Lorgan's Web

October 9, 2001
Author : Shadowspawn (Randy Sybel)
Contact Info : rsybel@adelphia.net
Homepage : http://www.angelfire.com/games4/shadowspawn/
Date of Release : October 9, 2001
Version : Release Version 1.10
Description : Lorgan's Web.
Briefing : No
This mission takes place after Thief: The Dark Project but before Thief
II. Garrett hasn't pawned off Constantine's sword yet, and the Law and Order
crackdown in the city has yet to start. Also, the Mechanists are just
splitting away from the Hammerites.
Garrett discovers a golden opportunity to make some money quickly. A
wealthy eccentric (some say wizard) has decided to put a rare jewelry
collection on display, and for sale to the highest bidder.
"I've always been reluctant to work with a partner, but this time the job
was too big to handle alone. If I had a reliable fence to work with I might
not have gotten into this mess. But I've never found another fence I could
trust like Cutty.
I decided to take on Cudget as a partner. He's an independent thief and
has managed to stay out of Cragscleft, as well as make a decent living. He has
some contacts outside of the city, including a fence who could get rid of a
really hot item. We set up a difficult job to rip off a wealthy eccentric. A
jewelry collection to be exact. Bribes had to be paid, floor plans and
information bought. It took some time to work out a decent plan.
Now, somehow, a rumor has been started that someone is going to rip off
Lord Fishkill. He's moved the jewelry collection from his display room into
his vault. Cudget went out to find out what he could.
Now I'm watching two guards standing outside this dump we rented. No one
knew we were here. Cudget's been missing for hours. I wonder if he turned me
in, or got caught. It's probably not a good idea to hang around here anymore."
READ GARRETT'S JOURNAL! It contains much more information leading up to this
point, as well as a few clues.
Things you should know:
Frobbing a candle flame puts them out. So will water arrows and KOGas.
If a street is too well lit, try putting some of the lights out IN the
buildings. The lit windows will darken.
Most pipes can be climbed.
Falling off of roofs can kill you.
Diese Mission spielt nach TDP und vor TMA. Garrett hat Constantines Schwert
noch nicht weiterverhökert, und der Stadt stehen strengere Zeiten bevor.
Ferner sind die Mechanisten gerade im Begriff, sich von den Hammeriten
Garrett wittert derweil eine gute Gelegenheit, schnelles Geld zu machen. Denn
ein wohlhabender Exzentriker (manche halten ihn gar für einen Zauberer) will
eine erlesene Juwelensammlung ausstellen, um sie höchstbietend zu veräußern.
"Es war mir stets zuwider, mit einem Komplizen zu arbeiten, doch diesmal ist
die Sache für mich alleine nicht zu stemmen. Hätte ich einen verläßlichen
Hehler an der Hand, steckte ich nicht in diesem Schlamassel. Doch nie wieder
geriet ich an einen so vertrauenswürdigen Hehler wie es Cutty war.
Ich entschied mich für Cudget als Komplizen. Der agiert auch unabhängig und
schaffte es, aus Cragscleft zu fliehen, auch lebt er ebenso unauffällig. Er
verfügt über einige Kontakte außerhalb der Stadt, dazu zählt auch ein Hehler,
der selbst heiße Ware an den Mann bingen kann. Wir haben uns die gewagte
Aktion ausgedacht, einen wohlhabenden Exzentriker auszunehmen, genauer gesagt
dessen Juwelensammlung. Dazu waren Bestechungsgelder nötig und Pläne sowie
Informationen zu kaufen. Die Ausarbeitung der Aktion nahm einige Zeit in
Nun kam irgendwie das Gerücht in die Welt, jemand wolle Lord Fishkill
ausrauben. So hat er eiligst seine Juwelensammlung vom Ausstellungsraum in
seinen Wertschrank schaffen lassen. Cudget ist fortgegangen, um möglicht viel
darüber herauszufinden.
Nun sehe ich zwei Wachleute vor der armseligen Hütte stehen, die wir gemietet
haben. Niemand weiß, daß wie hier sind, und Cudget ist seit Stunden
überfällig. Ob er mich verraten hat oder erwischt wurde? Es ist sicher nicht
ratsam, hier noch weiter auszuharren."
Was Du wissen solltest:
LIES GARRETTS TAGEBUCH! Es enthält viele Information bis zu diesem Punkt,
als auch etliche nützliche Hinweise.
Das Frobben der Kerzenflammen löscht sie ebenso wie Wasser- und Gaspfeile.
Wenn es in den Straßen zu hell ist, versuche IN benachbarten Gebäuden das
Licht auszuknipsen. Dann geben die Fenster außen auch kein Licht mehr ab.
Die meisten Rohre können erklettert werden.
Stürze von den Dächern können tödlich ausgehen.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed textures on roof above brothel (I still don't know how you got up there Sarik!)
Dead hooker no longer damages Garrett.
Lorgan dies better, so TrigSlain effects have less problems.
Light mushrooms can be "used" one at a time
Improved ending objectives.
Fix "New Objectives" noise with no objective on Normal difficulty.
On "Normal", killing Lorgan as hidden objective is fixed.
Fixed strange interaction with light behind Garrett's apartment vanishing midgame
Other minor fixes (generators, coffee mugs)
Zail, Saracoth for ideas which got me started (Hammer bashing down the door)
Tels and mad god for helping me fix my level when it was horribly broken
mad god for the lantern basics (which became the Portable Light Mushrooms)
Totality for custom objects, and S&R, and everything else
Deep Quantas for conversations
Datoyminaytah for reskinnables, and plenty of help, and the Trickster picture.
SilentSleep for blockable brushes, and more
Thumper, Despot, xarax, d0om, for many examples of how things work.
xarax for the "Pathfinding limit fix", which is the only way this got built!
Trimfect, for the glass texture, and how to make windows
I'm sure there are plenty of other people I forgot to thank, please don't
take it personally. I needed so much help, and there were so many who
helped me. If I forgot you, consider yourself thanked!
Daxim and Loanstar for voice work
My two brothers (Doug and Scott Sybel) for voice work on some guards
Thanks to my wife Lauri for the female voices, as well as infinite patience
and tolerance as I created this FM. (She's a gem!)
I'd like to thank my beta-testers. They started with a really pathetic, buggy,
mission, and helped me turn it into the pathetic, buggy version you see today!
(No really, they put up with a lot of problems, which I think I fixed. It was
a lot worse!)
GayleSaver, WillieSutton, Taffer_Benjo, Viper6, Nightwalker, Lancer,
Barry Graves, t-wrexx, Mikal Hauser
I'd like to thank LGS (even though they are gone) for bringing Thief to
life, and giving us such a wonderful playground for our imaginations!
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief: The Dark Project
Mission Title : Lorgan's Web
File Name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : Yes
Auto Map : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
Multi-Language Support : EN/DE
Briefing : No
Length : n/a
Size : n/a
Difficulty Level Info : Normal, Hard, Expert
* Construction *
Base : Assassins
Build Time : 15 months
* Loading Information *
With Thiefloader(Darkloader):
Copy the LorgansWeb.zip into your thief/missions folder. Run
Thiefloader/Darkloader, and select LorgansWeb from the list and press play.
* Copyright Information *
This level is © by (Randy Sybel, June 22, 2001)
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my
permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express
permission. Mission designers: Please ask me before using the custom elements
of this mission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
(This text file was created with the Homemade Mission Text Wizard)
• Uploaded 06.12.2022
• Size 13.56 Mb