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Drop Coins here

Drop Coins Here Demo
by J.Knez (Schwaa)-Badd Cog Productions

This mission was created to show you how to make a "drop item in a certian spot"
objective using Sources and Receptrons and QVAR Traps. There might be other ways,
maybe even better ones, but it does work pretty good. You should already know how to make
basic objectives in Dromed. You should also be familiar with creating objects and modifing

I made two objectives;

1- Drop one coin on a plate
2- Drop both coins on the plates

This was to show how to use Require Any Traps (goal one) and Require All Traps (goal two).

Run in Darkloader or unzip into your Thief folder. Play it, look at it in Dromed.
++Creating this objective in Dromed++

First you need to create these objects, I will just explain goal two using a Require All
Trap, goal one is the same except you use a Require Any Trap.

*2 Coins (don't use a Loot item, instead make a plate and give it a coins shape (coinbig)
then resize it as needed. This saves on complications with combining loot. Also give
it inventory type ITEM prop so player can keep it in inventory.
*2 Plates (Make it unfrobbable so the player can't move it).
*2 Buttons
*A Require All Trap
*A QVAR Trap
*2 Destroy Traps

(In the Demo there are two switches also, this is just to see when the button will trigger
the QVAR Trap, they are not needed, I will not include them in the instructions).

Now that you have all of your items created you can start setting up your objectives.
These are the objective commands I used for the Demo:
quest_create_mis goal_state_0, 0
quest_create_mis goal_visible_0, 1
quest_create_mis goal_state_1, 0
quest_create_mis goal_visible_1, 1

You don't need to have a goal_type or goal_target command because the QVAR will trigger it complete.
I won't get into objectives as there are already tuts for that.

The second step is to create a Custom Stim to place upon the Coins and Plates. In Dromed choose
Editors from the drop down menu. Pick object hiearchy and in the window choose Act/React Stimuli.

Hit ADD>CoinStim

The third step is to save your gamesys (coin.gam), type "set_gamesys coin.gam" in the textfield.
Save your mission and close Dromed. Now open Dromed, open your mission and you should see coin.gam in the
bottom of the window, check in the object hiearchy>Act/React Stimuli to make sure CoinStim is there.
If it is you're ready for step four, if not try it again.

Step four is adding names to all the objects, you'll use these INSTEAD of numbers when doing links, that way
when Dromed changes object numbers (and it will) your links will still work.
-Name the Coins (Coin1, Coin2)
-Name the Plates (Plate1, Plate2)
-Name the Buttons (CoinTrigger1, CoinTrigger2)
-Name the Destroy Traps (ButtonKill1, ButtonKill2)

Onto step five. Linking the items.
Link both the buttons to the Require All Trap, each using a ControlDevice Link.
Link the Buttons each to its respective Destroy Trap via CD Link and ~CD Link.
Link each Destroy Trap to itself via CD Link and ~CD Link.
Link the Require All Trap to the QVAR Trap via a Control Device Link.

Step six, adding the Sources/Receptrons.
The Coins are the Sources, the Plates are the Receptrons.

Choose Plate1, give it prop:

Object=Plate1 (you have to add this line last)
Min Intensity=No Min
Max Intensity=No Max
Effect=Frob Object
Target Object=CoinTrigger1

(do the same with Plate2, but use CoinTrigger2 for the target object)
Click OK, then in the next window click OK twice.
- - - -

Choose Coin1, give it prop:

Object=Coin1 (again, enter this last)
Edit Shape (don't change)
Edit Life Cycle=
Flags=No Max Firings
Max Firings=1
Intensity Slope=0

(do the same with Coin2)
Click OK, OK, OK, OK

Setting the QVAR props is step seven.

Select the QVAR, give it props:
ADD>Trap>QVAr and type this in the text field:


this means when the QVAR is triggered by the button the state of goal 0 will
become complete (=1).

That should be everything, create the button by your plate so you can see it trigger
and be destroyed by the destroy trap, this is the easiest way to find probs if something
doesn't work. After you have made sure it works move the buttons into a blue room so the
player won't see/hear them and can never push them.


The player picks up a Coin, drops it on a Plate which triggers the Button.

The Button triggers the Require All Trap, and triggers the Destroy Trap which in turn
destroys the Button and itself.

The Require All Trap records that one coin has been placed on a plate, when it recieves
the second signal it will trigger the QVAR Trap making the goal complete.

If you want the objective to be drop one of two coins on a plate use a Require Any Trap
instead of the Require All.

If you want a Drop Silver Coin on Silver Plate and Gold Coin on Gold Plate objective you'll
need two different CoinStims.

This Demo was made by Studio of Schwaa/ Badd Cog Productions and has no connection to Through the
Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

Thanx to everyone at TTLG who helped me figure this stuff out, hopefully this Demo will help you learn
more about this wonderful thing we call "Dromed".

• Uploaded 26.02.2002
• Size 329.67 Kb
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