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Dirty Business

Title: DirtyBusiness
filename: DirtyB.zip
Author: Dr Sneak
Contact: PM on TTLG
Homepage: none
release: Feb 2007


Garrett is contacted by the Keepers who are desperate to retrieve some sort of artifact
of theirs one of their agents lost after getting injured by a mechanist security device
and fleeing (heh amateurs!). But here's where it gets complicated, the artifact lies deep
within the mines that lie underneath Cragscleft Prison! Recently the old mines were purchased
from the Hammerites by a mysterious corporate entity called the Consordium which is run by
a group of wealthy merchants and nobles from the City and many different nations. No one
knows much about them, but rumor abounds about how powerful and extensive their activities
really are. The Hammers thought it unlikely that the Consordium would be able to clear out
the zombies in the mines so they would still have a powerful deterrent for escaping prisoners
below while making a buck-but they didn't count on the Mechanists!

In recent times, the Consordium has been giving undisclosed sums of money to the Mechanist
Order to help finance development of their own technology in return for certain secrets in metallurgy,
and other sciences to help the Consordium get the edge over their competition. After getting
the mines, the Consordium invited the Mechanists to help clear the mines of zombies, which
they promptly did, for a share in the rich ores that lie deep in the lowest levels of the mines.
Now the Hammers have sealed themselves from the mines while they crawl with Consordium guards and
Mechanist engineers. It will be a challenge to get in, but a Master Thief can accomplish many things...

It's time to begin!

Game: Thief 2
Title: Dirty Business
File: miss20.mis
store: no
map: yes
briefing: no
new sounds: Yes!, custom conversations with voices from some of my friends, Slyfoxx, Broken Arts,
Kiz, new graphics: some new textures

difficulty settings: crook/thug/jack O' blade

Loading info: Put in Fan missions folder and run Darkloader/Garrettloader.


Large sections from the T1 mission Cragscleft have been used.
Object upgrade packs from the guys at TTLG editing guild
Water by Zylonbane
Mountians borrowed from skybox by OttoJ55
Abandoned work/stories/instruction/voices and other invaluable help from John my mentor
who helped to turn this wannabe editor into one with a finished product! :D
without his encouragement none of this would have been possible!
Tower and Chimney objects by the talented RSoul
Textures and Objects by Vigil
Smokestacks by OttoJ55
Textures from PinkDot abandoned work.
Metal Dawn for Ai Skins.
Objects by Schwaa
Big multibrush borrowed from OttoJ abandoned work Garretjones.
Excellent textures from nicked's mission which can be found at:
Objects by Targa

Beta Testers: NightWalker, John

Tip: Dont bother anybody in the street and there wont be a problem.

Nearly a year!
Copy the .zip file to mission folder and run with Darkloader/Garrettloader
(c) copyright 2006 by Dr Sneak
Distribution of this level is allowed provided you keep the
mission intact and give me credit for it.
This level was not made and is not supported by
LGS or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 24.02.2007
• Size 33.98 Mb
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