Das Artefakt

Title : Das Artefakt
Filename : Artefakt.zip
Author : Mayar
Contact info : Jorma@bluewin.ch
Homepage : www.myspace.com/sneakapeek7
Date of Release : 11.06.2009
Version : 1.2
Date of last update : February 4, 2014
* Story *
"My friend Isaak was on the hunt for a mysterious Artefact, as someone got the drop on him.
That particular aristocrat was on the road along with his men, and kidnapped Isaak.
He was taken to the Lord's estate and was imprisoned there. For sure it should not be
very difficult to set him free again... besides that, it is about time to give that
Lord something to think about. First, I am going to grab the Artefact and then I will
free Isaak. Well, we shall see how pleased the Lord will be to make my acquaintance...
It is time to get going..."
"Mein Freund Isaak war auf der Suche nach einem mystischen Artefakt, als ihm jemand zuvorgekommen ist.
Der besagte Aristokrat war mit seiner Truppe unterwegs, und entf?hrte Isaak in sein Anwesen und kerkerte
ihn schliesslich dort ein. Na w?re doch gelacht wenn ich ihn dort nicht rausholen k?nnte...zudem ist es
an der Zeit, diesem Lord einen Denkzettel zu verpassen. Ich besorge mir zuerst das Artefakt und befreie
danach Isaak. Mal schauen wie der Lord auf mich anzusprechen ist...Es wird Zeit aufzubrechen..."
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief Gold
Level Names : The Artefact ("Das Artefakt")
File Name : miss15.mis
Difficulty Settings : Petty thief, Magpie, Masterthief
(Tagedieb, Elster, Meisterdieb)
Equipment Store : No
Map : No
Automap : No
New Graphics : No
New Objects : No
New Sounds : No
EAX Support : No
Multi-Language Support : German
Briefing : No
Known bugs : No
* Construction *
Base : Tutorial by Voneins & Komag
Level Size : small
Build Time : 12 Weeks
* Special Thanks *
Komag and VonEins for their tutorials and SinisterShadow, Fibanocci, Darkthief and Intruder for the help on the forum.
Also Thanks Gnartsch for the Translation and VeniVidiRici for the Youtube-video.
* Copyright Information *
This Fanmission is (c) by Mayar
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is
kept intact. You may not include this level in any map pack without my permission.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios, Eidos Interactive,
or Ion Storm.
• Uploaded 04.02.2014
• Size 897.02 Kb