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Rigging The Votes :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Rigging The Votes

Mar 23, 2002 (Fixed version 13-11-2010)

Author : TaXi (Eben Lassen) - Fixed by Haplo (details below)
Contact Info : mr.tza@snet.net
Homepage : http://www.angelfire.com/goth/vionline
Date of Release : Mar 23, 2002
Description : ______________________________________________________________
This is about my third mission. My first was a demo
called Garrett's House. My second was called Garrett's
Apartment. Both were crap. I hope this is better.
I recently went paid off the Sheriff, Heywood Jascroomee,
to have his men look the other way as I walked into
the vault of First City Bank and Trust, so I could
pick up 1000 in gold for equipment for a job. I knew
he was always willing to deal with a thief, being a
former thief himself. When I arrived at his house, I
knew something was wrong. The gate was hanging by one
hinge, and it was all warped, as if it had been bashed
off. I want into his house, but I couldn't find him
in any of the main rooms. The house was ransacked.
I made my way to the bathroom, and I saw something
I will never forget. His dead body was in the bathtub,
which was full of blood. His head was reversed. I knew
I was dealing with a very violent group of killers,
whoever did this. I noticed his arm was hanging out
of the tub, and there was a note in it:
will you? You always favored those taffers, the Downwinders!
With love, from THE UPWINDERS!!!!".
I am only 14 years old, so don't expect much of the

Briefing : No


* Playing Information *

Game : Thief: The Dark Project
Mission Title : Rigging The Votes
File Name : miss16.mis
Difficulty Settings : Kind of
Equipment Store : Yes
Map : Yes
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : No
New Sounds : Yes
Multi-Language Support : No
Briefing : No

* Construction *

Base : None
Build Time : 3 months

Fixes by Haplo (13/11/2010):

- Loading a save game won't crash anymore.
- Optimization and ObjCast lighting.
- Snapped all the brushes to the grid.
- Fixed a corrupt script name.
- Fixed the objective difficulties.
- Fixed the final objective not ticking off.
- Fixed the wrong intrface directory structure.
- Fixed many room brush errors. The author seems to have misunderstood the concept of room brushes.
For example, he had put a room brush around every air and solid brush. Imagine the mess.
- The hammer now goes in the inventory.
- Fixed the portcullis at the beginning.
- Fixed the plaques.
- Fixed the infinite arrows.
- Fixed the position and orientation of many doors, objects and lights.
- Fixed the recurring conversations.
- Fixed a couple of missing textures.
- Fixed the texts.
- Some other small fixes.

What was not fixed:
- (0, 0, 0) falls inside the map.

What was not touched:
- The architecture, textures, AIs, AI patrols, story or any other game play elements.

Special thanks to darthsLair for helping me fix a crash I could not reproduce, and to the TTLG people
for their patience.


* Loading Information *

Darkloader ready. Do not unzip -- Place in fan mission folder and install using Darkloader 4.2 or later.


* Copyright Information *

This level is ? by TaXi 2002

Do whatever with it, like I care.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

(This text file was created with the Homemade Mission Text Wizard)

• Uploaded 13.11.2010
• Size 4.62 Mb
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