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Brawl in the Tombs Remix

Title: Brawl in the Tombs
Author: Remix by Dark Assassin
release: Feb 2008
Version: 1

Story: (sequel to Your Last Breath)

After struggling my way back to the surface from
the icy ocean depths, I strove for what seemed like
ages to paddle my raft back to shore. I made it
back just at daybreak, and got the hell
out of the area, unnerved by sinister things
I had discovered...

I obtained some information down there that told me
something big is up, the Mechanists are
now fighting on the Island of Iron against the
undead hordes that stalk there in order to obtain the
island for themselves, something the Hammers tried and failed
to do. Unsure what to do next, I decided to take a
little vacation from the City. With all of the
Wardens currently skirmishing for power and the
City Watch out in force, I felt it would be a wise
thing to do while I considered my options.

I arrived in Lithscon, a small town just outside
the city, and took up residence at the local inn
for the last couple of days.........
Now new horrors await me...A group of Hammerites
under the leadership of the legendary fighter of the undead
Thoren along with a band of hired mercenaries has been
fighting their way deep into a massive
underground complex of tombs that had lain quiet and
almost forgotten deep under the town's cemetery.
Quiet until a mysterious wizard stirred things up,
and paid for his meddling with his life!
(Good thing, I thought, the fewer warlocks in my
opinion the better...magic is nothing but trouble in
my book!)

I paid a visit to an old friend who ran the local
pub, we had collaborated together on a previous job
at a nearby Hammer chapel (he just got some information
actually, I took all of the risks!) Turns out, the
story about the existence of a thieves hideout in Lithscon
is true! He told me the place isn't far from here,
the entrance is in a cave on the side of the deep
river valley beside the old dam. The thieves had
taken residence in the caves and rebuilt them with
brick and mortar to suit their needs through the
years. Not long before the 'incident' they broke
through to the tombs....

The boss, a man named Willy who was a good friend
of my associate, had explored the tombs and even found
a secret way into the basement of one of the local
nobles named Linus (a real jerk from what I hear, I
cased his place a while back and decided it wasn't
worth the trouble, the guy's got that it sealed
up like a fortress!) My friend says Willy found
all kinds of valuables down there, but he forbade
anyone from grave robbing on pain of death!
Guess he was scared something like this might happen..
smart move...too bad it didn't work!
When the shit hit the fan, the thieves
were able to seal their hideaway off from the
tombs to keep the zombies out.

Despite their good fortune, with the Hammers now
reaching the lowest level of the tombs, Willy
is planning to leave, but not before he stages a
little expedition of his own to see what he can
grab for himself before fleeing. Seeing an
opportunity to make a SUBSTANTIAL donation
to my retirement fund, not to mention my desire
to find out more about the Mechanist presence
in the area (they've been spotted running around
Linus's estate for the last few days, coincidence perhaps?
Yeah right!) I?ve decided to venture down and see what I can find,
after what I went through getting the BloodStar Gem, haunts and
zombies are the least scary things you can run into in tombs.

My friend just got back from Willy's place, and
I now have a plan...With all of the Town watch
patrols between here and the river, it would be
too risky to go there right now, but there's a different

In the center of town, there is a fenced in area
which has a shaft that leads straight
down to the deepest point in the tombs! (apparently
the Lithscon Town Council doesn't keep good records, my
pal said they thought it was just an old access
door to the sewers!) I'll slip in the place at dusk,
and go down to see what I can steal, plus I'll attempt
to find that secret tunnel to Linus's place
myself and see what the Metalheads are doing there...

When I'm done I'll make my exit to the river valley
through the thieves hideout. My passage has been
granted by Chief Willy in return for a share of the
profits. There's just one thing that bothers me,
it doesn't make much sense for Willy's thieves to go
roaming around later tonight, when I may have
already stolen everything not nailed down. I guess they think
I'll end up as zombie chow or a practice dummy for
the Hammers......Time for this Master Thief to prove them

Game: Thief 2
File: miss20.mis
store: no
map: yes
briefing: no
new sounds: Yes!, Some AC/DC and Rammstien
new graphics: Yes from HDMK


To the original author of this classic, thanks dude!
Thanks to Sneak for making introductions
and technical support (good luck in Unreal!)
Additional thanks to the Secret Team for betatesting
Yandros for objects
Skins by OttoJ55
HDMK pack by Yandros!
Ai by OttoJ55
Moon by NV
Clouds by Vigil
Distant art by Melan
Water by ZylonBane

Copy the .zip file to mission folder and run with Darkloader
(c) copyright 2008 by Dark Assassin
Distribution of this level is allowed provided you keep the
mission intact and give me credit for it. Komag can use it for his DVD project.
This level was not made and is not supported by
LGS or Eidos Interactive.

WARNING: Zombie parts are sharp!

• Uploaded 01.02.2008 • Size 48.97 Mb
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