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Autumn in Lampfire Hills

"I sense the darkness nearer
I feel a presence here
a change in the weather
I love this time of year...
I hear some frightful noises
I don't go out at night
since Bobrow's youngest daughter
disappeared from sight..."

-Blue Oyster Cult

You're a Master Thief.
You've stolen from Constantine, you've stolen from Lord Rothchest, Edmund
and all the others. You've stolen from a god, for heaven's sake! It's about time
you got a place of your own...not an apartment. A house, or maybe a cottage...Yes.
A cottage in Lampfire Hills. In the north outskirts of this gear-grinding city,
lies the peaceful (though sternly ruled) district of Lampfire Hills. Now that you
are out of debt you've even given some consideration to retiring there...
Until you noticed something peculiar about your new cottage.

This mission is a surprise with (hopefully) story at the fore. Hence you'll
want to explore your cottage and lawn thoroughly before venturing into the district
of Lampfire Hills. A full briefing waits in your journal downstairs. Oh, by the way,
you can afford to hire a henchman now that you're out of debt...a front gate guard of
your own...so don't go killing everyone you first see...he's difficult to replace.
Lastly, remember, you own the place...so for once in your life you don't have to sneak
around...to begin with anyway...

Title: Autumn in Lampfire Hills
Version: 2.1a
Game: Thief - The Dark Project/Gold
File: Lampfire_2.1a.zip
Author: Anthony Huso
Contact: http://anthonyhuso.com/
Original Release: Early October 1999
Re-Released: 2014-10-07
Updated by: AntiMatter_16
Contact: AntiMatter_16@hotmail.com
Installation: Copy the .zip file to mission folder and run with Dark Loader, or FM Selector
Requires: Thief the Dark Project or Thief Gold with Newdark 1.22 installed

Store: Yes
Map: Yes
EAX: Yes
Briefing: Yes
Difficulty Settings: Normal/Hard/Expert

Added 32 bit lighting
Added colored lighting
Fixed tons of texture alignment issues
Fixed the physics dimensions of many objects (Beds, tables, trees, chairs, lampposts, etc.)
Added more appropriate material properties to many objects
Fixed the map so it displays properly
Added TONS of room brushes to fix sound propagation errors (e.g. hearing through walls)
Added EAX environmental audio settings to room brushes
Added Brushwork from "A meeting with Basso" to shared areas
Fixed a bug where you could lock the fireplace lever
Lots of other little nitpicky things and general polish
Improved candle flames
Improved sleeping AI responses
Lots of other little stuff

Base: scratch
Time: 400 hours aprox

(c) Copyright 1999 by Anthony Huso. Play and distribute providing the level remains
intact and free.

This level was not made and is not supported by LGS or Eidos Interactive.

"I sense the darkness nearer
I feel a presence here
a change in the weather
I love this time of year...
I hear some frightful noises
I don't go out at night
since Bobrow's youngest daughter
disappeared from sight..."

-Blue Oyster Cult

Ainsi, vous ?tes un Ma?tre voleur.
Vous avez cambriol? Constantine, vous avez cambriol? les sires Rothchest, Edmund,
Bafford et tous les autres. Vous avez m?me cambriol? un dieu ! Mais pour l'amour
du ciel, il est grand temps de vous trouvez un vrai foyer... Pas un appartement.
Mais une maison, ou peut ?tre un cottage...Oui.
Un cottage ? Lampfire Hills. Aux faubourgs nord de cette vieille Cit?e, il y a
cette paisible (bien que gouvern?e tr?s s?v?rement) commune de Lampfire Hills.
Maintenant que vous avez r?gl? toutes vos dettes, vous aviez pens? ? vous retirer
Jusqu'? ce que vous remarquiez quelque chose de tr?s ?trange dans votre nouveau

Cette mission vous r?serve des surprises et (je l'esp?re) un sc?nario cons?quent.

Il vous faudra explorer votre cottage, et explorer ses alentours, avant de vous
aventurer dans la commune de Lampfire Hills. Un briefing plus complet vous attend
dans votre journal intime, au rez-de chauss?e. Oh ! Au fait... Maintenant que vous
n'?tes plus dans le besoin, vous vous ?tes m?me pay? le luxe d'engager un homme de
main... Un garde du corps personnel pour surveiller l'entr?e de votre propri?t?...
Alors ne commencez pas ? tuer ou assommer tous ceux que vous rencontrerez... La
m?moire va vite vous revenir.
Et pour finir, rappelez-vous que vous ?tes le propri?taire des lieux... Alors
pour une fois dans votre vie, vous n'aurez pas besoin de vous d?placer discr?tement,
ni de voler les choses pr?cieuses que vous verrez !... Au d?but, en tout cas...

Auteur : Anthony Huso (Poteh)
Contact : http://anthonyhuso.com/
r?alis?e le : D?but Octobre 1999

• Uploaded 06.10.2014
• Size 8.51 Mb
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