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Deep Trouble 2

Deep Trouble : City under the Sea Version 3
(3 part series)
Oct 2004
Author : Dark Assassin
Homepage : None
Date of Release : March 2008
Description : Mechanist style mission (with advanced technology)

*Playing Information*

Game : Thief 2 TMA
Mission Title : Deep Trouble 2
File name : DeepT1A
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : No, you?ve made a wrong turn, so there?s no map to go by!
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : Textures and sounds from Alice, Half-life, SS2, Morytr, Deus-Ex, Postal 2,
Red Faction and Gunman. Skins from AsyluM (with repair work by Thorin)-some
of which I have warped in sinister ways! (Mechanist symbols from stained glass texture superimposed on Core 1 stone textures.)
Textures taffed from frobber. Artwork from Bob Schatz, Psi Yamanenko, and RubAq.
Thanks to Purah for permission to use his Calendra's Legacy textures.
Gold Gear texture by godismygoldfish and various images found on the net.
Bellboz for ai texture I swiped and altered. Images from Jack Coggins book Prepare to Dive

New Sounds : Yes, Sounds from Quake 1 & 2 and their mission packs,
Daikatana, AVP. Sounds by Andrea Aleotti, Loanstar,
RTCW, The Shock Project, Nightwalker as MOTHER!
Multiple Languages : Not in this edition
Briefing : Small intro movie by Lazarus :)

Base : My evil imagination with a few multibrushes from SS2,
TMA and the Shock Project.
Build Time : A year
*Loading Info*
Copy into FM folder and run Darkloader

Story Part 1:

Story: Garrett has been collaborating with his old friend Brenner about robbing the castle of a local Count. Security is tight on the outside but Brenner had an idea. A contact of his at the local docks told him about a large shipment of fine wines and foodstuffs which were being shipped to his large and unguarded cellar from there later that night. The plan was for Garrett to sneak into the docks and hide in one of the larger crates in order to get a free ride into the Count's estate. Once inside, Garrett would clean the place out and make his escape-which would be made easier by the fact that the guards wouldnt be expecting a break-in from the inside. A couple of hours later, after a unusually rough ride and overhearing what sounds like Mechanist voices (perhaps wiring up some Watchers for the Count?-Garrett wonders) he makes a cautious exit from the crate...............only to find out he's not in the Count's basement! He's somewhere else, and
if he doesnt find a way out , he may be in DEEP TROUBLE!

Story Part 2:

After the events of Deep Trouble.......
A simple job gone horribly you've got problems. Having stowed away in a crate in order to infiltrate the castle of a local despot, you instead got shipped straight into the hold of the Swordfish-the Mechansits newest and most advanced undersea vessel. Finding yourself deep in it's hold, it took all your stealthy skills to make your way through the vessel trying to find a way out. Discovering that the Cetus Amicus was escorting the Swordfish back to Markhams Isle prior to breaking away and heading back to the Lost City, you made a desperate gamble. Using the new teleportation device on board (a new invention of Brother Cavador) you transported yourself onto the Cetus Amicus. Luckily there were no Mechs in the room when you beamed in and you were able to swipe the Captians master key and hide away in the same hold you had used before in the old days when you were hunting Cavador. With the Mech's having a scaled down presence in the Lost City due to their commitments on the Island of Iron, you thought you would be home free once you got there....

You were wrong. Later on you could sense a change of direction in the ship's course, and an all-too- soon halt. A few minutes later, through the metal door you hear an announcement.

"Attention crew, due to a power drain we have been forced to return to Central Aquatic facility"

UH OH!......

Then you hear a woman's voice cursing just outside, "Why hasn?t the Captain given us the key to storage? If we're going to be stuck back home in the depths here again we might as well unload our gear".

Another voice.."He hasn?t found the key yet, don?t worry about it right now we're needed upstairs-apparently something caused the transmat receiver to come on."

"So that's why we're almost out of power, who's the fool that wanted that piece of uncertified equipment installed up there in the first place?"

"AHEM, I believe Brother Cavador is 'the fool' as you put it. Perhaps it would be wise to let the gears on thy acid tongue rust shut once in a while."

" sorry, uh let's head up there and take a look....."

'Stuck in the depths!?!' You think wondering what it could mean-and then you realize......You're at the Mech's main underwater base!

You've seen it mentioned in various notes and diaries you've pilfered through in recent adventures, but you wouldn?t imagine in your wildest dreams that you would end up there-and unintentionally to boot! You realize that you need to get out of here, right now! But how? surely the base will be fairly well lit and well defended if your information is correct....

All of the sudden your train of thoughts are interrupted by a scream of pain in the distance, more follow as the sounds of a terrible struggle rage in the distance. 'What's going on?' you hear the pilot in the control room yell, 'Friend what are you?' only to be smothered by the sounds of what seem to be a shower of sickening blows. 'What the hell is going on?!' you think, realizing the situation seems to have gone from bad to worse. All becomes silent...and then you hear footsteps outside the sealed cargo bay and hear a woman's voice..

'Any survivors?'

'Nay sister' another voice says just outside your door...cold metallic yet seeming to ooze with obscene joy...

'all infidels hath fallen, praise Karras!'

'Let us return to Mother, she will be well pleased!'

The footsteps recede and finally you can hear the clank of someone or something..climbing back up the subs ladder to leave...In the darkness of your hiding place a feeling of fear wells up in your heart...something's gone wrong..not just for you but the Mechanists too...A few minutes later which seem like an eternity, you finally decide to risk an exit-you want to hide for a while but your instincts tell you that the sooner you make your escape the better chance you'll have and your gut hasn?t failed you yet. You find the bottom hatch locked down so you decide to head up front and up....

Then you make your first gruesome discovery...the doorway to the control room lies halfway open and the pilot is lying there in a pool of blood, beaten beyond recognition apparently with a mace...even more disturbing is the fact that the unknown assailant seems to have continued the attack beyond what would normally kill someone...leaving the whole control chamber splattered with blood...

WTF? you wonder, 'are the Mechs having a theological squabble or something!?'
No matter, escape is priority one....

Reaching the upper level of the Cetus Amicus, you find the other crew members lying dead-smashed beyond recognition in a similar manner...'Damn' you murmur to yourself, you have little love of the Mechanists but such brutality shocks even a criminal like yourself. Quietly but quickly you reach the top exit hatch which thankfully is in a fairly dark area and open it into a small chamber which seems to be some kind of small docking area...a dreadful silence fills the air and your sense of danger grows as you finish climbing out and close the hatch behind you. A deadly new environment awaits...

And the only way out is through!

*Additional Thanks*

Version 1:

G'len for ShockED Deluxe (several models were used)
Eshaktarr for light cone object!
Stairs influenced by Morrgan's designs.
New Mechpew skins and Altar by Yandros!
Thanks to VK and Shadowspawn for help regarding mesh attach questions
Komag for his custom dromed menus and Yandros for the DEDx version
Rob Hicks for Dedx and all artists who contributed to it.
Targa for his dome object which I modified via
Adobe Photoshop to be a clear dome as well as other objects.
Light models and other stuff from Schwaa.
YcatX and Yametha for Resbox object
YcatX for allowing me to use his Bantar schema (I ended up using a modified dedx voice in the end,
but thanks for your permission) :)
The maker of Bright 183
Shadowspawn for his General Motion Database files and his Meshscale tool.
Mech sword model yanked from T2 demo
Schwaa and RSoul for texture tips
Thorin Oakensheild for ai skin tutorial.
The Blackman for directing me to the dbpoweramp converter!
Madbull for the Str Converter (wonderful utility!)
Sluggs for his abandoned missions which have given me new inspiration and ideas.
RSoul, Yandros and everyone at Edios for their assistance
Special thanks to Glen and all contributors to ShockED Deluxe!
Yandros for a txt file in the interface I 'borrowed' (STOLE) from his excellent C5 mission 'The Summit'
Jocke for his nice steel lockers
Nameless Voice for many great models and technical advice on how to get Meshscale and Meshbld to work.
Yandros for new Mech girl Model!
Swiped a cake from Christine's mission The Night Falcon
Gort for inspiration and revealing to me in his FM how to do an alt-link! Also for his technical assistance.
RSoul for new wall spot light model.
OttoJ55 for yellow Mech alarm light and Sub machine models.
Dhin for custom models.
Thanks to DemonReaver for finding the unused turret model that was in Curiosity.
Unconnageo and Bellboz for technical advice.

Sterlino who discovered the flaws in the
dedx01.gamesys that kills framerates-and smashed my Island pt 1 FM :-(
(my advice to all designers, use Dedx as a resource
to draw from-but build your own gamesys to suit your own needs as I did in this FM)

Thanks to Averroes and the contributors of the ShockProject, I used a
few small multibrushes and objects from their FM's
Schwaa for objects
Randy Taylor for Pizza model-yum!
Eskhattar for permission to use his Karras poster from Ominous Bequest.
Hex-editor XVI32 by Christian Maas-now I can write new stuff on Glen's screens!
Fred Thiefstone for his Qvar help in the core! *applause*

Wynne for her sweet, sweet voice! >:-D
Shadowolf421 for voices
Slyfoxx for voices
Raestel for voices
Yubetcha for voices
Dinksmallwood for voices
Saturnine for voices

Many thanks to Nightwalker for her talented voice-Saturnine's vision
now has a sinister fufillment!'ll see! hehehe >:-D

Verison 2:

Sluggs column from his demo, dome object and many other things.
Show image editor/converter.
Textures from AVP2/Primal Hunt
Infraview for help with image editing
Nameless voice for barrel object I used and abused in various ways.
Objects by Yandros, Glen, Vigil, OttoJ55
Clockwork Minufe for a sample of her awesome artwork, thanks Noelle!
More lovely artwork from RubAq
Vigil for textures from his website
Turbine by the Watcher
Yandros for fixing my mech logo :)
Nameless Voice for custom dromed menus-now I can clear Deathstage 12 errors with a click!
Edios Technical forum for showing me VirutalDub
Paintshop Pro 8
Yandros for Paintshop tips!
Various Gear images from the net.
Sphere object from Frobber
Shadowspawn for female dive model! :D
Metal dawn for doing some clean up work on my AI skins.
R Soul for technical help regarding pallete limits (without this v2 would have been stillborn!)
Modified Dark file taken from Frobber's KOTP series.
RSoul for assistance on invisible objectives.
Peter Smith for book editing.

Version 3:

Some blood objects from OttoJ55
A few small tweaks with object textures
Light Gem from Deep Cover
Health Shield by OttoJ55
some object repalletes done with NV tutorial to reduce crashing
issues due to pallette limits being breached.
New med packs
No more 'gotcha' trap in part 1

Version 3 Testing

The Secret Team



The pallette limit got pushed with all the custom stuff I put in so if you have crash problems.
1. Make sure any custom graphics you have in your T2 installation are gone.
2. Try control-alt-shift-end to skip to 2nd level if necessary.
3. Reload from previous save.

Water arrows wont do you much good against bots so they're not in there.-hehehehehe

Some servants can be blackjacked, the Sisterhood (armed in black) cannot.

There's not a whole lot of loot around especially in Pt 1, Garrett's focus is on staying alive!

Save often, occasionally there is a crash when you're outside

There are flashing lights in this level, if that makes you ill dont play.

Sometimes the water color acts funny, just hit esc and then go back to your mission
that should fix it (too many flow brushes I guess)-still happens in this version. :(

For more background information on the story without having to
play my earlier more crude FM's just check out the Master Story file
in the zip archive (in the fam folder).

*Copyright Information*

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free
and the package kept intact. You may not include this level
to any map pack without my permission (Komag is free to
put it on his FM DVD's though) No one may edit and re-distribute
this mission without my express permission. If permission
is given, full credit must be given to the people who produced
the artwork and models used from DEDx as well as the author.

This level was not made and is not suported by Looking Glass
Studios/Edios Interactive/Ion Storm

My thoughts are my own and therefore are my intellectual property.
Possession of my mind without permission constitutes theft ;)

• Uploaded 14.03.2008 • Size 41.77 Mb
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