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The Drymian Codex

by Yandros, Random Taffer and Tannar
Originally planned for the Reloaded Contest II

Version: Release 1.0
Release Date: Mar 10, 2013
If you installed Thief 2 using Tafferpatcher v1.05 or earlier, it is recommended that you reinstall with the latest version to avoid multiple issues with this mission (and probably other missions).
Occasionally, AI that are part of a scripted cutscene don’t get teleported out of the world when they’re supposed to. The cause of this was not determined. If you encounter an AI who seems out of place or who behaves strangely, this is likely the reason why.
Italiano & Polski: Be sure and set your language correctly in the darkinst.cfg file in your Thief 2 folder before installing the mission.

In the time of unreckoning
Did the ground not gape?
Did the void not reveal our peril?
And did we not cry out in dismay?

Waste not thy breath in vain laments
But steel thy nerves for the task at hand
For the Trickster's deceits are legion
And He seeketh ever to return

Keep thy faith sharp and thy hammer to hand
Look not aside lest thee stray from the path
For the world doth hang in the balance
And the future lieth hostage to our care

-- From the collected writings of St. Fera

I've been down on my quota of lucrative jobs lately so I've been thinking about what would make a quick and easy score. I rejected a few ideas as being too risky and then remembered hearing about a rare relic supposedly kept at St. Fera's, a Hammerite monastery known for the quality of its beer and the fervor with which the Brothers espouse the Order.
The relic is a hammer reputed to have once belonged to St. Fera and said to have the power to heal. I don't know if I believe that but, true or not, it should fetch a nice sum. This city has no shortage of those with more money than sense.
But what's important for my purposes is that it's nearby and my sources tell me there is, or used to be, an entrance into the compound from the city sewers. If so, that makes my job much easier and I should be able to get in and out without being seen. Just what I need... a quick and easy job.
I'll still need to be careful, though. I hear they've recently adopted a rather rigorous recruiting practice so there are bound to be plenty of guards around. But I've done my share of sneaking around Hammers before... I don't think this job will present any real difficulties.

The Build Team
This mission is based on The Monastery of St. Fera (T1) by Goit.
It was originally ported to T2 and upgraded a little bit by Yandros. Random Taffer then added a lot of areas (sewers, secret hideout, ruined temple, outside streets) and then handed it off to Yandros, who added some more areas (more sewers, crypts, priests’ quarters) and gave it a bunch of spit and polish. After Dark engine 1.19 appeared, Yandros upgraded some textures and effects to take advantage of the new engine capabilities. Finally, Random Taffer added a few more new areas based on testers’ input from Beta 1.
The story and gameplay were designed by Tannar, Yandros and Random Taffer. Most of the fancy scripting was done by Yandros. Tannar wrote all the texts, which were proofread by Nickie. One text includes an excerpt from the poem "Dumbness" by 17th century poet Thomas Traherne. Tannar also created the amazing maps for the mission.

Freddy Fox, Gaetane, Nickie, Nightwalker, Peter Smith

French: Azaran, proofreading by Gaetane and Tannar
German: intruder
Italian: Sengu, proofreading by Eternauta
Polish: trudnicki
Russian: Soldi and clearing (Note: Russian translations are in a separate ZIP file in the mission archive)
Yandros, Random Taffer and Tannar would like to extend a special thanks to the translators, who put a lot of time and effort into translating a lot of text and had to test and verify all of it.

Objects & AI
Christine & Greenhorn – Bookcases
Daraan – Trees & bushes
Dave Guerrea – Bloodstains
Eshaktaar – Water textures, loose papers, lamps, The Sleeper, jackal statue, hammer, sarcophagi, ancient chest, pretty particle bitmaps
Ottoj55 - Custom AI, Distant building objects, fancy rune symbols
LarryG – Custom AI, pile of clothing
NamelessVoice – Many Enhancement Pack objects, torch, lectern, bracelet, jars, vases, inkwell, cylinder
PinkDot – Books, bookcases, tables
R Soul – Turbine, pillar, spiders
Saturnine – Iron corner trim, smokestack
Shadowspawn – Custom motion database
Sliptip – Iron bars
Targa – Custom AI
tdbonko – Custom AI, shield, practice dummy
TheOneTrueThief – Bloodstains
Vigil – Light shaft, cobwebs
vurt – Improved lava texture
The Watcher – Hanging lantern
Yandros – Pretty much everything else custom
Special thanks go to LarryG and tdbonko for going above and beyond with creating custom and specialized objects and AI for this mission.

Terrain Textures
Dave Guerrea, DEDx (Rob Hicks), Eshaktaar, Necrobob, Polygon, Renzatic, thief_gotcha, Vigil, Wille, Yandros

Briefing Movie
Created by Yandros using VideoPad by NCH Software
Original artwork by Redface
Quasar video clip by xavinitram96 -
Music by Eric Brosius from Thief 1 and Thief 2, arranged by Child of Karras
Note: If the movie is cropped (which it may be with default settings from Tafferpatcher), open cam_ext.cfg in a text editor and find crop_movies. If there is no semicolon in front of it, add one to comment it out.
Note 2: The briefing is in widescreen, but NewDark will mush it horizontally to a 4:3 ratio when playing it in game. So it will fill the screen if you have Thief’s resolution set to a 4:3 resolution, but otherwise will be a little mushed and there will be space on either side. If the movie is instead getting cropped and some of it is cut off the screen, open up cam_ext.cfg and try setting ui_scale_mode 1 (instead of 2) and also perhaps scale_movie_to_ui.
The best way to view the briefing is actually on Yandros’ YouTube page, where an HD widescreen version will be uploaded upon release:

Eric Brosius – Auldale (Thief: Deadly Shadows)
Howard Shore – A Storm Is Coming
Kammarheit – Sleep After Toyle, Port After Stormie Sea
Lisa Gerrard – Mirror Medusa
Northaunt – Night Alone, Night Came To Us
Solitaire (Steve Roach & Elmar Schulte) – Runes
Two Steps From Hell – Freedom Fighters, Dark Harbor
Yen Pox – Absolute Zero, Twilight Eternal

All ambient loops created by Yandros, but credit goes to original artists above.

Random Taffer – USW Newbie, the Ghost, Mechanist hermit voice custom assembly (from stock sounds)
Yandros – USW Veteran, Thorn, voice schemas and voice importing
Thief: Deadly Shadows – Additional voice sets

Custom Scripts: Nameless Voice, Telliamed
All scripts needed to play the mission are included.

This mission is © 2012 by Yandros, Random Taffer and Tannar.
It is not supported by Eidos or Looking Glass (R.I.P.) so don’t go crying to them if you have problems.
Should you need technical or gameplay assistance, search for a relevant thread at the TTLG Thief FM Forum:

Le Codex de Drymia
par Yandros, Random Taffer et Tannar
Dans l'ère non croyante
Le sol ne s'est t-il pas ouvert?
L'abîme n'a-t-elle pas révélé notre péril?
Et n'avons nous pas crié au désespoir?

Ne gaspille pas ton souffle en vaines lamentations
Mais prépare tes nerfs pour la tâche qui t'attend
Car les mensonges du Malin sont légion
Et il désire à tout prix revenir parmis nous

Que ta foi soit forte et que ton marteau soit à portée de ta main
Ne regarde pas ailleurs de peur de t'égarer du chemin
Car l'équilibre du monde en dépend
Et l'avenir tient en otage notre attention

-- Tiré des écrits complets de Saint Fera

C'est temps-ci les missions lucratives se font rares. Un travail facile et qui rapporte serait une aubaine pour moi. J'ai refusé quelques propositions que je jugeais trop risquées et puis soudain je me suis rappelé une ancienne histoire à propos d'une relique rare supposée être gardée au Monastère de Saint Fera. Saint Fera est un monastère Marteleur réputé pour la qualité de sa bière et pour le grand dévouement de ses moines envers l'Ordre.
La relique est un marteau qui aurait appartenu à Saint Fera lui-même et on raconte qu'il possèderait un pouvoir de guérison. Je n'y crois pas vraiment, mais que cela soit vrai ou faux cela importe peu, cet objet devrait m'apporter une jolie somme. Cette Cité de manque pas de gens riches plus qu'il n'est sensé.
Il serait bien sûr impensable d'entrer dans le monastère par la porte principale. On m'a dit qu'il aurait un moyen d'y pénétrer par les égouts de la ville. Si c'est le cas, cela facilitera énormément mon travail, je serais alors en mesure d'y rentrer et d'en sortir sans être repéré. Voilà ce qui me faut... une mission rapide et simple !
Je dois malgré tout rester sur mes gardes. J'ai entendu dire que les Marteleurs de Saint Fera viennent d'adopter un système de recrutement rigoureux donc je dois m'attendre à une garde conséquente. Mais j'ai déjà esquivé bien des Marteleurs et je ne pense pas que cette mission me cause d'obstacles inattendus.

Der Kodex von Drymia
von Yandros, Random Taffer und Tannar
Noch vor Beginn aller Chroniken
Hat sich die Erde nicht aufgetan?
Hat die Leere nicht die drohende Gefahr offenbart?
Und sollen wir vor Entsetzen nicht aufschreien?

Verschwende deinen Atem nicht mit vergeblicher Klage
Aber stähle deinen Geist für die Aufgaben die vor dir liegen
Denn des Schwindlers Täuschungen sind zahlreich
Und ewig versucht er sich Zutritt zu verschaffen

Halte fest an deinem Glauben und den Hammer stets bereit
Lasse dich nicht verführen auf das du nicht vom Weg abkommst
Denn der Welten Schicksal liegt in den Waagschalen
Und die Zukunft obliegt der Sorgfalt unseres Handels

-- Aus den gesammelten Schriften des St. Fera

Die Geschäfte laufen eher schleppend in der letzten Zeit und ich brauche dringend eine günstige Gelegenheit um meine Kasse aufzubessern.
Ich habe bereits einige Ideen verworfen, die mir als zu gefährlich erschienen sind. Dann erinnerte ich mich jedoch an Gerüchte über eine seltene Reliquie, die in St. Fera verwahrt wird.
St. Fera ist ein Kloster der Hammeriten, welches vor allem für sein Bier und den Eifer der dortigen Brüder bekannt ist.

Bei der Reliquie handelt es sich um einen Hammer der einst St. Fera persönlich gehört haben soll und angeblich über heilende Kräfte verfügt. Aber Heilkräfte hin oder her, es sollte einen lukrativen
Preis bei jenen erzielen, die fest daran glauben. Immerhin mangelt es der Stadt jedenfalls nicht an jenen, die über mehr Geld als Verstand verfügen.

Wichtiger für meine Zwecke ist jedoch, dass das Ganze nicht weit von hier entfernt ist und dass meine Quellen von einem Zugang durch die Kanalisation berichten, der zumindest früher
einmal vorhanden war. Falls dieser Zugang wirklich existiert, macht mir das meine Arbeit um einiges leichter, da ich so unbemerkt eindringen und wieder verschwinden kann.
Und das alles genau wie geplant: schnell und unkompliziert.

Allerdings muss ich trotzdem auf der Hut sein. Mir ist zu Ohren gekommen, dass die Rekrutierungsrichtlinien kürzlich verschärft wurden und dass nun überall Wachen patrouillieren.
Naja, immerhin habe ich ja viel Erfahrung im Umgang mit diesen Fanatikern ... der Job sollte mich also vor keine neuen Probleme stellen ...

Il Codice di Drymia
da Yandros, Random Taffer e Tannar
Nel tempo della resa dei conti
Il suolo non si spaccò?
Il vuoto non ha forse rivelato il nostro pericolo?
E noi non abbiamo forse pianto per lo sgomento?

Non sprecate il vostro fiato in vani lamenti
Ma acuite i vostri nervi per il daffare che presto ci sarà
Perché gli inganni di Trickster sono migliaia
Ed egli desidera sempre tornare

Tenete salda la votra fede e il martello alla mano
Non voltatevi per paura di uscire dal cammino
Poiche' il mondo si mantiene in equilibrio
E noi dovremo prenderci cura del futuro

-- Dagli scritti di San Fera

Ultimamente non ho fatto molti lavoretti lucrosi quindi stavo pensando a qualcosa di veloce e facile. Ho respinto alcune idee poiché erano troppo rischiose e poi ho ricordato una rara reliquia che si suppone sia tenuta a San Fera. San Fera è un monastero Hammerita, conosciuto per la qualità della sua birra e il fervore con cui i monaci abbracciano l'Ordine.
La reliqua è un martello che sembra essere appartenuto a San Fera e si dice abbia poteri curativi. Non so se crederlo ma, vero o meno, mi dovrebbe far ricavare una somma niente male da qualcuno che ci crede. Questa città non manca di persone con più soldi che intelligenza.
Ma la cosa importante è che sia vicina e la mia fonte mi dice che c'è, o c'era, un'entrata nel complesso dalle fogne cittadine. Se così fosse, tutto ciò rende ancora più semplice il lavoro e dovrei essere in grado di entrare e uscire senza essere visto. Proprio quello che mi serviva... un lavoretto facile e veloce.
Dovrò stare comunque attento però. Ho sentito che ultimamente hanno adottato una rigorosa pratica di reclutamento quindi di sicuro ci saranno molte guardie in giro... Non credo che questo lavoro mi darà qualche tipo di problema...

Kodeks Drymian
przez Yandros, Random Taffer i Tannar
W zamierzch?ych czasach
Czy ziemia nie rozst?powa?a si??
Czy pustka nie jawi?a nam naszych l?ków?
I czy nie krzyczeli?my z przera?enia?

Tchu nie tra? na puste lamenty
Lecz dzielnie wype?niaj powierzone Ci zadanie.
Gdy? Szachraja podst?py s? niczym legiony
i wieczne Jego starania by nas wykorzysta? do swego powrotu

Trwaj mocno w wierze swej, a m?ot w r?ku miej
Nie rozpraszaj si?, by nie zboczy? ze ?cie?ki swej
Gdy? ?wiata los, na szal? rzucony, wa?y si?
A przysz?o?? jawi si? zak?adnikiem w naszej pieczy.

-- Z zebranych zapisków ?w. Fery

Przegl?da?em ostatnio list? lukratywnych "prac" zastanawiaj?c si?, która z nich b?dzie szybkim i ?atwym zarobkiem. Odrzuci?em kilka pomys?ów uznaj?c je za zbyt ryzykowne i wtedy przypomnia?em sobie o zas?yszanej wiadomo?ci na temat rzadkiej relikwi, trzymanej podobno u ?w. Fery. ?wi?ty Fera to klasztor wyznawców M?ota, znany z dobrego piwa i zapa?u, z jakim tamtejsi mnisi s? oddani zakonowi.

Relikwia to M?ot, który rzekomo kiedy? nale?a? do ?w. Fery i jak si? mówi ma moc uzdrawiania. Nie wiem czy temu wierzy?, ale prawda lub nie, powinienem zgarn?? za niego niez?? sumk? od kogo?, kto wierzy. To miasto nie narzeka na brak tych z wi?ksz? ilo?ci? pieni?dzy ni? rozs?dku.

Co jednak wa?ne dla moich planów to to, ?e znajduje si? w pobli?u, a z moich ?róde? wiem, ?e istnieje, b?d? istnia?o kiedy? wej?cie na teren klasztorny od strony kana?ów miejskich. Je?eli tak jest, to czyni to moj? "prac?" znacznie ?atwiejsz? gdy? powinienem si? dosta? do ?rodka i z powrotem pozostaj?c niezauwa?ony. Tego w?a?nie potrzebuje... szybkiej i ?atwej roboty.

Musz? jednak wci?? zachowa? ostro?no??. S?ysza?em, ?e ostatnio wprowadzono do?? surowe praktyki rekrutacyjne tak, wi?c b?dzie pewnie du?o stra?ników woko?o. Mam jednak nieco do?wiadczenia w skradaniu si? pomi?dzy stra?nikami M?otów... Nie s?dz? ?eby ta robota zaskoczy?a mnie, wi?c jakimi? nowymi problemami...

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