Old Comrades, Old Debts

You must have PATCHED VERSION (1.18) OF THIEF2 to play this mission.
The best way to play this mission is ghost (or Lytha) style.
Read all the books and scrolls. They are important.
And remember: there's always a better way than stealing through the hallway with a very suspicous guard... :)
And the last tip: to jump on a small crate, pick up the crate, look down, press at the same time R (drop) and Space (jump) keys.
July 22, 2002
O L D C O M R A D E S, O L D D E B T S
Thief II Fan Mission
Visit the mission site (screenshots, questions for observant players, the history of making OCOD and more!):
========== http://3dactionplanet.com/thief/master/projects/ocod.php3 ==========
BUKARY (story, architecture, design, scripting, texturing, lightning, sound, AIs, custom gamesys)
ERNIE (story, custom meshes, some objects, textures, skins, sketches and The Master Guild movie)
Filename : debts11.zip
Contact info : bukary@poczta.onet.pl
Homepage : The Master Guild (http://3dactionplanet.com/thief/master/index.php3)
Version : 1.1 (objectives "bug" fixed)
Mission Briefing :
Garrett felt no sense of forboding when he ? just like every week - was on his way to the meeting place
with Victoria?s emissary. The whole quarter was slipping into darkness; the streets were slowly
emptying of passersby; snow was falling and covering the whole city with a fine coat of white powder.
Garrett was stealing through the shadows, although there was nobody in the vicinity. He was thinking
about the new task that his old enemy would certainly give him. When would this finally end?
He was already tired... many thoughts were circulating in his head when, in the shadow of the streetlamp,
he noticed a pagan. He'd arrived at the meeting place, but before he managed to have even one word with the emissary,
hooded figures had appeared from nearby alleys. There were too many of them Garrett tried to struggle.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the pagan emissary thrown down. Soon the same happened to him...
Playing the mission:
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission File : miss20.mis
Gamesys File : atessa.gam (required)
Difficulty Settings : No.
Equipment store : No.
Map : Just the required one page to stop the game from crashing.
Automap : No.
New graphics : Some new textures, skins and documents.
New sounds : Sorta (you'll hear).
EAX Support : Maybe. I set the EAX settings for every Room, but I can't be sure how it works.
Briefing : Sorta.
Multi language : No.
Known bugs:
WARNING: Do not save the game during the in-game "intro" (in the first room)!
Remember: you have to fulfill ALL the other objectives before the final one will end the game. Just READ everything and try to get EVERYWHERE.
The area is VERY small (curse you, Komag!) so:
a) the guards can easily hear you (try hiding in the shadow and wait),
b) it is difficult to mantle in a few places, but it is POSSIBLE.
Because of the CamVator bug (?) you should probably jump once somwhere at the begginig of the game (when the in-game briefing is over).
This mission is rather difficult (Expert). Sorry. I simply had no time to implement Normal, Hard and Expert difficulty settings.
I'm sure there are more bugs. If you find them, please make a list at the TTLG forum.
Playing : Load with Darkloader and don't unzip it.
Building Info
Base : 40x40x40 area brush
Map Size : 40x40x40 - everything that the player can see is contained within those dimensions defined by an Area brush that big
Build Time : About 30 sleepless nights.
Special thanks to:
PiotrS (for excellent beta-test and helping me to choose AIs' difficulty) --- www.thiefage.prv.pl ---
Nightwalker (for beta-test and correction of spelling, grammar and style in books)
Hit Deity (for beta-test and his great missions that encouraged me to make my own FM)
Timon (for beta-test and spiral stairs multibrush)
Edward Vaillancourt (for great custom textures) --- http://www.angelfire.com/id/Dhin/texture_index.html ---
MsLedd (for wonderful snow textures family)
Saturnine (for technical help and allowing me to use some textures from "T7C")
SilentSleep (for helping me to solve my conversation problem)
schwaa (for great custom objects) --- http://www.schwaa.0catch.com/ ---
telliamed (for some technical help at the Editor's Guild)
Yametha (for some technical help at the Editor's Guild)
Komag (for another contest and his endless patience) --- www.keepofmetalandgold.com ---
Unknown author(s)? (for skullthief and pagan skins)
This level was not made by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos, nor is it supported by them. All of
their copyrights and responsibilities go with this FM as they decree, which isn't much. I give what
permission I can to allow it to be freely distributed intact as long as credit is given to them and me.
The best way to play this mission is ghost (or Lytha) style.
Read all the books and scrolls. They are important.
And remember: there's always a better way than stealing through the hallway with a very suspicous guard... :)
And the last tip: to jump on a small crate, pick up the crate, look down, press at the same time R (drop) and Space (jump) keys.
July 22, 2002
O L D C O M R A D E S, O L D D E B T S
Thief II Fan Mission
Visit the mission site (screenshots, questions for observant players, the history of making OCOD and more!):
========== http://3dactionplanet.com/thief/master/projects/ocod.php3 ==========
BUKARY (story, architecture, design, scripting, texturing, lightning, sound, AIs, custom gamesys)
ERNIE (story, custom meshes, some objects, textures, skins, sketches and The Master Guild movie)
Filename : debts11.zip
Contact info : bukary@poczta.onet.pl
Homepage : The Master Guild (http://3dactionplanet.com/thief/master/index.php3)
Version : 1.1 (objectives "bug" fixed)
Mission Briefing :
Garrett felt no sense of forboding when he ? just like every week - was on his way to the meeting place
with Victoria?s emissary. The whole quarter was slipping into darkness; the streets were slowly
emptying of passersby; snow was falling and covering the whole city with a fine coat of white powder.
Garrett was stealing through the shadows, although there was nobody in the vicinity. He was thinking
about the new task that his old enemy would certainly give him. When would this finally end?
He was already tired... many thoughts were circulating in his head when, in the shadow of the streetlamp,
he noticed a pagan. He'd arrived at the meeting place, but before he managed to have even one word with the emissary,
hooded figures had appeared from nearby alleys. There were too many of them Garrett tried to struggle.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the pagan emissary thrown down. Soon the same happened to him...
Playing the mission:
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission File : miss20.mis
Gamesys File : atessa.gam (required)
Difficulty Settings : No.
Equipment store : No.
Map : Just the required one page to stop the game from crashing.
Automap : No.
New graphics : Some new textures, skins and documents.
New sounds : Sorta (you'll hear).
EAX Support : Maybe. I set the EAX settings for every Room, but I can't be sure how it works.
Briefing : Sorta.
Multi language : No.
Known bugs:
WARNING: Do not save the game during the in-game "intro" (in the first room)!
Remember: you have to fulfill ALL the other objectives before the final one will end the game. Just READ everything and try to get EVERYWHERE.
The area is VERY small (curse you, Komag!) so:
a) the guards can easily hear you (try hiding in the shadow and wait),
b) it is difficult to mantle in a few places, but it is POSSIBLE.
Because of the CamVator bug (?) you should probably jump once somwhere at the begginig of the game (when the in-game briefing is over).
This mission is rather difficult (Expert). Sorry. I simply had no time to implement Normal, Hard and Expert difficulty settings.
I'm sure there are more bugs. If you find them, please make a list at the TTLG forum.
Playing : Load with Darkloader and don't unzip it.
Building Info
Base : 40x40x40 area brush
Map Size : 40x40x40 - everything that the player can see is contained within those dimensions defined by an Area brush that big
Build Time : About 30 sleepless nights.
Special thanks to:
PiotrS (for excellent beta-test and helping me to choose AIs' difficulty) --- www.thiefage.prv.pl ---
Nightwalker (for beta-test and correction of spelling, grammar and style in books)
Hit Deity (for beta-test and his great missions that encouraged me to make my own FM)
Timon (for beta-test and spiral stairs multibrush)
Edward Vaillancourt (for great custom textures) --- http://www.angelfire.com/id/Dhin/texture_index.html ---
MsLedd (for wonderful snow textures family)
Saturnine (for technical help and allowing me to use some textures from "T7C")
SilentSleep (for helping me to solve my conversation problem)
schwaa (for great custom objects) --- http://www.schwaa.0catch.com/ ---
telliamed (for some technical help at the Editor's Guild)
Yametha (for some technical help at the Editor's Guild)
Komag (for another contest and his endless patience) --- www.keepofmetalandgold.com ---
Unknown author(s)? (for skullthief and pagan skins)
This level was not made by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos, nor is it supported by them. All of
their copyrights and responsibilities go with this FM as they decree, which isn't much. I give what
permission I can to allow it to be freely distributed intact as long as credit is given to them and me.
• Uploaded 09.07.2002
• Size 6.18 Mb