Woodkey Resthouse

An Intended 3.Cubecontest contribution
04.07.2002 V-0.01 - First date set by KOMAG's compo.
10.07.2002 V-0.02 - Lucky me , got a week's extension - some AI tweq
10.08.2002 V-0.03 - Correcting some typo's , tweq'ed schema
01.10.2002 V-0.04 - Just wandering around and wonderd why I'v made it as it is ....no inspiration ,writing this line ....
Your on a great quest to the Darklands to find something valuable , that will help the Defenders Of the Crown to victory against the evil empire....
You've been travling for weeks ,and in the great FuruForest , you finaly find a nice place to relax from your journey ...
But of course , you are out of supplies , money , everything ...
The HouseKeeper agreed to let you spend the night if you do a litle snatch job for him ...
There's a litle mansion further up the path , and he wants you to find a purple book which contents are filled with great wisdom .....
Also , you'll need some cash and new weaponsuplies ....
Then return to WoodKey and goto bed :)
Incase you're not tired , you could always listen for a while to the local Trubadur ....
-Find the book
-Grab at least 505 Loot
-Search for the weapon storage room
-Goto bed
Engine : D1.V1.37- Thief Gold
Title : WoodKey Resthouse
File Name : Miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : No , but I think it's difficult enough for some...
Equipment Store : No , you're in the forest ....
Map : No ,
Auto Map : No ,....
Map size : 80x40y20z 64000Dcubic
EAX : No , set to Generic...
New AI's : Yes ,Small modifications
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
New Schemas : Yes ,modified some ...
Multi-Language : No / NEI
Intro : Yes , whooooohooo !
Base : Scratch
Build Time : 1 week ,than suddenly 1 month of just looking at it ...
Build Style :ChaoticRNDCarving
It's my first FM release, and bugs ( bad editing ) there will always be , even at small missions..
Known problems :
-You and AI's can get stuck some places....
-Sleepers sometimes refuse to go to bed after you've waken them .
-They rather sleep standing .-SO don't wake'em.
-The level is also litle slow a few places , caused by texturescaling , particlefx , AI tweq etc...( my fault )
-If it runs on your PC as on mine , it will be OK enough though...
-I'm sure there are more problems , but hope not ...
-So litle time , so much to do ....
-well ,
-I intended to optemized / tweq it more ,so it will run smother and without "bugs"
-But I'll leave it like this, with it's mistakes ,
-New discovery's would make anything else than a complete remake less wise .....:)
-So hopefully I'll put the Woodkey Resthouse in a "real" FM sometime...
-A T2 version have been made allready , with the Trubadur present , playing guitar , and a very simple speechinterface is added , so Garrett can have simple conversations with the AI's....
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Have FUN !
An Intended 3.Cubecontest contribution
04.07.2002 V-0.01 - First date set by KOMAG's compo.
10.07.2002 V-0.02 - Lucky me , got a week's extension - some AI tweq
10.08.2002 V-0.03 - Correcting some typo's , tweq'ed schema
01.10.2002 V-0.04 - Just wandering around and wonderd why I'v made it as it is ....no inspiration ,writing this line ....
Your on a great quest to the Darklands to find something valuable , that will help the Defenders Of the Crown to victory against the evil empire....
You've been travling for weeks ,and in the great FuruForest , you finaly find a nice place to relax from your journey ...
But of course , you are out of supplies , money , everything ...
The HouseKeeper agreed to let you spend the night if you do a litle snatch job for him ...
There's a litle mansion further up the path , and he wants you to find a purple book which contents are filled with great wisdom .....
Also , you'll need some cash and new weaponsuplies ....
Then return to WoodKey and goto bed :)
Incase you're not tired , you could always listen for a while to the local Trubadur ....
-Find the book
-Grab at least 505 Loot
-Search for the weapon storage room
-Goto bed
Engine : D1.V1.37- Thief Gold
Title : WoodKey Resthouse
File Name : Miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : No , but I think it's difficult enough for some...
Equipment Store : No , you're in the forest ....
Map : No ,
Auto Map : No ,....
Map size : 80x40y20z 64000Dcubic
EAX : No , set to Generic...
New AI's : Yes ,Small modifications
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
New Schemas : Yes ,modified some ...
Multi-Language : No / NEI
Intro : Yes , whooooohooo !
Base : Scratch
Build Time : 1 week ,than suddenly 1 month of just looking at it ...
Build Style :ChaoticRNDCarving
It's my first FM release, and bugs ( bad editing ) there will always be , even at small missions..
Known problems :
-You and AI's can get stuck some places....
-Sleepers sometimes refuse to go to bed after you've waken them .
-They rather sleep standing .-SO don't wake'em.
-The level is also litle slow a few places , caused by texturescaling , particlefx , AI tweq etc...( my fault )
-If it runs on your PC as on mine , it will be OK enough though...
-I'm sure there are more problems , but hope not ...
-So litle time , so much to do ....
-well ,
-I intended to optemized / tweq it more ,so it will run smother and without "bugs"
-But I'll leave it like this, with it's mistakes ,
-New discovery's would make anything else than a complete remake less wise .....:)
-So hopefully I'll put the Woodkey Resthouse in a "real" FM sometime...
-A T2 version have been made allready , with the Trubadur present , playing guitar , and a very simple speechinterface is added , so Garrett can have simple conversations with the AI's....
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Have FUN !
• Uploaded 15.02.2003
• Size 3.54 Mb