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Between These Dark Walls

Title : Between These Dark Walls
Filename : darkwalls.zip
Author : skacky
Contact info : PM on TTLG
Homepage : http://www.skacky.net
Date of release : November 16th, 2012
Version : 1.2

* Play Information *

Game : Thief Gold or Thief: The Dark Project (TDP users, see below)
Level Name : Between These Dark Walls
File name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment store : No
Map/Automap : Yes/No
New graphics : Yes
New sounds : Yes
New conversations : No
New models : Yes
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : No
Briefing : No


* Story *

This mission takes place some time before the Dark Project.

"Things could potentially get messy tonight. I was on my way back home when
some tough boys ambushed me. They weren't looking for money or anything, they
just wanted to kill me right there in the street. Fortunately, I managed to
run away unscathed, but these guys are still looking for me. I've managed to
piece together something from rumours and hearsays; turns out Messer Beric, an
usurer I've done jobs for in the past sold me out to Raputo, one of the City
Wardens, in order to prove that he'll be loyal and pay his tributes. Apparently
Beric's business collapsed with DeWall's demise, and now he seeks the protection
of Raputo. Not to mention Beric's business was run right under Raputo's nose,
but he was protected by DeWall at that time. In exchange for his 'good work',
Beric received a priceless necklace as a reward, and keeps it stashed in his
crumbling castle in Newmarket.

Now is time for some sweet revenge; I am going to steal Beric's necklace and
humiliate him; that'll teach him never to double-cross me. I should also steal
some valuables along the way, just to show Raputo how I deal with his reckless
threats. Raputo doesn't like independents operating within his turf, so I'll
make sure to plunder the neighbourhood. I got to be careful, though. With DeWall's
downfall, The City became more dangerous than ever. Thugs and assassins are on the
loose in the dark, and lawmen and Hammerites prowl the streets in search of heretics
and criminals alike. Cragscleft has never been so full."


* Additional Notes & Thanks *

- New Dark is required, period. I have demolished the polycount in most areas, so you have to grab it. Download voodoo47's TFix, or simply install the Thief Gold 1.19 patch.
- Thief: The Dark Project users: INSTALL AND APPLY THE THIEF GOLD PATCH BEFORE YOU PLAY! This is critical, as some AI, textures and objects may not be rendered or may crash the game if you don't apply the patch!
- For obvious reasons, it is recommended you play this FM in dark conditions. This is a major part of the experience.
- Given that this FM has a strong focus on verticality, keep one or two rope arrows with you at all times. Three additional rope arrows can be found on all difficulty levels.
- Explore, explore, explore and see where the twisted rooftops of Newmarket take you.
- Make sure to read everything you come across, hints and plot elements may be written somewhere.
- Higher difficulty means less starting gear, less equipment to be found, a higher loot goal and more opponents. The main objective remains the same.
- It is possible to Ghost this mission and get all the loot while doing so.
- Textures taken from CGTextures, Purah's 'Calendra's Legacy', Lady Rowena's 'The Tower', DrK's 'A Night in Rocksbourg', and Vigil's and Melan's texture libraries. Objects by Ottoj55, Nameless Voice, the CoSaS team and RSoul. Sound effect from Thief: Deadly Shadows, albeit reprocessed afterwards by myself.

Thanks to all my beta-testers over at shalebridgecradle:

- Albert, for his invaluable support and late-night conversations
- bikerdude, for his kind words, bug reports and observations
- bod_doe_nz, for his amazing Darkloader workaround and his invaluable bug reports
- Sgt. Pinback, for his invaluable bug reports
- Soldi, for the Russian translation

Thanks to everyone who supported me over at TTLG, Darkfate, through PMs and elsewhere, I couldn't have done it without you.
Thanks to Melan, Sperry, Purah and DrK for their amazing missions that drew me into this gritty city mission building madness.
Thanks to our benefactors shrouded in darkness and mystery for New Dark, words cannot describe how grateful I am.

And thank YOU for playing this mission!


* Construction *

Base : From scratch
Map Size : Large
Build Time : Several months at least


* Loading Information *

This FM should work with Darkloader 4.2 or higher, but you will have to make it recognize the FM first. Install the FM in your FM folder as usual. Launch Darkloader, select Between These Dark Walls but don't start it, close Darkloader instead. In your Darkloader directory, open Darkloader.ini and search for darkwalls. Replace type=2 by type=1 and start Darkloader again. You're set!

This FM also works with FMSel.


* Copyright Information *

This mission is (c) by skacky, 2012.

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my expressed permission.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios, Eidos Interactive,
or Ion Storm.

• Uploaded 16.11.2012
• Size 138.2 Kb
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