
Title : Intertheft
Filename :
Author : Nomadman
Contact info :
Date of release : 25/09/2022
Version : 1.1
A remimagining of the infamous "Thieves' Guild" original mission
* Play Information *
Game : Thief Gold
Level Name : Intertheft
File name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Normal/Hard/Expert
Equipment store : Yes
Map/Automap : Yes/No
New sounds : No
New conversations : No
New models : No
EAX Support : No
Multi language support : Nein
Briefing : No
* Notes *
-This mission was made using a 4:3 ascept ratio, so it's better to play this mission with it.
-This mission was made with texture filtering off, It's best to turn it off for this mission.
-I reccomend that you play this mission with gamma somwhere around the middle of the bar.
-Expert difficulty is (or is atleast supposed to be) very hard, I reccomend playing expert on a repeat playthrough.
-There is no content to be missed on lower difficulties, so don't be afraid or ashamed to bump down the difficulty.
-The speed (Time Warp) of guards has been increased on all difficulties
to prevent the player from easily running/bunnyhopping away and to make combat (and cheesing) more difficult.
-Most keys have only one use, but they don't dissapear after using it. To not overload your inventory,
drop them after using them to open a door, unless you want to use them for things like locking in guards.
* Difficulty Settings *
Normal- 800 money in store, much less guards.
Hard- 500 money in store, less guards.
Expert- 300 money in store, no guards removed.
* Construction *
Base : From scratch.
Map Size : Average
Build Time : [Started Febuary 15th] - [Finished September 14th] (211 days or 7 months and a day less)
* Loading Information *
- NewDark 1.27 or above is required.
- FMSel and NewDarkLoader are strongly recommended to play this FM.
* Special Thanks To *
-DirkBogan the DromEd wise man and tester
-Scacky the cartographer and tester
-Schlock the tester
-Marbleman the tester
* Copyright Information *
This level is © 2022 Nomadman
Under the BARON'S BOOKETH OF LAW, 4:16 "Ye shalln't distributeth this fileth without README.TXT intact,
crediting NOMADMAN for the creation of INTERTHEFT, all ye infring'rs shall beest subject to being boiled alive."
This level was not made and is not supported by
Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
Title : Intertheft
Filename :
Author : Nomadman
Contact info :
Date of release : 25/09/2022
Version : 1.1
A remimagining of the infamous "Thieves' Guild" original mission
* Play Information *
Game : Thief Gold
Level Name : Intertheft
File name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Normal/Hard/Expert
Equipment store : Yes
Map/Automap : Yes/No
New sounds : No
New conversations : No
New models : No
EAX Support : No
Multi language support : Nein
Briefing : No
* Notes *
-This mission was made using a 4:3 ascept ratio, so it's better to play this mission with it.
-This mission was made with texture filtering off, It's best to turn it off for this mission.
-I reccomend that you play this mission with gamma somwhere around the middle of the bar.
-Expert difficulty is (or is atleast supposed to be) very hard, I reccomend playing expert on a repeat playthrough.
-There is no content to be missed on lower difficulties, so don't be afraid or ashamed to bump down the difficulty.
-The speed (Time Warp) of guards has been increased on all difficulties
to prevent the player from easily running/bunnyhopping away and to make combat (and cheesing) more difficult.
-Most keys have only one use, but they don't dissapear after using it. To not overload your inventory,
drop them after using them to open a door, unless you want to use them for things like locking in guards.
* Difficulty Settings *
Normal- 800 money in store, much less guards.
Hard- 500 money in store, less guards.
Expert- 300 money in store, no guards removed.
* Construction *
Base : From scratch.
Map Size : Average
Build Time : [Started Febuary 15th] - [Finished September 14th] (211 days or 7 months and a day less)
* Loading Information *
- NewDark 1.27 or above is required.
- FMSel and NewDarkLoader are strongly recommended to play this FM.
* Special Thanks To *
-DirkBogan the DromEd wise man and tester
-Scacky the cartographer and tester
-Schlock the tester
-Marbleman the tester
* Copyright Information *
This level is © 2022 Nomadman
Under the BARON'S BOOKETH OF LAW, 4:16 "Ye shalln't distributeth this fileth without README.TXT intact,
crediting NOMADMAN for the creation of INTERTHEFT, all ye infring'rs shall beest subject to being boiled alive."
This level was not made and is not supported by
Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
• Uploaded 24.09.2022
• Size 7.81 Mb