Circle of Strain Campaign

Circle of Strain Campaign - November 27, 2014
Title : Circle of Strain Campaign
Author : Markus "Mokkis" Lappalainen
Contact : /
Bugfixed by : Michael A. Cleveland (AntiMatter_16)
Contact :
Original release : CoS1 & CoS2 - 1999.08.10, CoS3 - 2000.01.27
Briefing : Read Felix's note at the start of each mission
** Play Information **
Game : Thief - The Dark Project (NewDark 1.22 *REQUIRED*)
Level names : Circle of Strain 1 - 3
File name : CoS Campaign
Difficulty settings : Yes
Equipment store : Yes
Map / Automap : Yes/No
EAX Suppport : Yes
Multi language support : No
Briefing : No
Known bugs : None
** Construction **
Base : None
Build time : CoS1 - 2/5 months, CoS2 - Over 2 months, CoS3 - Over 3 Months
Bugfixing time : Intermittently over a year
** Loading Information **
Darkloader and FMSel compatible
Newdark 1.22 is *REQUIRED*
Thief Enhancement Pack and the Thief Gold HD Textures recommended
*.dml files are included in ".\Enhanced Sky Dmls" to enable enhanced skies, if installed
** Special Thanks **
Beta Testers: Astro man, Mr.Mojo (CoS2). JunkyMan, Mad-Sam, Nettieke, Viper6, Jayle (CoS3)
Thanks to Banshee for the lion banner, and to LoanStar for the custom audio schema.
Special thanks also to the guys. Without your help and
support, this level wouldn't have ever been finished.
I also want to thank Looking Glass Studios for releasing DromEd. Thief has totally changed
my life. Thank you, LGlass. You have made the best game I ever played and I really mean
** Bugfix Changes by AntiMatter_16 **
Adjusted, reworked, and realigned many terrain brushes to optimize terrain
Adjusted, reworked, and realigned room brushes to fix sound propagation errors
Added EAX settings to all rooms
Added 32 bit Lighting and increased lightmap resolution
Adjusted physics properties of many objects so that they more closely fit the model
Aligned many, many textures *everywhere*
Removed unused textures to reduce memory usage
Added colored lighting to torches, flames, and electric lights, among others
Adjusted rendering parameters to apply a very subtle color to shadow
Fixed sleeping guards and servants so they wake up properly
Reduced lockpicking time for locks which are not by any AI
Included optional enhanced sky *.dmls if enhanced skies are installed
Added proper inventory object names to keys, and other objects
Spellchecked, fixed punctuation, and reworked a few unclear books/scrolls
Adjusted fireplace particles, so they don't pass through the brickwork
Lots of other stuff I've forgotten
Fixed misaligned terrain brushes in outside area
Reworked Roofs and outside areas to be better optimized
Replaced outside light brushes with proper sunlight
Fixed the silver fire poker ticking off finding the serpentile torc objective
Resized manor rooms and trophy room to fit textures better
Adjusted how the front gate guards respond and attack when the player acts suspiciously
Fixed Garrett VoiceOvers so they play properly
Fixed and adjusted ambientsound markers
Text on PosterScrolls now displayed on parchment, instead of in-game
Added a flow brush around the well water to fix silent water
Added windows on the inside that were on the outside of the manor
Changed bunk beds with guards in them to single bunks so guards wake up properly.
Lots of other stuff I've forgotten
Replaced outside light brushes with proper sunlight
Expanded sky areas to connect courtyard to adjacent areas
Moved the 2nd floor higher to better fit textures
Fixed invalid flow brush that resulted in silent water
Fixed Zombies so they (usually) resurrect properly
Lots of other stuff I've forgotten
Removed unnecessary solid sky brushes meant to lower poly counts in T1, opening up views
Optimized brushes around the Cathedral, manor and all over town (this sounds mundane,
but took many, many hours.)
Replaced rotated cube brushes used as beams in the manor with optimized wedge brushes
Fixed servant with tray, so he drops the tray when startled
Lots of other stuff I've forgotten
** Legal **
These levels are (C) by Markus Lappalainen 1999, 2000. They have been edited by
AntiMatter_16 and re-released with permission.
Distribution of these levels is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept
intact. You may not include this level or any map pack without express permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
Circle of Strain Campaign - November 27, 2014
Title : Circle of Strain Campaign
Author : Markus "Mokkis" Lappalainen
Contact : /
Bugfixed by : Michael A. Cleveland (AntiMatter_16)
Contact :
Original release : CoS1 & CoS2 - 1999.08.10, CoS3 - 2000.01.27
Briefing : Read Felix's note at the start of each mission
** Play Information **
Game : Thief - The Dark Project (NewDark 1.22 *REQUIRED*)
Level names : Circle of Strain 1 - 3
File name : CoS Campaign
Difficulty settings : Yes
Equipment store : Yes
Map / Automap : Yes/No
EAX Suppport : Yes
Multi language support : No
Briefing : No
Known bugs : None
** Construction **
Base : None
Build time : CoS1 - 2/5 months, CoS2 - Over 2 months, CoS3 - Over 3 Months
Bugfixing time : Intermittently over a year
** Loading Information **
Darkloader and FMSel compatible
Newdark 1.22 is *REQUIRED*
Thief Enhancement Pack and the Thief Gold HD Textures recommended
*.dml files are included in ".\Enhanced Sky Dmls" to enable enhanced skies, if installed
** Special Thanks **
Beta Testers: Astro man, Mr.Mojo (CoS2). JunkyMan, Mad-Sam, Nettieke, Viper6, Jayle (CoS3)
Thanks to Banshee for the lion banner, and to LoanStar for the custom audio schema.
Special thanks also to the guys. Without your help and
support, this level wouldn't have ever been finished.
I also want to thank Looking Glass Studios for releasing DromEd. Thief has totally changed
my life. Thank you, LGlass. You have made the best game I ever played and I really mean
** Bugfix Changes by AntiMatter_16 **
Adjusted, reworked, and realigned many terrain brushes to optimize terrain
Adjusted, reworked, and realigned room brushes to fix sound propagation errors
Added EAX settings to all rooms
Added 32 bit Lighting and increased lightmap resolution
Adjusted physics properties of many objects so that they more closely fit the model
Aligned many, many textures *everywhere*
Removed unused textures to reduce memory usage
Added colored lighting to torches, flames, and electric lights, among others
Adjusted rendering parameters to apply a very subtle color to shadow
Fixed sleeping guards and servants so they wake up properly
Reduced lockpicking time for locks which are not by any AI
Included optional enhanced sky *.dmls if enhanced skies are installed
Added proper inventory object names to keys, and other objects
Spellchecked, fixed punctuation, and reworked a few unclear books/scrolls
Adjusted fireplace particles, so they don't pass through the brickwork
Lots of other stuff I've forgotten
Fixed misaligned terrain brushes in outside area
Reworked Roofs and outside areas to be better optimized
Replaced outside light brushes with proper sunlight
Fixed the silver fire poker ticking off finding the serpentile torc objective
Resized manor rooms and trophy room to fit textures better
Adjusted how the front gate guards respond and attack when the player acts suspiciously
Fixed Garrett VoiceOvers so they play properly
Fixed and adjusted ambientsound markers
Text on PosterScrolls now displayed on parchment, instead of in-game
Added a flow brush around the well water to fix silent water
Added windows on the inside that were on the outside of the manor
Changed bunk beds with guards in them to single bunks so guards wake up properly.
Lots of other stuff I've forgotten
Replaced outside light brushes with proper sunlight
Expanded sky areas to connect courtyard to adjacent areas
Moved the 2nd floor higher to better fit textures
Fixed invalid flow brush that resulted in silent water
Fixed Zombies so they (usually) resurrect properly
Lots of other stuff I've forgotten
Removed unnecessary solid sky brushes meant to lower poly counts in T1, opening up views
Optimized brushes around the Cathedral, manor and all over town (this sounds mundane,
but took many, many hours.)
Replaced rotated cube brushes used as beams in the manor with optimized wedge brushes
Fixed servant with tray, so he drops the tray when startled
Lots of other stuff I've forgotten
** Legal **
These levels are (C) by Markus Lappalainen 1999, 2000. They have been edited by
AntiMatter_16 and re-released with permission.
Distribution of these levels is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept
intact. You may not include this level or any map pack without express permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
• Uploaded 27.11.2014
• Size 17.42 Mb