a Castle. I'm sorry.
Description : This mission takes place in the early days of Thief 1,
before anything interesting happens.
"Another night, another job. Someone has been going to a
lot of trouble to get my attention. Every fence in the
City has told me some guy was asking how he could get in
contact with me, so I've decided to find out exactly who
my admirer is.
I've found the part of town where he's hiding out, now I
just have to find him..."
* Play Information *
Game : Thief: The Dark Project, or Thief: Gold.
Level Names : Prologue, The Order Of The Vine, Epilogue.
File names : Miss20.mis, Miss21.mis, Miss22.mis.
Difficulty Settings : No, Yes, No.
Equipment store : No, Yes, No.
Map/Automap : (Yes, Yes, Yes)/(No, Yes, No)
New graphics : Yes
New sounds : Yes
New conversations : Yes, with extra special thanks to Wynne,
and Loanstar,
New models : Yes
EAX Support : I _think_ so, but this isn't something I can check...
Multi language support : No. Maybe later.
Briefing : Not the AVI kind, but the Prologue mission is intended as
a sort of briefing, and the Epilogue as a cutscene. The
reason is they only add about 800kb to the zip, instead of
800Mb :P.
* Construction *
Base : None.
Build Time : I've been making this on and off since December 1999.
Build Info : Optimized perfectly, no coplanar case warnings, Objcast lighting.
Polycount is typically < 200, but in some areas can increase to
350, possibly even slightly more.
* Loading information *
Use ThiefLoader, or DarkLoader. You really should. Put this zip in the missions
subdirectory, and let your loader program do the rest.
* Thanks To *
The now sadly defunct LGS studios.
Loanstar and Wynne, who did the voice acting. Two very talented people :).
The Betatesters: Thiefs_Pawn, camelhammer, Mad-Sam, Saturnine, Sperry, moni_luvnin.
Datoyminaytah(?), whose reskinnable objects technique I've used a lot.
Anybody else who has ever posted anything over at You're all great.
All custom object models were built with Anim8or,
Thanks to Totality for working out how to actually do that, and his work with s&rs.
Custom graphics were all done using Paint Shop Pro and MGI Photosuite, equally.
I ripped off Oscar Wilde for a book, and one of the LGS T1 books for consistency.
You! :)
* Copyright *
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Interactive. And how could it be? :( But I made it.
* Hints & Tips *
This Mission has 3 separate mis files, two very small ones, and one large. When the
first two end, hit Continue for the next. In the first mission, you're offered some
loot, and have limited time to pick it up (several minutes, in fact). If you don't,
you start the second mission with -ZERO- loot to purchase items.
At the time of writing there's 57 books, and many of them aren't pointless. Read
as much as you can. The information in the books is essential for you to work out
what to do next. Some of the 57 get destroyed on different difficulties, and some
are only a couple of lines, so don't worry. And remember to click on the upturned
corner of some books for the next page!
The map is intentionally inaccurate in some places, but still a very useful tool.
Sand Arrows: They blind unalerted _humans_ for longer than a flashbomb, without
the alertness increase when the effect is over. They also put out
torches. Due to some sort of save the engine is making, it can take
a second or two for the effect to kick in on totally idle AIs, so
wait for the motions before moving. The effect is almost instant on
AIs searching for you, though. Like a blackjack, it won't work if
he can see it coming. Press '7' to select them, if you have one.
Don't Kill: Read carefully: Don't kill any _humans_. Some "things" might be
pretending to be human... which you can freely kill.
Candlesticks: Frob them to put them out. Water arrows work too, of course.
The Alarm: If in the vicinity of an alarm, innocents will belt straight for
it. Guards will attack first, and run to the alarm if they're
losing, or if they lose track if you.
Sleepers: These will wake up at the point where awake people would start
searching for you. Since they're blind, this should only happen if
you do something stupid, like set off an alarm. I let them talk in
their sleep, since it's the only feedback you get before they slide
out of bed.
That is all. Try to have fun :).
June 30th, 2000
Title : The Order Of The Vine (Beta 2)
Filename :
Author : Conor Armstrong (SilentSleep)
Contact info :
Homepage :
Date of release : June 30th, 2000
Version : 1.0
Mission Type : Humans, in a Castle. I'm sorry.
Description : This mission takes place in the early days of Thief 1,
before anything interesting happens.
"Another night, another job. Someone has been going to a
lot of trouble to get my attention. Every fence in the
City has told me some guy was asking how he could get in
contact with me, so I've decided to find out exactly who
my admirer is.
I've found the part of town where he's hiding out, now I
just have to find him..."
* Play Information *
Game : Thief: The Dark Project, or Thief: Gold.
Level Names : Prologue, The Order Of The Vine, Epilogue.
File names : Miss20.mis, Miss21.mis, Miss22.mis.
Difficulty Settings : No, Yes, No.
Equipment store : No, Yes, No.
Map/Automap : (Yes, Yes, Yes)/(No, Yes, No)
New graphics : Yes
New sounds : Yes
New conversations : Yes, with extra special thanks to Wynne,
and Loanstar,
New models : Yes
EAX Support : I _think_ so, but this isn't something I can check...
Multi language support : No. Maybe later.
Briefing : Not the AVI kind, but the Prologue mission is intended as
a sort of briefing, and the Epilogue as a cutscene. The
reason is they only add about 800kb to the zip, instead of
800Mb :P.
* Construction *
Base : None.
Build Time : I've been making this on and off since December 1999.
Build Info : Optimized perfectly, no coplanar case warnings, Objcast lighting.
Polycount is typically < 200, but in some areas can increase to
350, possibly even slightly more.
* Loading information *
Use ThiefLoader, or DarkLoader. You really should. Put this zip in the missions
subdirectory, and let your loader program do the rest.
* Thanks To *
The now sadly defunct LGS studios.
Loanstar and Wynne, who did the voice acting. Two very talented people :).
The Betatesters: Thiefs_Pawn, camelhammer, Mad-Sam, Saturnine, Sperry, moni_luvnin.
Datoyminaytah(?), whose reskinnable objects technique I've used a lot.
Anybody else who has ever posted anything over at You're all great.
All custom object models were built with Anim8or,
Thanks to Totality for working out how to actually do that, and his work with s&rs.
Custom graphics were all done using Paint Shop Pro and MGI Photosuite, equally.
I ripped off Oscar Wilde for a book, and one of the LGS T1 books for consistency.
You! :)
* Copyright *
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Interactive. And how could it be? :( But I made it.
* Hints & Tips *
This Mission has 3 separate mis files, two very small ones, and one large. When the
first two end, hit Continue for the next. In the first mission, you're offered some
loot, and have limited time to pick it up (several minutes, in fact). If you don't,
you start the second mission with -ZERO- loot to purchase items.
At the time of writing there's 57 books, and many of them aren't pointless. Read
as much as you can. The information in the books is essential for you to work out
what to do next. Some of the 57 get destroyed on different difficulties, and some
are only a couple of lines, so don't worry. And remember to click on the upturned
corner of some books for the next page!
The map is intentionally inaccurate in some places, but still a very useful tool.
Sand Arrows: They blind unalerted _humans_ for longer than a flashbomb, without
the alertness increase when the effect is over. They also put out
torches. Due to some sort of save the engine is making, it can take
a second or two for the effect to kick in on totally idle AIs, so
wait for the motions before moving. The effect is almost instant on
AIs searching for you, though. Like a blackjack, it won't work if
he can see it coming. Press '7' to select them, if you have one.
Don't Kill: Read carefully: Don't kill any _humans_. Some "things" might be
pretending to be human... which you can freely kill.
Candlesticks: Frob them to put them out. Water arrows work too, of course.
The Alarm: If in the vicinity of an alarm, innocents will belt straight for
it. Guards will attack first, and run to the alarm if they're
losing, or if they lose track if you.
Sleepers: These will wake up at the point where awake people would start
searching for you. Since they're blind, this should only happen if
you do something stupid, like set off an alarm. I let them talk in
their sleep, since it's the only feedback you get before they slide
out of bed.
That is all. Try to have fun :).
• Uploaded 29.08.2000
• Size 7.38 Mb