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Demomission of how to fool guards with a magic whistle or spell scrolls for Thief II
(c) by MadBull#34 (Special thanks to Sledge and Bumbleson. You both helped a lot!)

I don't want the mission to be edited. It just shall show up an idea and how to make it.
Distribution of this demo mission is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept
intact with my name on it. Please don't get me wrong but this is my very first release and
I'm a bit proud to show something to pros like the most at the TTLG are (shows me that I'm
not a complete newbie). I hope some of you will understand that.

First of all this demomission is NOT Darkloader compatible. You'll have to use it in DromEd.
You start with a magic whistle, 20 broadhead arrows and 40 spell scrolls, which disapear
after usage. If a guard starts investigating, simply use a spell or the whistle, he should
return to his origin place immediately like nothing happened. It works on guards standing
arround as well as on patrolling guards. Remember the mission is complete dark (When they
see you, the items propably won't work). They are just created for avoiding alertness caused
by noise. In this version there are 2 further rooms ("WARNING" stands at the wall). Guards
in these rooms only react to the whistle and the scrolls on alert states from [None] up to
[Moderate]. Once their alert state was [High], the whistle and the scrolls never will
function again on them (Hope, that's what you wanted, Bumbleson). I'll explain that in the
very last part.

So here's, what I did:
Needed: a button
at least 2 creatures
a marker
a whistle
at least 2 seperate rooms

I made 2 rooms (in the demomission are more, I know :-) ), placed the guard I want to fool
in one and the button, the marker and the other creature (I've choosen a servant) in the
other room. After that I set up a conversation on the marker (Add S>Script "TrapConverse",
rename to whatever you want, add AI>Conversations>SaveConversation "TRUE", add
AI>Conversations>Conversation). Then I linked the servant to the conversation as an

Flavour: AIConversationActor
From: ObjNumber of the conversationmarker
To: ObjNumber of the servant
Data: 1

The servant just has to send signals, that's his only job. Now open the dialog box
conversation step 1.

Actor: ActorOne
Flags: [None]
ConversationAction0: Signal
Argument1: CalmDown (or whatever you name your signal)
Argument2: ObjNumber of the guard(s) you want to fool (Unfortunately you'll have to type in
the number of every single guard who you want to be affected by the whistle or the scroll,
use commata ("12, 14, 23, etc"))
Argument3: 9999 (this seems to be the radius where it should work (Don't know!)).

Now go to the button and link like this:
Flavour: ControlDevice
From: ObjNumber of the button
To: ObjNumber of the conversationmarker.
Now I set up, how the guard should react when he receives the signal. Go to the guard and
add AI>Responses>SignalResponse and set it up like this:

Signal: CalmDown (or whatever you named it)
Priority: Absolute (I want to make it function at any costs)

ResponseStep1: RemoveLink
Argument1: AIAwareness
Argument2: ObjNumber of the guard
Argument3: ObjNumber of the guard

ResponseStep2: RemoveLink
Argument1: AIInvest
Argument2: ObjNumber of the guard
Argument3: ObjNumber of the guard.

ResponseStep3: RemoveLink
Argument1: AIAwareness
Argument2: Player
Argument3: ObjNumber of the guard

ResponseStep4: RemoveLink
Argument1: AIInvest
Argument2: Player
Argument3: ObjNumber of the guard.

This has to be because there are 2 kinds of noises the guards react to: Environment sounds,
caused by you (shooting arrows to a wall) and directly caused sounds (jumping up and down).
If they heard an environment sound caused by you, they get the links AiAwareness and
AIInvest both linked from the guard to the guard. If they heard a directly caused sound,
they get the same links but from the guard to "Player". These links are the reason why they
get alerted and start searching and I wanted to fool them in both ways. Too bad that you
have to do this on EVERY guard.

Ok, when they are searching for you and you frob the button, the should stop from now. But
we don't want to run to the button every time. Now we go to the Object Hierarchy to the Act/
React-Stimuli. Click on add and type in a new stim (I've chosen "FoolStim"). From now you
have to set a custom Gamesys and save it. Go to the command window and type in
"set_gamesys Fool.gam". Now save your gamesys "Fool.gam" and your mission, exit and reload
it in DromEd. Go to your whistle, add Act/React>Sources and set it up like this:

Object: ObjNumber of your whistle
Stimulus: FoolStim (Or whatever you have chosen)
Propagator: Contact
Intensity: 1

Click on "Edit Shape" and set it up:

Contact Types: Frob in Inv (Nothing else!)
Velocity Coeff: 0.00
Frob Time Coeff: 0.00

Hit OK 4 times.
Now go again to Object Hierarchy, select Physical>Avatar and hit "Edit"
Then add Act/React>Receptrons and click on "Add".
Set it up:

Object: ObjNumber of Avater (Mine was (-2098))
Stimulus: FoolStim (again, whatever you have chosen)
No min or max intensity
Effect: Frob Obj
Target Obj: ObjNumber of the button (I don't know why, but I couldn't frob the conversation
direclty with this (Hey, Bumbleson. This gets arround
the CD problem :-) )

All right, now we have a magic whistle. Save gamesys & mission, reload, go into gamemode and
make fun of the guards like you want:-). To do this on spell scrolls it is a bit more
Go to Object Hierarchy and select Physical>Household>Scroll>Schematics click on "Add" and
type in the name of your new scroll. Hit "OK" select your new scroll and click on "Edit".
Now add S>Scripts and type in the first argument "EatFood"(Nothing else). The main reason
for this is that I want the scroll to disapear when frobbed in inventory. Then add
EngineFeatures>Frobinfo and set it up:

World Action: Move
Inv Action: Script, Use Ammo
Tool Action: [None]

Then add EngineFeatures>StackCount and type in "1".
After that add EngineFeatures>CombineType and type "schematics"
Finally add Act/React>Sources and do the same like the whistle.

Voil?! That's all. (Do yourself a favour and link the whistle directly in your inventory.
It's as big as a trumpet. Looks just ugly when placed in the world.)

Ok, now in this version are guards who only react to the whistle and the scrolls at alert
states from [None] up to [Moderate]. Once their alert state was [High], the whistle and
the scrolls never will function again on them.To get that I made a new custom stim (watch
above at the FoolStim how to do it). Save gamesys and mission again and reload it. Then I
made a further button and put a source on it. Open the button's properties and add

Object: Objnumber of the button
Stimulus: Our new Stim (I named mine "HighAlertStim")
Propagator: Contact
Intensity: 1

At "Edit Shape" just check [Frob in World], nothing else.
Go to the properties of the guard who you want to be affected by this. and add
Act/React>Receptron and edit it like this:

Object: Objnumber of the guard
Stimulus: Again our new stim
Check no min and no max Intensity
Effect: Remove Property
Target Object: Just check "me"

At "Edit Effect" type in "AI_SigRsp" (without quotes).
Now if the guard frobs the button, the whistle and the scrolls won't affect him anymore.
The last thing we need to do is to make the guard frob the button,when he gets high-alerted.
Open the guards properties and add AI>Responses>Alert Response and edit it like this:

Alert Level: (3) High
Priority: Absolute
Response Step 1: Frob Object
Argument 1: Objnumber of our new button

Now if the guard gets high-alerted, he frobs the button and receives the HighAlertStim and
when he receives it, he will remove his SignalResponse for the CalmDown-Signal. The result
is that you can't fool this guard anymore (but hey, there enough guards left hehehe).

Known bugs: - Somehow the conversation actor has to be inside a specific radius.
This radius has nothing to do with the radius set up in the conversation.
Unfortunately I don't know how to change that. But you can get arround this
by using more than one conversations and more than one actors in different
places. But be sure that the actors don't get alerted in any way.
Conversations only work on Alertness: [None] or [Low] (As far as I know. If
not, please tell me).

- !Maybe because I have the german version of Thief II you'll propably have !
!to compute pathfinding database before it works. I think some day I'll go!
!out and buy the english version. Sorry for that, guys, I can't fix that. !

Criticism and opinions how to optimize this are welcome (of course corrections about my
spelling, too!) at any time.
Mail to: MadBull#34 (Samael7011@aol.com)

Have fun!

• Uploaded 28.11.2001
• Size 371.99 Kb
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