The Bracelet of Melody

Author : Pedro Quintela from Portugal (Cardia)
Contact Info :
Homepage :
Date of Release : 05-06-2022 created with NewDark 1.27
Title : The Bracelet of Melody
Version : 1.2 (25-07-2022)
Side info : This mission is dedicated to Aemanyl
Garrett discovers that Lord Bafford has a holiday house in a foreign city called Bruggelas. Hoping
to find something valuable there, he travels to Bruggelas and breaks into Lord Bafford's residence.
As he is about to lay his hands on the infamous fat nobleman's wealth, something unexpected happens...
- This is a city type mission, which is heavy on exploration. You need to find 42% loot on Normal,
58% on Hard, and 71% on Expert. Regular Thief players shouldn't have any problems meeting the loot
requirement on Expert. If you are a novice or someone who is not so keen on exploration, however,
please consider playing on lower difficulties.
- Hard and Expert difficulty levels contain one additional objective. There are also two optional,
non-mandatory objectives on every difficulty level.
- The mission also emphasises verticality, so always remember to look up and investigate balconies,
wooden beams, rooftops, etc. Try not to waste your rope arrows unnecessarily.
- Diaries with most essential information about storyline and objectives can be picked up and they
remain in Garrett's inventory. If you happen to get stuck, try reading them again. Non-pickable
readables may also contain additional hints and clues, so make sure you read everything you find.
- Please note that at least one readable may contain mature themes.
- As Garrett starts the mission with no equipment, it would be recommended for you to focus on
retrieving your belongings first, before you explore the rest of the city.
- Use lean forward button to approach items that are hard to frob. You may also want to look closely
behind furniture.
- Do not save during conversations.
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief 1/Gold
Mission Title : The Bracelet of Melody
File Name : miss20
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : No
Auto Map : No
New objects : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
Multi-Language Support : Yes
EAX Support : No
Briefing(s) : Yes
Length : n/a
Size : n/a
* Construction *
Base : My imagination (inspired by the French, Italian and Belgian architecture,
and also deep house music). Storyline inspired by Belgium and French beer.
Build Time : 2 years and 9 months.
Build info : Related with my own world.
* Loading Information *
Recommended FM loaders: AngelLoader, NewDarkLoader, FMSelector
* Special Thanks To *
- Le Corbeau for Newdark 1.27;
- Vfig for the cash register model!
- R.Soul for teaching me how to convert objects to bin files with Blender
- Christine Schneider as most objects used in this mission are from her
- Dromed technical support :
Firemage, DirkBogan, Nicked, JarlFrank, Unna Oertd?ttir, Yandros, Rsoul, PinkDot, Brethren,
Random Taffer, Vegetables
- Help provided by:
Jayrude, Marbleman, RSoul, Vfig, Firemage, Swanley
- Helpful information by:
DarkMax, DirkBogan, Psych0sis
- French translation by:
- German translation by:
- Readables, plaques, dialogues, and Garrett's comments proofread to correct English grammar and
edited by Aemanyl, Kusmeek, and Mat99
- New readables added by Aemanyl (regarding a red pagan doll for Steve, poetry book in the city park
and diary in the art gallery)
- Briefing & credits videos by:
* Voice actors:
Me : Garrett
Shadow Creepr : Princess M?lanie Martinez
Antimatter_16 : Man (Fran?ois Damien) in the Cut Emerald Inn
Several voice sounds fixed and edited by Mat99
* Beta testers (in alphabetical order):
Gloria Creep
- AI skin textures and models by:
Purgator, Ottoj55, Nicked, TDBonko, T2X, Dromed Deluxe, Team CoSaS, Sensut, and me
- Objects created for Dromed:
T2X, Sluggs, Yandros, Eshaktaar, Zontik, Nicked, schwaa, Elvis, Christine Schneider, Dale
Cosas, DC Project, Sensut, sliptip, Sterlino, Team Rose Cottage, R Soul, Gamophyte, TDBonko,
Hammerite Imperium, TDBonko, DarkShadow, SoulTear, BlackThief, Totality, Nameless Voice, Targa
John Denison, Vigil, Von Eins, Nielsen74, LarryG, Syi, Lord Alan, The Watcher, Firemage, Pinkdot,
Lady Rowena, Vfig (Thank you for the cash register model!)
- Object from outside authors:
erryfisher, sam_ogon, Karthik Naidu, Julius Weissmann, scrampunk,
romullus, Kunsthof Heiligenstadt, simviz, Sergey, FFeller,Dan Andersen, HogmanTheEternal, Filip
Silas Merlin, misterdevious, niaphasia, deea_jo, Jacob McKee-Wright, Charilaou99,NguoiDaiViet,
Phipps98, BekirFreelan, Rigsters, Daniel Vicente, Giimann, Francesco Coldesina, rizki alamsyah,
nestofgames, LordGruny, alex999m, tomaszura, The British Museum, Emmanuel PUYBARET, P3TroV!
FabinhoSC,Thomas Flynn, Paule Gennadievich, AkSdev, Luke.G, Pixel, Geoffrey Marchal, Dikart,
wolfgar74, dextersmart, Kim Kaurin, J?r?mie Louvetz, lcoyne, Jitske Bauwens, Spark, Artyom,
daanwever123, Naiyararahman, MMAS3D, emmashanks, Eugen Shuklin, yughues, ssavalot, jesusblasco,
Jeffrey Tuhtan, Cobalt, NickFrame, juninholiveira, Kadilnikov, jensliamdevries, Ieva, Hassan,
Bryanthealy, Jetstorm_477, Sebastian Valenzuela, Joycestick, JmPrsh153, Jake6665, Wafelek, Kidd,
Andrej Grave, Esteban Carrera, vUv, Zuo Modern, chris_models, Seekdestry, DefecateRainbows,
nofaced3d, Konstantine Vervenko, annakhobta, Nicothin, DanSilva, theernestobecerra, beyondmatter,
XialiMu.Bell, Vyacheslav_SD, tomrevill, mylonas1988, Aniket Saxena, svdgwt, Brandon Westlake,
Baardus, Eyad Almofti, Juan Carlos, Tomorrow, Donnichols, Blender3D, 3dsofsan, yreme, Murriarty,
Anthony Yanez, Amatsukast, CommonSpence, PeterChen(ChenXianJi), shuvalov.d, Joy, Arjun Perayil,
4DArtisan, Kris_de_Lioncourt, M?rcio Nunes, Kigha, doxyz, ValSam, Noel,DJMaesen, TooManyDemons,
Hineline, Spellkaze, SalrunMacaod, Nick Van Bouwel, Drake?, reddification, Maria Stashko, Ehnri
Nils Folker, BartoszWWW, heleka.k, RJKZ, Medievalworlds, alfa001100, SergeyZhizhikin, Nikkip
FlukierJupiter, Dmitriy Korotkov?, bobjh, toAflame, marlocalderon, Dikart, PlumCantaloupe,
lorenzosilvacosta, Maxmalow, 3ddominator,Yaiyeondurising, wfg5001, Released, Karol Klaput,
Gast3dmodels, Marcelo Rivera, Batuhan13, nyx_iynx, THunter, Veleran, Fatih Orhan, shedmon,
helloguest897, Aartee, neverfollow81
- Music by:
Intro music "Cardia" by Scan X and edited by me
Dettinger, track 6 from the Album "Dettinger" (Main ambient music of the city)
Quantec - "Distant Space" (music in the Castle)
Terra a Terra - "Peras e pao" (short sample edited by me, music used in the Cut Emerald Inn victrola)
Atom Heart - "Helicon Valley" (short sample edited by me, music used in the Cut Emerald Inn corridors)
Jeremy - "So Peaceful" (short sample edited by me, music used in the Hammerite church)
Aphex Twin - "Untitled 1" (from "Analogue Bubblebath 5" album, music used in the credits)
- Textures:
- Very few textures from:
Severance Blade, Wolfenstein return to the castle, Thief 3, TDM team, Undying clive Bark, Daikatana,
Heretic 2, Max Payne 1, Penumbra, Quake 1, 2 and 3, Tomb Raider fan community.
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may
not include this level in any map pack without my permission. You CAN edit this mission if you want,
just let me know. and let the others know who made the original mission.
This level was not made and is not supported by the late Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
Author : Pedro Quintela from Portugal (Cardia)
Contact Info :
Homepage :
Date of Release : 05-06-2022 created with NewDark 1.27
Title : The Bracelet of Melody
Version : 1.2 (25-07-2022)
Side info : This mission is dedicated to Aemanyl
Garrett discovers that Lord Bafford has a holiday house in a foreign city called Bruggelas. Hoping
to find something valuable there, he travels to Bruggelas and breaks into Lord Bafford's residence.
As he is about to lay his hands on the infamous fat nobleman's wealth, something unexpected happens...
- This is a city type mission, which is heavy on exploration. You need to find 42% loot on Normal,
58% on Hard, and 71% on Expert. Regular Thief players shouldn't have any problems meeting the loot
requirement on Expert. If you are a novice or someone who is not so keen on exploration, however,
please consider playing on lower difficulties.
- Hard and Expert difficulty levels contain one additional objective. There are also two optional,
non-mandatory objectives on every difficulty level.
- The mission also emphasises verticality, so always remember to look up and investigate balconies,
wooden beams, rooftops, etc. Try not to waste your rope arrows unnecessarily.
- Diaries with most essential information about storyline and objectives can be picked up and they
remain in Garrett's inventory. If you happen to get stuck, try reading them again. Non-pickable
readables may also contain additional hints and clues, so make sure you read everything you find.
- Please note that at least one readable may contain mature themes.
- As Garrett starts the mission with no equipment, it would be recommended for you to focus on
retrieving your belongings first, before you explore the rest of the city.
- Use lean forward button to approach items that are hard to frob. You may also want to look closely
behind furniture.
- Do not save during conversations.
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief 1/Gold
Mission Title : The Bracelet of Melody
File Name : miss20
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : No
Auto Map : No
New objects : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
Multi-Language Support : Yes
EAX Support : No
Briefing(s) : Yes
Length : n/a
Size : n/a
* Construction *
Base : My imagination (inspired by the French, Italian and Belgian architecture,
and also deep house music). Storyline inspired by Belgium and French beer.
Build Time : 2 years and 9 months.
Build info : Related with my own world.
* Loading Information *
Recommended FM loaders: AngelLoader, NewDarkLoader, FMSelector
* Special Thanks To *
- Le Corbeau for Newdark 1.27;
- Vfig for the cash register model!
- R.Soul for teaching me how to convert objects to bin files with Blender
- Christine Schneider as most objects used in this mission are from her
- Dromed technical support :
Firemage, DirkBogan, Nicked, JarlFrank, Unna Oertd?ttir, Yandros, Rsoul, PinkDot, Brethren,
Random Taffer, Vegetables
- Help provided by:
Jayrude, Marbleman, RSoul, Vfig, Firemage, Swanley
- Helpful information by:
DarkMax, DirkBogan, Psych0sis
- French translation by:
- German translation by:
- Readables, plaques, dialogues, and Garrett's comments proofread to correct English grammar and
edited by Aemanyl, Kusmeek, and Mat99
- New readables added by Aemanyl (regarding a red pagan doll for Steve, poetry book in the city park
and diary in the art gallery)
- Briefing & credits videos by:
* Voice actors:
Me : Garrett
Shadow Creepr : Princess M?lanie Martinez
Antimatter_16 : Man (Fran?ois Damien) in the Cut Emerald Inn
Several voice sounds fixed and edited by Mat99
* Beta testers (in alphabetical order):
Gloria Creep
- AI skin textures and models by:
Purgator, Ottoj55, Nicked, TDBonko, T2X, Dromed Deluxe, Team CoSaS, Sensut, and me
- Objects created for Dromed:
T2X, Sluggs, Yandros, Eshaktaar, Zontik, Nicked, schwaa, Elvis, Christine Schneider, Dale
Cosas, DC Project, Sensut, sliptip, Sterlino, Team Rose Cottage, R Soul, Gamophyte, TDBonko,
Hammerite Imperium, TDBonko, DarkShadow, SoulTear, BlackThief, Totality, Nameless Voice, Targa
John Denison, Vigil, Von Eins, Nielsen74, LarryG, Syi, Lord Alan, The Watcher, Firemage, Pinkdot,
Lady Rowena, Vfig (Thank you for the cash register model!)
- Object from outside authors:
erryfisher, sam_ogon, Karthik Naidu, Julius Weissmann, scrampunk,
romullus, Kunsthof Heiligenstadt, simviz, Sergey, FFeller,Dan Andersen, HogmanTheEternal, Filip
Silas Merlin, misterdevious, niaphasia, deea_jo, Jacob McKee-Wright, Charilaou99,NguoiDaiViet,
Phipps98, BekirFreelan, Rigsters, Daniel Vicente, Giimann, Francesco Coldesina, rizki alamsyah,
nestofgames, LordGruny, alex999m, tomaszura, The British Museum, Emmanuel PUYBARET, P3TroV!
FabinhoSC,Thomas Flynn, Paule Gennadievich, AkSdev, Luke.G, Pixel, Geoffrey Marchal, Dikart,
wolfgar74, dextersmart, Kim Kaurin, J?r?mie Louvetz, lcoyne, Jitske Bauwens, Spark, Artyom,
daanwever123, Naiyararahman, MMAS3D, emmashanks, Eugen Shuklin, yughues, ssavalot, jesusblasco,
Jeffrey Tuhtan, Cobalt, NickFrame, juninholiveira, Kadilnikov, jensliamdevries, Ieva, Hassan,
Bryanthealy, Jetstorm_477, Sebastian Valenzuela, Joycestick, JmPrsh153, Jake6665, Wafelek, Kidd,
Andrej Grave, Esteban Carrera, vUv, Zuo Modern, chris_models, Seekdestry, DefecateRainbows,
nofaced3d, Konstantine Vervenko, annakhobta, Nicothin, DanSilva, theernestobecerra, beyondmatter,
XialiMu.Bell, Vyacheslav_SD, tomrevill, mylonas1988, Aniket Saxena, svdgwt, Brandon Westlake,
Baardus, Eyad Almofti, Juan Carlos, Tomorrow, Donnichols, Blender3D, 3dsofsan, yreme, Murriarty,
Anthony Yanez, Amatsukast, CommonSpence, PeterChen(ChenXianJi), shuvalov.d, Joy, Arjun Perayil,
4DArtisan, Kris_de_Lioncourt, M?rcio Nunes, Kigha, doxyz, ValSam, Noel,DJMaesen, TooManyDemons,
Hineline, Spellkaze, SalrunMacaod, Nick Van Bouwel, Drake?, reddification, Maria Stashko, Ehnri
Nils Folker, BartoszWWW, heleka.k, RJKZ, Medievalworlds, alfa001100, SergeyZhizhikin, Nikkip
FlukierJupiter, Dmitriy Korotkov?, bobjh, toAflame, marlocalderon, Dikart, PlumCantaloupe,
lorenzosilvacosta, Maxmalow, 3ddominator,Yaiyeondurising, wfg5001, Released, Karol Klaput,
Gast3dmodels, Marcelo Rivera, Batuhan13, nyx_iynx, THunter, Veleran, Fatih Orhan, shedmon,
helloguest897, Aartee, neverfollow81
- Music by:
Intro music "Cardia" by Scan X and edited by me
Dettinger, track 6 from the Album "Dettinger" (Main ambient music of the city)
Quantec - "Distant Space" (music in the Castle)
Terra a Terra - "Peras e pao" (short sample edited by me, music used in the Cut Emerald Inn victrola)
Atom Heart - "Helicon Valley" (short sample edited by me, music used in the Cut Emerald Inn corridors)
Jeremy - "So Peaceful" (short sample edited by me, music used in the Hammerite church)
Aphex Twin - "Untitled 1" (from "Analogue Bubblebath 5" album, music used in the credits)
- Textures:
- Very few textures from:
Severance Blade, Wolfenstein return to the castle, Thief 3, TDM team, Undying clive Bark, Daikatana,
Heretic 2, Max Payne 1, Penumbra, Quake 1, 2 and 3, Tomb Raider fan community.
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may
not include this level in any map pack without my permission. You CAN edit this mission if you want,
just let me know. and let the others know who made the original mission.
This level was not made and is not supported by the late Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
• Uploaded 24.07.2022
• Size 336.48 Mb