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The Burgo Master

============================================================================================ November 2001 Thank you for choosing The BurgoMaster ============================================================================================ Title : The BurgoMaster Filename : BurgoMaster.zip Author : David Webb aka Hengist Contact info : dwebb@nyc.rr.com Date of release : November 2001 Briefing : The local BurgoMaster has become paranoid... he believes someone is out to assassinate him. He has thus ordered all unsavory characters be locked-up... this included you! Now your stuck in a Hammer prison awaiting interrogation and public execution. Get out of this predicament and teach the BurgoMaster a lesson by ending his miserable life! Handlung: Der örtliche Bürgermeister ist paranoid geworden ... er glaubt, man hätte jemanden ausgesandt, ihn zu ermorden. Demnach befahl er, alle 'unsauberen' Subjekte wegzusperren, und dazu gehörst auch Du! Nun sitzt Du in einem Hammeritenknast in Erwartung eines Verhöres und einer öffentlichen Hinrichtung. Entziehe Dich dieser Bestimmung und erteile dem Bürgermeister eine Lehre, indem Du seinem erbärmlichen Leben ein Ende setzt! ============================================================================================ ** Play Information ** Game : Thief The Dark Project Level name : The BurgoMaster File name : BurgoMaster.zip Difficulty settings : Yes, Newbie, Taffer, Thief Equipment store : No Map / Automap : Yes/No New graphics : No EAX Support : ? Multi language support : No Briefing : No File size : 3,500 KB Other info : Remember that the guards in the street will not attack you unless they see you someplace you don't belong or doing something you shouldn't be! Also remember that any wooden door that you do not have a key to can be broken down with a sword and a few swift swings. ** Constuction ** Base : From Scratch Build time : Months and Months and Months.... ============================================================================================ ** Loading Information ** This file is Thief Loader compatible, so put ZIPPED BurgoMaster.zip in to the x:\Thief\missions directory and run file from Thief Loader. *************************************** W A R N I N G ************************************** Distributation of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level or any map pack without my permission. This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive. ** SPECIAL THANKS TO ** Beta Testers zacharias and MadBull! epithumia for allowing me to use his web-space! And all the people on the TTLG boards who answered my newbie questions! *************************************** T H A N K Y O U *********************************** ============================================================================================ ----------------------------------End of The BurgoMaster.txt----------------------------- ============================================================================================

• Uploaded 05.04.2022
• Size 3.42 Mb
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