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Betrayal: Voices :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Betrayal: Voices

Author's note: This mission, entitled Betrayal: Voices, is the third in
a series of 5 missions. The first two are entitled Hell's Motel part 1
and 2. It is recommened that you read the briefing to Hell's Motel part
1 to refresh your memory. Although it isn't neccesary to play those two
missions, part 1's briefing does have background information that pertains
to this mission's storyline. Good luck and thanks for playing!
P.S- There is also an "Extras" folder with a few documents. Spoilers Beware!

Last entry in Talon's Diary, found later by Garrett...

Almost two years agone, Garrett took me in as a student to his ways.
For two years, i've worked hard to be the best that I could possibly be
for Garrett, and for myself. And then the voices started. I hear them
constantly, they call to me of the fall of Empires and the torturing
of men's souls. There is one voice that I Simply cannot get away from.
It stays with me constantly. Two weeks ago, the voice began it's maddening
demands to kill. It demands me to kill the one person who ever cared about
me. It demands I kill Garrett. I can't make it stop, I try but it just won't go away...
And so tonight, I'm going to do what countless guards, Mechanists, undead,
Hammerites, Thieves, and the Trickster himself failed to do: Tonight I'm
going to kill Garrett. But I don't want to be known as the one that brought the
bitter end, so I'm going to kill everyone else here, too. Perhaps I am consciencly
insane, time will tell.

Author: amievil?
contact Info: dilligaf_77@yahoo.com
Date of Release: December 6, 2003(Original) Version 2 January 28, 2004


Playing Information*

Game: Thief 2
Mission Title: Betrayal: Voices
Version: 2
File Name: miss23.mis
Difficulty Settings: Normal/Hard/Expert
Equipment Store: No (You'll see why)
Map: Yes
AutoMap: No
New Graphics: Yes
New Sounds: Yes
Multi-Language Support: No
Video Briefing: Yes, 40 second .avi


Base: None
Build Time: About 4 solid months

Known Bugs: One or Two sound propagation problems. I think we fixed the rest.

Talon- amievil?
Al- Uncandonego
Garrett- Slyfoxx

Beta Testers*
Version 2 bug fixes
Perhaps some sounds work now that didn't before for some reason. The final goal is now reversible, this prevents the
mission from ending before its time to end.
Fixed the arrow problem with the archers.
"Garrett" shouldn't attack you now, it is still possible to break the level though.

Thank List*
Everyone at the Editor's Guild who have helped me, and those who have
helped and didn't even know they did so.
Schwaa- The rockin custom objects!
Team Calendra- All my custom textures came from Calendra's Legacy.
Japanese Fm Author JIS- This fan mission is dedicated to JIS. His dromed
work and off the wall gameplay style, coupled with his optimal building
style inspired the creation of Betrayal: Voices
Last but not least: Thank you, the player. Because without you....


Copyright Information*

Copyright(c) December 2003 by Amievil?(Mike Ryder)

custom Music*
"Hallowed be Thy name" Copyright(c) 1982 Iron Maiden. Used in video Briefing.
"All within my hands" Copyright(c) 2003 Metallica. Used in debriefing screens.

Permission is granted to freely play and distribute this fan mission, provided
the package remains whole and intact. You may not edit this mission in any way
and redistribute it without my permission. Feel free to distribute via
any form of disc, provided it is free of charge, excluding costs for the Disc itself.
This Level was not made and is not supported by Eidos Interactive, the Defunct
Looking glass Studios, or Ion Storm.


Dust and Bones, so shall end this text.

• Uploaded 28.02.2004
• Size 6.48 Mb
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