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Alcazar :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Title : Alcazar
Filename : 1MIL_Alcazar.7z
Author : Schlock (with much help from Squadafroinx)
Contact : PM on TTLG forums or schlock.d@gmail.com
Date of release : December 31, 2020
Version : 1.0

I went to the Grapeful Rest to meet with an associate of mine,
but she never showed. While I was enjoying my breakfast alone,
I eavesdropped on an argument between the gossipful barmaid
and the brute who watches over the place - something about
buying drapes to cover up a menacing frieze in the basement.

The Grapeful Rest is an ancient, crumbling place. There's a
grate laid into the courtyard, inscribed with the name
"Alcazar". I've encountered that name before, but not in any
source from the last century. By the faint sunlight I can make
out a pristine grey coffin on the other side, but not much else.
I'm willing to bet that his crypt is untouched; and if that
argument was anything to go by, that this old tavern is somehow
connected to it. I don't see any obvious way down, but this
whole quarter is riddled with caves and forgotten access tunnels.
It shouldn't be too hard to find something, even if that means
combing the streets.

I didn't bring my full kit, so I'll have to scrounge around for
supplies. No thief worth its dime would take a job like this:
first because boozing-ken are usually either neutral grounds
or warden's territory, and second because I don't even know
if there's anything of value waiting for me down there. But a
master thief knows how to turn a profit from circumstances,
even if it means bending the rules a little...

* Notes *

- This mission was created for the 1 Million Units contest,
so it was designed with a 100x100x100 DromEd unit cube.
That's pretty small, but hopefully it doesn't feel that
- THIS IS A THIEF GOLD MISSION! If you try to load it in
Thief 2 it won't work.
- This mission is NOT compatible with the Thief Enhancement
Pack! Playing it with the Enhancement Pack enabled can
cause numerous clipping object and missing texture errors.
- Expected playtime: about one hour.
- NewDark 1.26 or later is required.

* Play Information *

Game : Thief Gold
Level Names : Alcazar
File names : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Normal/Hard/Expert
Equipment store : No
Map/Automap : Yes/No (thanks skacky)
New graphics : Yes
New sounds : Yes
New conversations : Modified TG conversations
New models : Yes
EAX Support : No
Multi language support : No (only English)
Briefing Video : No

* Construction *

Base : From scratch.
Build Time : About eleven days over three months.

* Playtesters *

- DirkBogan, FireMage, Marbleman, Melan, Skacky

* Custom Resource Credits *

- Skacky (map pages)
- Jason Otto (weldt.bin)
- Team Calendra (calendra.wav from Calendra's Cistern)
- .Flow for some sound
- Yume Nikki for another sound
- Firemage for one mmmmesh

* Thanks *

- Squadafrogx for tons of help with room brushing, decoration,
AI setup, ambient sound, texts, and more.
- Melan and Stinkykitty for inspiration
- Looking Glass Studios

* Copyright Information *

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as the archive
and this file are kept intact.

This level was not made and is not supported by
Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.


• Uploaded 31.12.2020
• Size 6.58 Mb
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