Lord Robert's Painting

Since this mission uses NewDark, Darkloader will try to install it for
Thief 2 istead of Thief Gold. To fix this you must do the following:
- Select the mission from Darkloader, but don't install it.
- Close Darkloader and open darkloader.ini, search for "robertspainting"
- Change "type=2" to "type=1" and save the file.
- Open Darkloader again, the mission should now be correctly detected as a Thief Gold mission.
Title : Lord Robert's Painting
Filename : robertspainting.zip
Author : Vegetables (Hank Muller)
Contact info : PM on TTLG
Date of release: January 3, 2018
Version : 1.0
* Play Information *
Game : Thief Gold
Level Names : Lord Robert's Painting
File names : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment store : No
Map/Automap : Yes/No
New graphics : No
New sounds : No
New conversations : No
New models : No
EAX Support : No
Multi language support : EN/DE
Briefing : No
A wealthy lord by the name of Robert has recently come into possession
of a valuable Painting and has it on display in his manor. The manor
is heavily guarded so sneaking in will be tough. I'll have to get to
the streets behind the manor and to get there I'll have to go through
the sewers. I have a map of the area and I've also managed to piece
together a partial map of the manor based on what I can see from
the outside. Time to get to work.
Ein wohlhabender Baron namens Robert kam kürzlich in den Besitz eines
kostbaren Gemäldes und hat es nun in seinem Anwesen ausgestellt. Das
Gebäude wird schwer bewacht, und es wird nicht leicht sein, dort
einzudringen. Dazu sollte ich mich in die Straßen hinter dem Gebäude
begeben, um von dort aus über die Kanalisation hineinzukommen. Ich
habe eine Karte der Gegend, ferner habe ich versucht, nachdem ich
einmal ganz um den Gebäudekomplex geschlichen bin, eine Innenskizze
zu zeichnen. Nun aber an die Arbeit!
- Newdark 1.24 or later is required.
- New mantle is recommended.
- This mission is meant to be played without texture packs or
visual mods. I can't stop you from using them but note that
some testers reported broken models when using mods.
- This mission is fully ghostable.
* Construction *
Base : None
Build Time : Too long!
* Loading Information *
Do not unzip, load with FMSel or Darkloader.
(See top of readme for Darkloader instructions)
- Cardia
- Fortuni
- marbleman
- skacky
- undead gamer
*Thanks to*
- Marbleman, Skacky, and GORT for figuring out a bug that was
breaking physics for some players.
- Alun Bestor for the blank map background.
- All the great FM authors who inspired me to create my own mission.
- Nick Dablin for his DromEd tutorial which helped me learn the ropes.
- Everyone at the TTLG editor's guild for all the helpful guides and resources.
* Copyright Information *
This level is © 2018 by Hank Muller
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as the archive
and this file are kept intact.
This level was not made and is not supported by
Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
• Uploaded 02.11.2022
• Size 7.80 Mb