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Shadow Play :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Shadow Play

Title : Shadow Play
Filename : TDP20AC_shadowplay.zip
Author : Schlock
Contact : PM on TTLG forums or schlock.d@gmail.com
Date of release : 11/30/2018
Version : 1.0

"Just last week some miners uncovered a catacomb beneath
the mountains near Cragscleft dating back to time before
the City. Most of the artifacts are being taken to museums,
or destroyed by the Hammers, but some managed to slip
through the cracks and into the City.

More or less trustworthy sources have it that one such
piece of loot, a jewel-encrusted sword, landed in the
hands of Lord Rosenfield in Downtowne. All the buzz
about the discovery means I'll have no problem finding
a buyer, so it would be irresponsible of me to pass on
this lead.

Rosenfield lives in a gaudy, golden manor, typical
of his type. There's only one guard out front. Seems
friendly enough but there's no key on his belt. Time
to look for another way in."

* Notes *

- This mission is NOT compatible with the Thief Enhancement
Pack! Playing it with the Enhancement Pack enabled will
cause numerous clipping object and missing texture errors.
- This mission was created for the Thief: The Dark Project
20th Anniversary FM contest. As such, it is reccomended
to play without graphical alterations such as HD textures
- Expected playtime: less than one hour.
- NewDark 1.26 is required.

* Play Information *

Game : Thief Gold
Level Names : Shadow Play
File names : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Normal/Hard/Expert
Equipment store : Yes
Map/Automap : No
New graphics : No
New sounds : No
New conversations : No
New models : No
EAX Support : No
Multi language support : No (only English)
Briefing : No

* Construction *

Base : From scratch.
Build Time : It is a mystery.

* Playtesters *

- cardia1, marbleman, skacky

* Thanks to *

- Nicked and Dale, for their invaluable DromEd tutorials
- The anonymous DromEd wizard(s) who had an answer to every
one of my questions.
- FM authors such as Feuillade Industries, Sperry, and
StinkyKitty, whose missions inspired me to make my own.
- My playtesters
- Looking Glass Studios

* Copyright Information *

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as the archive
and this file are kept intact.

This level was not made and is not supported by
Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 27.11.2018
• Size 2.53 Mb
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