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Seeds of Doubt :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Seeds of Doubt

======================================================================= Seeds of Doubt September 2000 ======================================================================= *Mission Briefing* Garrett is holed up in an old Keeper safe house. His activities in his local part of the city has drawn him too much unwanted attention. He is now low on funds and equipment and must venture out to resupply. There have been a number of recent murders that have caused the city watch to increase their patrols around this sector of town. They should not be a problem for one such as himself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Handlung: Garrett verbirgt sich in einem alten Hüter-Versteck, da seine Aktivitäten in seinem Kiez zuviel Aufmerk- samkeit erregt haben. Nun ist er knapp bei Kasse und hat kaum Ausrüstung, daher muß er beides wieder auffüllen. Kürzlich gab es mehrere Mordfälle, welche die Stadtwache auf den Plan gerufen haben, die nun in diesem Stadtteil verstärkt Streife läuft. Die sollten für einen wie ihn kein Problem sein. ======================================================================= Build Information ======================================================================= Author : Duncan "The Deceiver" Cooke Contact Info : the_deceiver@bigpond.com Homepage : www.geocities.com/realm_of_the_deceiver/ Date of Release : September 2000 Built With : Thief Dark Project ver.1.37 ======================================================================= * Playing Information * Game : Thief: The Dark Project *GOLD* Mission Title : Seeds of Doubt File Name : miss23.mis Difficulty Settings : Yes Equipment Store : No Map : Yes Auto Map : No New Graphics : No New Sounds : Yes EAX Support : Yes Multi-Language Support : No Briefing : No Difficulty Level Info : Wussy, Thief, Garrett * Construction * Base : From scratch Build Time : 11 bottles of Jack Daniels. ======================================================================= * Loading Information * This mission will work with Thief Loader/Dark Loader. Just place the ZIP file in your missions folder. ======================================================================= *Credits* GingerBread Man : Custom skins and ingame map Paul Fox : Custom sounds and demon voice MsLedd : Voice of Mara T-Wrexx : Proof reading and 'Hammerizer' Beta Testers : Apache, GBM, T-Wrexx, Despot, MsLedd, PFox, Avalon, Viper6, Nedan. Plus all the members of the TEG (you know who you are) ======================================================================= * Copyright Information * This level was created by Duncan Cooke Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You MAY include this level to any map pack without my permission as long as this .txt file and archive remains intact. You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. All custom skins and custom voices/sounds are the property of the creators and their permission is required to use these. This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 22.02.2023
• Size 5.48 Mb
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