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Lord G :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Lord G

Lord G
a Thief Gold Fan Mission
by Marzec

Version 1.3
Released 2019-01-10

For german see below: ~~ * ~~

Play Information
Game : Thief Gold
Mission Title : Lord G

Difficulty Settings : Yes
Official Lootlist : Yes
Equipment store : No
Map/Automap : No
New graphics : No
New NPC models : Yes (from contest pack)
New sounds : No
New monsters : No
EAX support : Yes
Multi language support : Yes
Briefing video : No
New Dark required : Yes

Base : From scratch
Build time : A few months with a few breaks
Dromed editing time : 3 days 22h


It's not very busy time recently... I feel like I was not doing this for years. But maybe it's because of me getting older and drinking too much wine... Sometimes I feel the time runs a bit too fast. Speaking of wine, I've got a message last night, from an old friend named Kotivra... She claims she paid a visit to one of the richest lords of the City's countryside. What I heard is the guy has... a lot of gold but a few weak guards. Lord G, is quite known in the City, however he lives in his large mansion far away from it. People say G is for "Gold", considering his wealth. His lordship is a retired wine expert. Still, he continues his job despite being old. His job is to tell the quality of wine, so that wine makers can put his stamp on it... He does it during many private meetings as well as larger parties... Kotivra is... an exotic friend of mine. She is a treasure hunter, traveling around the world, searching for interesting items and places. She attended a party at Lord G mansion, being interested in seeing a large number of types of wines. She saw it, but she also saw Lord G's security issues. Tonight his lordship is in town, renting his party halls to mansion tenants. Everybody will be busy having fun, guards will be a bit more relaxed. Time for a little treasure hunting trip.

NOTE: This mission takes place in an alternative future after all Thief Gold events.

TECHNICAL NOTE: This mission really follows skacky's advice to take advantage of NewDark. Poligon number is huge and you should not be able to play this mission on older machines!

This mission allows you to do some physical excercises. In case you don't know:
- You can safely fall from high locations when you crouch
- Try to pull up even if it does look too high for you
- Pull up while crouching to avoid jumping on the floor making noise, if the pull up target is not very high

Known bugs
1. Do not jump into fountain, it will freeze Garrett

~~ * ~~


In letzter Zeit war nicht viel los...ich habe das Gef?hl, da? ich das seit vielen Jahren nicht mehr getan habe. Aber vielleicht auch nur deshalb, weil ich ?lter werde und zu viel Wein trinke...manchmal habe ich das Gef?hl, die Zeit verrinnt zu schnell. Stichwort Wein, ich habe letzte Nacht eine Nachricht von meiner alten Freundin Kotivra bekommen...sie behauptet, einen der reichsten Lords in der l?ndlichen Umgebung der Stadt getroffen zu haben. Was ich vernommen habe, da? dieser Typ einen Haufen Gold, aber wenige schwache Wachen hat. Lord G ist in der Stadt recht bekannt, lebt aber auf seinem Anwesen ein gutes St?ck au?erhalb. Die Leute sagen, das G st?nde f?r Gold, wenn man seinen Reichtum bedenkt. Zudem ist seine Lordschaft ein Weinexperte im Ruhestand. Dennoch geht er dieser T?tigkeit trotz seines Alters nach. Seine Aufgabe ist es, Wein nach Qualit?t einzustufen, damit die Winzer sein Qualit?tssiegel verwenden k?nnen...er macht dies sowohl bei zahlreichen privaten Treffen als auch bei gro?en Feiern...Kotivra ist...eine exotische Freundin von mir. Sie ist ein Schatzj?ger, reist um die ganze Welt, um nach interessanten Dingen und Orten Ausschau zu halten. Sie hat an einer Feier von Lord G teilgenommen, weil sie Interesse daran hatte, verschiedenste Weinsorten zu sehen. Sie hat diese ebenso gesehen wie Lord Gs Sicherheitsprobleme. Heute Nacht ist seine Lordschaft in der Stadt, und hat seine R?ume f?r Feierlichkeiten vermietet. Alle werden besch?ftigt damit sein, Spa? zu haben, und die Wachen werden ein wenig entspannter sein. Zeit f?r einen Ausflug mit einer kleinen Schatzjagd.

HINWEIS: Diese Mission ist zeitm??ig in einer alternativen Zukunft nach Thief Gold angesiedelt.

In dieeser Mission kann man einige sportliche ?bungen machen, falls noch nicht bekannt:
- man kann aus H?hen sicher herunterfallen, wenn man sich duckt
- versuche, dich hochzuziehen, auch wenn es zu hoch aussieht
- ziehe dich geduckt hoch, um zu vermeiden, ein lautes Ger?usch auf dem Boden durch springen zu verursachen, wenn das Ziel nicht sehr hoch ist

Bekannte Bugs - DEUTSCH
1. Nicht in die Font?ne springen, da Garrett sonst einfriert.

== * ==

Thanks to
All the active TTLG forum members and other users for their great tutorials, very helpful advices and examples on DromEd. Thanks to every single one member of this wonderful community of players, artists and modders.

Special thanks to
Yandros - Thank you for guiding me when I investigated my post-release bugs and for your patience.
Skacky - For this contest, obviously, and for accepting my patches related to mission being unable to finish.
UdoKrawallo - German translation

Gnartsch - The discoverer of the "random" reason behind a bug. Your input was truely valuable. It allowed me to reproduce the bug, which I wasn't able to do before. (For details see Version 1.3 Changelog Post Mortem below)
Smithpd - Your testing was really useful. Aspecially, while not being a dromedder, you suggested to "trigger one event and have that event trigger another". (For details see Version 1.3 Changelog Post Mortem below)

Version 1.3 Changelog
- Changed "No" to "Yes" for some meta data of this "readme" file, because these values were invalid - EAX support is already available since 1.0, the same are new NPC models and official lootlist.
- Due to many reportings about final exit gate being not frobable, a testing team consisting of 4 testers was set. As a result of testing, the conclusion was nobody knows why the final gate solution does not work sometimes. Because of that, the final exit solution was removed completely and in this version, the final exit is much closer to the player - in a location where being stuck forever is not possible.

Post Mortem:
The bug mentioned above was caused by unknown reason making Quest Var Trigger unable to work when game was saved and reloaded.
To reproduce it in 1.2: Complete all goals except the loot goal and "escape" goal. Save your game. Load previously saved game. Pickup the rest of loot items to complete the loot goal. The final escape gate is not frobable. But when you save your game and load it again, the gate becomes frobable, as it should do automaticaly! This reproducing method was discovered by Gnartsch.
The related problematic gate solution is based on Quest Var Trigger based solution - see version 1.2 release in dromed for more details. By another tester's suggestion, I tried "refactor" the solution a bit. Having no dromed knowledge, Smithpd suggested to trigger something that will trigger the gate enabling. It was actually a brilliant idea that refreshed my mind, when I saw I made one "RequireAllTrap" linked with "Control Device" to more than one targets! I immediately changed it to having one "RelayTrap" target and that target having all previous three targets. What a positive surprise, it fixed the previous bug when tested via our reproducing method. However, after a full test was made... the problem wasn't really fixed at all and the gate again wasn't frobable, when all goals were met via a regular walkthrough, except the "exit" goal of course. Moreover, above error happened with no saving and no loading inbetween. Obviously the gate was frobable again when the game was saved and reloaded.
As a quick and stable solution and to make it able to play and finish this FM during the voting period, I decided to remove the "ending location" that needed to be blocked from being stuck forever. It was a win-win solution, because
* it eliminated the need to block the location when the player had conditions to get stuck
* and it eliminated the buggy blocking mechanism.

Version 1.2 Changelog
- Removed an object that was only needed for testing

Version 1.1 Changelog
- This version fixes bug #2 from "Known bugs" in version 1.0. In this update, the player cannot enter the final exit location. It prevents from being stuck forever in the final location when the loot objective is not compleated. Mission-breaking bugfixes like this one are allowed in the contest.

This level is ? by Marzec

Distribution of this level is allowed. You can copy, modify and redistribute this level, however, you must give me credit for it.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 10.01.2019
• Size 4.47 Mb
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