A Thief's New Year 2015

December 31, 2014
Author : SneakyGuy101
Filename : NewYear2014.zip
Contact info : PM me on the TTLG Forums
Date of release: December 31, 2014
Version : 1.0
Description : This is just a fun little Christmas/Winter Themed Thief 1 mission. Also it's the first Thief 1 winter FM
(Side Note: There's also a little bonus area previewing a part of my upcoming 2015 mission on Expert only.)
Briefing : I was having a really nice and cozy Sleep on New Years Eve until I was woken by the sound of people celebrating right outside my window.
I think that it's time to be a bit naughty and teach them why it's rude to wake a Thief up. So I'll steal from all of these noisy people, especially since it's a party
with a bunch of noblemen who already have too much loot for their own good. I'll need it since the landlord has been pissing me off with his 'Pay the money or I'll kick you out' crap!
I'll also see if I can find some holiday treats like a Candy Cane, Some Egg Nog, A Warm hat for when I venture out into the cold winter night, and a lump of coal since I'm so naughty.
Time to get my gear and head out. As soon as I'm done I'll be able to return, enjoy my Egg Nog, and then get some sleep for the New Year.
*Play Information*
Game : Thief Gold Newdark 1.22
Mission Name : A Thief's New Year 2015
File name : miss30.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes (only difference is loot requirements)
Equipment store : No
Map / automap : No
New graphics : Yes
New sounds : Yes
EAX support : Yes
Multi language support: No
Briefing : No
Difficulty levels : bad, Naughty, Garrett
-Do not play this with the any Texture Mods!! This mission uses vanilla texture combinations and if compromised by Modded textures
it won't be pretty for gameplay. You are warned!
* Construction *
Base : none
Build Time: 10 days
* Known Bugs *
Listen, I didn't test it because it was a last minute thing so if there are any bugs present when you play it tell me about them
and maybe I'll make an updated version for 2015.
* Loading Information *
This FM should work with Darkloader 4.2 or higher, but you will have to make it recognize the FM first.
Install the FM in your FM folder as usual. Launch Darkloader, select The Serpentine Amulet but don't start it, close Darkloader instead. In your Darkloader directory, open Darkloader.ini and search for 10Rooms-SerpA.
Replace type=2 by type=1 and start Darkloader again. You're set!
Also in order to play this you need NewDark (TFix) You can find it on the forums.
Once in TFix check all of the boxes when it asks you what you want. This is because all
things included in TFix are needed to make this level look great, trust me I'm the one
who designed it ;)
* Credits *
-Thanks to everyone on the forums who helped me out.
-Thanks to LGS for making this Awesome game.
-Thanks to everyone who signed the petition for the editor. I know this was long ago but thanks to the petition I'm able to do what I love
and without the editor I would've never discovered my talents.
-Ambient music from Thief 2
-Objects from Thief 2
-Objects made by The Cosas Team
-Objects by Sluggs
-Objects by Nielsen74
-Objects by Yandros
-Objects by Vigil
-Ai's made by The Cosas Team
-Ai's made by Purgator
-Textures made by Dave Gurrea
-Textures made by Rob Hicks
-Textures made by Targa
-Textures made by Polygon
-Textures made by Purah
-Textures from Thief 2
-Decorative holiday lights idea copied from Yandros's Thief Holiday missions.
* Copyright *
This level is (c) by SneakyGuy101 2014.
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept
intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No
one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Interactive. Enjoy!
December 31, 2014
Author : SneakyGuy101
Filename : NewYear2014.zip
Contact info : PM me on the TTLG Forums
Date of release: December 31, 2014
Version : 1.0
Description : This is just a fun little Christmas/Winter Themed Thief 1 mission. Also it's the first Thief 1 winter FM
(Side Note: There's also a little bonus area previewing a part of my upcoming 2015 mission on Expert only.)
Briefing : I was having a really nice and cozy Sleep on New Years Eve until I was woken by the sound of people celebrating right outside my window.
I think that it's time to be a bit naughty and teach them why it's rude to wake a Thief up. So I'll steal from all of these noisy people, especially since it's a party
with a bunch of noblemen who already have too much loot for their own good. I'll need it since the landlord has been pissing me off with his 'Pay the money or I'll kick you out' crap!
I'll also see if I can find some holiday treats like a Candy Cane, Some Egg Nog, A Warm hat for when I venture out into the cold winter night, and a lump of coal since I'm so naughty.
Time to get my gear and head out. As soon as I'm done I'll be able to return, enjoy my Egg Nog, and then get some sleep for the New Year.
*Play Information*
Game : Thief Gold Newdark 1.22
Mission Name : A Thief's New Year 2015
File name : miss30.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes (only difference is loot requirements)
Equipment store : No
Map / automap : No
New graphics : Yes
New sounds : Yes
EAX support : Yes
Multi language support: No
Briefing : No
Difficulty levels : bad, Naughty, Garrett
-Do not play this with the any Texture Mods!! This mission uses vanilla texture combinations and if compromised by Modded textures
it won't be pretty for gameplay. You are warned!
* Construction *
Base : none
Build Time: 10 days
* Known Bugs *
Listen, I didn't test it because it was a last minute thing so if there are any bugs present when you play it tell me about them
and maybe I'll make an updated version for 2015.
* Loading Information *
This FM should work with Darkloader 4.2 or higher, but you will have to make it recognize the FM first.
Install the FM in your FM folder as usual. Launch Darkloader, select The Serpentine Amulet but don't start it, close Darkloader instead. In your Darkloader directory, open Darkloader.ini and search for 10Rooms-SerpA.
Replace type=2 by type=1 and start Darkloader again. You're set!
Also in order to play this you need NewDark (TFix) You can find it on the forums.
Once in TFix check all of the boxes when it asks you what you want. This is because all
things included in TFix are needed to make this level look great, trust me I'm the one
who designed it ;)
* Credits *
-Thanks to everyone on the forums who helped me out.
-Thanks to LGS for making this Awesome game.
-Thanks to everyone who signed the petition for the editor. I know this was long ago but thanks to the petition I'm able to do what I love
and without the editor I would've never discovered my talents.
-Ambient music from Thief 2
-Objects from Thief 2
-Objects made by The Cosas Team
-Objects by Sluggs
-Objects by Nielsen74
-Objects by Yandros
-Objects by Vigil
-Ai's made by The Cosas Team
-Ai's made by Purgator
-Textures made by Dave Gurrea
-Textures made by Rob Hicks
-Textures made by Targa
-Textures made by Polygon
-Textures made by Purah
-Textures from Thief 2
-Decorative holiday lights idea copied from Yandros's Thief Holiday missions.
* Copyright *
This level is (c) by SneakyGuy101 2014.
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept
intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No
one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Interactive. Enjoy!
• Uploaded 31.12.2014
• Size 21.08 Mb