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Friends in Shadow :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Friends in Shadow

=================================================================================== Dec 18, 1999 =================================================================================== Author : Conor Armstrong (SilentSleep on the teg forum) Contact Info : sleepy@redbrick.dcu.ie Homepage : http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~sleepy/thief Date of Release : Dec 18, 1999 Description : This mission takes place after Garrett has left the Keepers, but before the main events of the game. This is relatively important for the plot. "I try not to involve myself with the Hammers, but like Cutty says, there's nothing like a couple of religious artefacts to make your 'customer' jump through a few hoops. I've decided to hit a Hammer stronghold, but I'm going to start small. Cutty's told me about an old manor house a few miles outside town that a bunch of Hammers have taken up in. Rumour has it that they're looking for some kind of artefact that's been lost for centuries. But, that's what people always say when the Hammers start snooping around. It's a pretty small place. Cutty said he only saw 2 guards outside, and the place couldn't hold more than 5 or 6 people comfortably. My plan is to get in, look around, and get out, hopefully picking up some of those religious icons. Whatever happens, it'll be interesting to see how the Hammers work." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Handlung : Diese Mission spielt, nachdem Garrett die Hüter verlassen hat, jedoch vor den Ereignissen der OMen. Dies ist für die Handlung durchaus wichtig. "Ich ziehe es vor, mich von den Hammeriten fernzuhalten. Doch wie sagt Cutty immer so schön? Nichts versetzt die 'Kundschaft' so in freudige Erregung wie ein religiöses Artefakt. Also begebe ich mich mal in eine Bastion der Hammeriten, wenn ich auch mit einer kleinen anfange. Cutty wies mich auf ein altes Anwesen hin, das wenige Meilen außerhalb der Stadt liegt und das eine Gruppe Hammeriten in Beschlag genommen hat. Man erzählt sich, sie würden dort nach einem Artefakt suchen, das seit Jahrhunderten als verschollen gilt. Aber das sagt man sich immer dann, wenn die Hammeriten irgendwo herumschnüffeln. Es handelt sich um einen ziemlich kleinen Ort. Cutty meinte, er hätte dort nur zwei Wachen im Außenbereich gesehen, und man könne da nur fünf bis sechs Leute beherbergen. Mein Plan ist, mich hineinzuschleichen, umzusehen und wieder zu entkommen - hoffentlich mit einem religiösen Kunstwerk im Gepäck. Was auch geschieht, es wird sicher interessant sein, den Hammeriten über die Schulter zu schauen ..." Briefing : Yes =================================================================================== * Playing Information * Game : Thief: The Dark Project Mission Title : Friends In Shadow File Name : miss20.mis Difficulty Settings : Yes Equipment Store : No Map : Yes Auto Map : No New Graphics : No New Sounds : No, but one existing sound was slightly modified. Multi-Language Support : EN/DE Briefing : Yes, just some text on a firewall, and a short End Sequence. Length : 18 seconds, End Sequence is 12 sec. Size : 2.5 Mb! End Sequence(it hardly deserves the title) 1.5 Mb. Difficulty Level Info : Easy, Hard, Nightmare. * Construction * Base : Scratch, except for a stair multibrush. Build Time : Not as long as I should have taken. I have exams soon. =================================================================================== * Loading Information * Put this Zip file in your \Thief\Missions Folder, then run ThiefLoader. =================================================================================== * Thanks To * Everyone on the TEG forums. God bless that search function. Trimfect, for the flamewall avi and the Carleton font I used for my crappy briefing. www.kolumbus.fi/vhollming/thief/briefing.html MacBeth, for the spiral staircase multibrush. That saved me a day's work. www.thief-darkproject.com/teg/tools/spiral1.zip =================================================================================== * Copyright Information * This level is (c) by Conor Armstrong 18/12/1999 Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission. Oh, go on then. :) This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive. (This text file was created with the Homemade Mission Text Wizard)

• Uploaded 23.01.2023
• Size 4.73 Mb
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