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Fletcher's Final Mistake

Title: Fletcher's Final Mistake
Author: SlyFoxx
Contact Info:
Homepage: Is a joke! Don't bother unless I post a link on the forum.
Date of Release: 5/04
Version: 1.0

Description: A Thief 2 Fan Mission


Quick read-me:
Well our favorite anti-hero has been double crossed once more.
(You'd have thought folks would have learned better by now!)
Time to exact a little revenge. Much of the background info is contained in
the mission briefing. However; you will find a diary of sorts right at the start point.
It goes into more detail about the events leading up to this evening.
You are advised to read it. It's not too long.


* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title : Fletcher's Final Mistake
File Name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : NO
Equipment Store : NO
Map/Automap : NO/NO
EAX Support : NO
Briefing : YES
New Graphics : NO
New Objects : NO
New Sounds : NO
New Scripts : NO
Multi-Language Support : NO

Playing Notes:

1) You start this mission with your Blackjack in your inventory. This has been left for
taffers who just hate not having at least that. However; if you want to play as I intended,
don't use it until after you have gained access to your weapons locker.

2) There are arrow targets in two pubs in this mission that arrows will not stick
to! You have been warned!

3) There is quite a bit of loot in this mission that is hard to find.
The loot goal total has been kept purposely low because of this.
Some is in hard to get to places. A bit is locked up and you might have a bit of trouble
finding the nesessary key if you don't find the proper clue. So think of finding
more than about 4500 as an unoffical extra objective. As for finding it all...I made this thing
and even I can't find it all. The best I can do is 5970/6170.

4) Remember...If a frog beast deals a death blow, Garrett does not get credit for the kill and therefore
the "Kill Fletcher" objective will not tick off. That'll know when the mission is over (and what a dead body looks like)
so proceed as you see fit.

Note From Sly:

My main goal with this mission at first was just to make one. I messed with DromEd
for about 20-30 hours until I got the hang of connecting brushes all the while toying
with ideas about what kind of mission I wanted to build. For me, revenge has always
been one of my favorite motives for Garrett. I decided to proceed along those lines.

The result is a mission that looks more like a T1 mission than a T2 mission. That and
the fact that my editing skills are still in their infancy and my knowledge of all the
fancy stuff that the heavies at The Editors Guild know how to implement is quite limited!
Inside the game you will find nothing but good 'ol fashioned Thief game-play. At the start
your options will be quite limited due to special circumstance. After that, play as you like.
Try to Ghost as much as you can or run around like a homicidal maniac. I don't care.



First off this must be said. This mission would have most likely never seen
the ligh of day without Komag's TUT. It was THE invaluable tool that allowed me to get started.

Base: From scratch
Build Time: I'd guess about 1700 hours but I really have no idea.

Credits: Lazarus...for the mission briefing AVI.

: Alpha Testers: frobber , Nightwalker, John D. & Shadowspawn ...who all had to suffer through a first run
frought with difficulty and confusion so you won't have to. Hey, I THOUGHT I had it covered.

: Beta Testers: (same)

: Special thanks again to frobber, who hosted the Alpha and Beta versions for testing and Shadowspawn for helpful suggestions.

: Offical spelling checker...Nightwalker.

: Special Thanks to Looking Glass Studios for creating Thief in the first place.
When I was 13 years old in 1980, Thief was the game I wanted to see in the arcade.
It just took 20 years for the technology to catch up. Watch the credits for
the original games if you haven't already. Hell even if you have, watch again!

: DromEd Central and the taffers who hang out at The Editors Guild. Especially
Hit Diety and Yandros who gave helpful suggestions with a minimal amount
of giggling at the newbie.

: Avalon...for the Thief Objective Wizzard (TOW) A nifty tool that allows designers to add objectives to thier
mission without having to really know what they are doing.

: Apache...for a TUT on getting stationary guards to turn left and right and a Sky TUT.

: John D. ... for the numbers that give the sky such a cool midnight blue color.

: My wife...for putting up with my Thief hobby.


* Loading Information *

Darkloader ready.
Do not unzip -- Place in your Fan Mission folder and install using Darkloader 4.1.
This mission has not been tested with any other version of Darkloader.


* Copyright Information *

Copyright (c) 4/2004. "SlyFoxx"

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact.

Jason, Dan and Ben have carte blanche and are to be thanked in advance for their hosting efforts.


This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Interactive or Ion Storm or anybody else for that matter. Hell, I made the thing and
I won't probably be much help if you have a problem.

( This text file was created by stealing the one from Telliamed's "Amnesia" and "editing
it to death!" )

• Uploaded 20.05.2004 • Size 33.28 Mb
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