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Island of Iron Part 2: Confrontation

Island of Iron pt 2: CONFRONTATION
April 2003
Author : John D. Head (John D.)
Contact Info :
Homepage : None
Date of Release : May 2003
Description : My 5th T2 FM!

Story: (sequel to Island Pt 1-the end of this series)

Later that night after you infiltrated the
Fortress of Steel......

A cold wind whips through your cloak as
you paddle hard, in a few more weeks temperatures
will drop even lower as winter arrives.
But you dont intend to be sticking around that
long! Even with the currents in your favor,
getting to the opposite end of the Haunted
Isle of Iron has taken longer than you planned.
In fact you hadnt plannned on coming this
way at all, thinking Friend Arbez was at
the fortress you had planned to quietly
assassinate him there-only to discover the
military progress of the Mechanist Army
had been far greater than originally anticipated.
Somewhere in the upper stories of the great
Old Santuary of the Hammerites, Arbez reigns
supreme over the Mechanist Sixth Army which
recently fought its way into the area and
stormed the haunted complex. Despite the
setback, you threw the Mechanists into
chaos by switching off the great network
of metal faces and turrets they were
using to help gain progressivley more
control over the island. With a little
luck, most of the fighting strength
of Sixth Army should be out trying to rescue
their beleaugerd comrades fighting for
their lives in the outposts scattered
throughout the island. Over the last
hour as you paddle you've been hearing
the sounds of tremendous battles in the
distance. Still you know
getting inside wont be easy....and you
still have to find Friend Arbez's location
within the complex. In the distance you
can see the walls rise from a hilltop near
the way to scale them that you
can see..perhaps there's a way around..
or under them..

There's no time to a few hours
the sun will rise and you'll have to
get off the island, any shadowy place
you could hide in might contain
some resident horror you would rather not meet,
so It's time to get the job done..TONIGHT!
As you approach the rocky shoreline, you
spot what appears to be some kind of
drainage tunnel jutting out of the side
of a rocky valley by the sea...perhaps
this is the entrance you've been looking
for! There's just one problem, sitting
right beside the tunnel is what appears
to be one of the forts of a Mechansit
outpost. Pulling your boat on a rock
and tying in down, you wonder if you
can sneak around it's lights to enter
the tunnel...but then you notice...

there's no one watching from the walls......

*Playing Information*

Game : Thief 2 TMA
Mission Title : Island of Iron pt 2
File name : miss20
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : Yes (extremely crude since I dont
have photoshop)
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : HELL YES! From Dromed Deluxe!
Some textures from Undulation too!
New Sounds : Yes for the new characters. Garrett voice by
Multiple Languages : Not yet
Briefing : No

Base : From Scratch (from my evil
thoughts hehe)
Build Time : Just over 4 months
*Loading Info*

Copy into FM folder and run Darkloader (need at least ver 4.1)
*Special Thanks*

To EVERYONE who has given me support and encouragement
by TTLG forum or E-mail!

To the guys at the TTLG editing forum
a BIG THANK YOU! There have been literally
dozens of people who have given me helpful
tips there! Without your help


Before I forget! This mission was created with the
Help of Rob Hicks Dromed Deluxe!

I used many textures and objects from DEDx in this mission,
Since I didnt really keep track of what all I used,
I'm just going to put the full credit list right here!

Antonio Salazar - Web Master and Goad
AWang - Sounds
BlackRuin - Sculptor
Clich?man - Unknown Contribution
Daemonite - Sculptor and Artist
DarkArrow - Sculptor and Artist
DemonReaver - Artist
Dhin - Texture Converter
Epithumia - Web Host
Ernie - Sculptor and Artist
Gaylesaver - Script Guru
Nameless Voice - Sculptor and Artist
Phantom - Sculptor and Artist
Schwaa - Sculptor Guru and Artist
ShadowTemplar - Sculptor and Artist
Von Eins - Sculptor and Artist
YcatX - Sculptor, Artist and Inspirational Madman

Thanks Guys!

I also used several models created by TARGA!
Awesome stuff!! Models for Maniacs!

Some sounds from AVP 2 and System Shock 2 were used.

Thanks to AslyuM for permission to use his Hidden
Agenda skins! Beware of the coming of the MechSoldiers!

Three cheers for LJT!! YAY!!
for such a wonderful job on the lead villian!
(you'll know him when you see him!)

*Tips and Bugs*

Best to be quiet....making a lot of noise is a quick way to

Are you a Ghost? Do you like to move through
a mission and leave it looking like no one was
ever there? Hehe this is the wrong mission!
(Being quiet and avoiding KO's IS a good idea in the
early phase though! It'll pay off later!)

On the subject of kills/ko's. If you do take
someone out, try to stuff the body in an unoccupied
room or have some sort of physical barrier between
it and other ai's. One of my nastier innovations
is making ai's able to see each other better.
(Dont worry, you're still pretty hard to spot)
This helps them find each other in the darkness *evil laugh*

Watch out for the MechSoldiers! (Look similar to Karras,
but with metal faces) they are robots so they cannot
be blackjacked or gassed, fast as Haunts,
packs one hellva other
words if they see or hear you-you die real fast!

You should have a item in your inventory,
flash arrows!, to access them you have to use
the weapon select keys. (mine are set to - and + keys)

If you're easily disturbed..don't read Friend Arbez's
diary..he's rather mean!

Special thanks to all of my betatesters!
Big round of applause for...


Thanks guys! :)

*Copyright Information*

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free
and the package kept intact. You may not include this level
to any map pack without my permission (Komag is free to
put it on his FM CD's though) No one may edit and re-distribute
this mission without my express permission. If permission
is given, full credit must be given to the people who produced
the artwork and models used from DEDx as well as the authors.

This level was not made and is not suported by Looking Glass
Studios or Edios Interactive

USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!....If you wake up in a cold sweat
late at night from some terrible nightmare and you
hear a strange noise in the room....dont worry...

• Uploaded 21.05.2003 • Size 17.06 Mb
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