Osama Bites the Dust

Feb 3, 2003
Author : William The Taffer (some add-ons/fixes by
John D.)
Contact Info : darrellwilliam@juno.com
Homepage : http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/taffergames/
Date of Release : Mar 23, 2002 (Original) Feb 3, 2003 (fixed)
Description :Mission1: Garrett is in Afgahnastan. Find bin laden and release
your barrel of Hammerites on him. Be careful of the
mine fields and bombing missions.
Mission2: Enjoy testing new weapons on Osama.
(some things didn't work out as well as I planned,
so enjoy it the best you can. I'd appriciate it if
you would take the time and review this campaign
for The Circle or The Keep. Thanks :-)
Briefing : No
Hi this is John D.! After obtaining permission from William, I made a few
'ahem' adjustments. Nothing major, just a few minor fixes like:
Miss 20: Expanded the radius of the bounds trigger
You have a sword now! Take a whack at Osama yourself!
(Be careful, he's tough and now fights back!)
In case you're clumsy and get hurt, you have a couple of
healing potions.
Names of barrel and notes now show up!
Miss 21: *Giggle* you can kill Osama in the tube now!
A little extra txt
Sound problems in main AI fight room fixed,
they'll come out of the doors now!
Osama has a few extra hit points now
(to prolong the agony muwhaaaa!!!)
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief2
Mission Title : Osama Bites the Dust
File Name : Miss20 / Miss21
Difficulty Settings : No
Equipment Store : No
Map : No
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
Multi-Language Support : No
Briefing : No
Length : n/a
Size : n/a
* Construction *
Base : scratch
Build Time : 7 days
* Loading Information *
* Copyright Information *
This level is ? by William The Taffer and Taffergames / @mosfear Studios
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my
permission. You may edit, but don't re-distribute this mission without my
express permission. (John D.-permission was granted by William by e-mail
on 1/30/03, Thanks!)
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
(This text file was created with the Homemade Mission Text Wizard)
Feb 3, 2003
Author : William The Taffer (some add-ons/fixes by
John D.)
Contact Info : darrellwilliam@juno.com
Homepage : http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/taffergames/
Date of Release : Mar 23, 2002 (Original) Feb 3, 2003 (fixed)
Description :Mission1: Garrett is in Afgahnastan. Find bin laden and release
your barrel of Hammerites on him. Be careful of the
mine fields and bombing missions.
Mission2: Enjoy testing new weapons on Osama.
(some things didn't work out as well as I planned,
so enjoy it the best you can. I'd appriciate it if
you would take the time and review this campaign
for The Circle or The Keep. Thanks :-)
Briefing : No
Hi this is John D.! After obtaining permission from William, I made a few
'ahem' adjustments. Nothing major, just a few minor fixes like:
Miss 20: Expanded the radius of the bounds trigger
You have a sword now! Take a whack at Osama yourself!
(Be careful, he's tough and now fights back!)
In case you're clumsy and get hurt, you have a couple of
healing potions.
Names of barrel and notes now show up!
Miss 21: *Giggle* you can kill Osama in the tube now!
A little extra txt
Sound problems in main AI fight room fixed,
they'll come out of the doors now!
Osama has a few extra hit points now
(to prolong the agony muwhaaaa!!!)
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief2
Mission Title : Osama Bites the Dust
File Name : Miss20 / Miss21
Difficulty Settings : No
Equipment Store : No
Map : No
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
Multi-Language Support : No
Briefing : No
Length : n/a
Size : n/a
* Construction *
Base : scratch
Build Time : 7 days
* Loading Information *
* Copyright Information *
This level is ? by William The Taffer and Taffergames / @mosfear Studios
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my
permission. You may edit, but don't re-distribute this mission without my
express permission. (John D.-permission was granted by William by e-mail
on 1/30/03, Thanks!)
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
(This text file was created with the Homemade Mission Text Wizard)
• Uploaded 03.02.2003
• Size 2.14 Mb