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The Scholar's Hand

A Thief Gold Fan Mission

Title : The Scholar's Hand
Filename : miss17
Author : Nick Dablin (nicked)
Game : Thief Gold
Contact info : nickdablin@gmail.com
Released : 2nd June 2023
Version : 1.0


The Great Library at Benachdar is one of the largest collections
of knowledge in the world - outside of a Keeper sanctuary that is.
Or at least, it was, until the despotic Lord Arban inherited the
seigneury after the suspicious death of his nephew.

Now he's cracked down on the region and closed the Library to all
outsiders. Rumours from within the Library fortress are scant, but
it's said that he's aligned himself with a sect of grimy pagan hedge
wizards called the Gaunt Brotherhood, and is attempting to unlock
the magic power within the relic known as the Scholar's Hand.

Cutty, who apparently has a contact within the Order of the Hammer,
reports that the Hammerites would love to retake the Library but dare
not risk the assault while Arban has control of the Scholar's Hand.
He's managed to get a contract for its safe return through various
intermediaries. Seems like a dangerous game, working for the Hammers,
but I'm sure Cutty knows what he's doing, and the money's good.

It's a short journey from the City, but there's an inn at the base of
the mountain that should be a good place to lay low until nightfall.
Then it's just a matter of making my way up to the Library through the
abandoned mines and liberating the Scholar's Hand. I'll make my exit
through the nameless ruins east of the Library - the ruins are rumoured
to be cursed, so its a safe bet Lord Arban's men won't pursue me far
once I've escaped the Library itself.

* Notes and Known Bugs *

- A few dodgy roombrushes.
- Some of the new tools can cause framerate drops if used to excess.
- There's a few places you can escape the map if you really try. It won't
break anything.
- AIs can sometimes get stuck on double doors.

* Play Information *

Game : Thief Gold
File names : miss17.mis, exp.gam
Difficulty Settings : Normal/Hard/Expert
Equipment store : Yes
Map/Automap : Yes/Yes
New graphics : Yes
New sounds : Yes
New conversations : No
New models : Yes
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language : No
Briefing : No

* Construction *

Base : Scratch
Build Time : 4 months

* Beta testers *


* Resource Credits *

Scripts by NamelessVoice
Some textures from textures.com
Tray textures from photos by AldarithVK
Some objects and textures repurposed from Thief 2
A few objects made by me (stock textures or textures.com)
Skybox by Pieter 'Spiney' Verhoeven
(used under CC license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)
Most custom audio is stock sounds modified by me
Some ambients by Gigagooga

* Copyright Information *

This level is © 2023 by the author.

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as the archive and this
file are kept intact.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios
or Eidos Interactive.


• Uploaded 01.06.2023
• Size 26.92 Mb
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