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Just Friends Part 2

Title : Just Friends Part 2
Filename : JustFriendsP2.zip
Author : bassmanret (Chris Moyer)
Contact info : ckmoyer@charter.net
Homepage : none
Date of release : January 12th, 2010
Version : 1.0

Description : Just Friends Part 2 is (obviously) a sequel to Just Friends Part 1. While I would prefer players to have played Part 1 before playing Part 2, I think the gist of Part 1's story can be summed up fairly quickly as a large majority of the overall plot/story is contained in Part 2. So, if you haven't played Part 1 (or would like a quick refresher of Part 1), please read the "Briefing" section below.

* Play Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Names : Just Friends Part 2
File names : miss30.mis, jfp2c7.gam
Difficulty Settings : Yes (Easy, Hard, Expert)
Equipment store : No.
Map/Automap : No (Burt has never been in Lord Bile's estate before).
New graphics : Objects and textures made by others listed below.
New sounds : Yes, these are all by me.
New conversations : No.
New models : Made by others listed below.
EAX Support : Yes, (I think)
Multi language support : No.
Briefing : You are a burglar named Burt, who has been forced into hiding because of a very high price on your head which even your former "colleagues" wish to claim. Somehow, a Lord Chauncy has discovered that you recently "acquired" a few valuable items from his family tomb, and is less than pleased by this. So, he has asked the local Lord, Lord Bile, to aid him in his search of you. Rumor has it that Lord Bile is ruthless, extremely wealthy (although no one seems to know how he has acquired all of his wealth), and has spared no expense to find you. As revealed in Part 1, Lord Bile has abducted a female prostitute named Janine because he was informed that you and she once had a "relationship" of sorts. Townspeople seem to know that your "relationship" with Janine was serious, but they also know that whenever asked about this relationship, you always insist (with a smirk) that you are "Just Friends". Part 1 ended with you gaining entrance to the sewers which you should be able to navigate to Lord Bile's estate where you intend to find and free Janine from the dungeons where she is almost certainly being ill-treated. So begins Part 2.

Known bugs : PLEASE READ THIS! Because this mission can potentially offer the player up to 23 objectives, and because the design of the original Theif2 objectives screen only allows space for a maximum of 18 lines for objectives to be shown, I am using a specially designed custom objectives screen made by Darthslair which allows space for all my objectives to be shown. HOWEVER, theif2 automatically reverts back to its original 18-line-max objective screen when the player completes the mission (immediately after the "Mission Complete" message) so that the "Menu/Continue/Stats" screen will appear. THEREFORE, just before the end of the missin, Burt will say, "I should check what I've done before I go". When you hear Burt say this, please check your objectives screen to see all of the objectives for the mission. This is important because if you played a certain style, a bonus objective will appear (completed) near the end, and if you don't check, you will never know about it.

* Construction *

Base : None, built from scratch (meaning scratching my head, ass, privates, etc.)
Map Size : ...um... big.
Build Time : Over 5 years.... yes, 5!!! ...I know, I know... pathetic.
Build Info : As I said for Part 1, this mission is probably not for everyone. Although it does NOT contain any profanity or nudity, I'd probably give it a PG-13 rating for its sexual/vulgar content. If you are bothered by sexual content or innuendo, or references to bodily excretions, please do not play this mission. I don't mean to offend anyone.
Author Info : bassmanret (Chris Moyer), ckmoyer@charter.net

Other useless info (skip unless you're interested): The entire "Just Friends" story has undergone many changes. Originally, it was to have 4 parts (the caves from Part 1, the city, the sewers, and the estate). Then, I thought it would be 2, then 3, then (finally) back to 2 (the former sewers part has been scrapped for many reasons, and only a small part of the sewers are used in this mission). I no longer believe I could list all of the changes, additions and deletions I've made since the original plot idea was concieved, but this mission will finally "finish the story" I was trying to tell, and I hope everyone has fun playing it.

* Loading Information *

CUSTOM SCRIPTS REQUIRED and included in the zip file:
script.osm AND darkhooks.dlx - BOTH of these MUST be placed in your main Thief2 directory or you will not be able to complete this mission.
NVScript.osm - By Nameless Voice (I'm not sure if I used this, but it's best to put it in your main Thief2 directory, just in case)
tnhScript.osm - By Telliamed (I'm not sure if I used this, but it's best to put it in your main Thief2 directory, just in case)

Runs from Dark Loader. Leave the file ZIPPED - DO NOT UNZIP this file, but put the whole "JustFriendsP2.zip" file into whatever folder/directory you want to on your hard drive, then in Darkloader setup, point to this folder/directory, and the mission should show up in the Darkloader main screen.

* Thanks To *

Everyone at the Editor's Guild who has helped both directly (by answering my posts/questions) and indirectly (by posting in the past so that I could read it). You are all so very awesome in your willingness to help other taffers! Thanks!

I've used many different types of "special stuff" for this mission, and I've tried very hard to keep track of their creators to give proper credit. I don't think I've overlooked anyone, but if you notice that I have, PLEASE let me know and I'll correct that. Ok, here goes:

Vigil - Columns, railings, Textures, cobwebs, light shaft
Nameless Voice - Food, bookcases
Targa - zchest, nymphwin (window in master bath), dome, tshield1 (decorative shield & swords)
Nielsen74 - Vic_chest (pickable), flail, butcher hook, Desk with doors and drawers.
Darthslair - custom objective screen to accommodate 23 objectives.... AWESOME!!
R Soul - chandelier (with a longer rod, custom made for me, THANKS AGAIN)
Ottoj55 - railings and posts
Schwaa - Lutes, screen walls
Sluggs - water troughs, nice benches
Metal Dawn - custom AI skin (Captain)
DarkMax - custom AI skin (Inquisitor)
Digital Nightfall and the COSAS team - custom AI (Butler, Mrs. Bile, Bernice, and Lord Bile)
LarryG - Beautiful paintings modified for use in Theif2 missions ("painting objects based on images downloaded from Olga's Gallery (http://www.abcgallery.com/) and raw frame textures downloaded from CG Textures (http://www.cgtextures.com/) and then edited and adapted to work within T2")

Beta Testers: undead gamer, Hotlyx, cardia1, and Bikerdude. You were all excellent testers, thanks again!

* Copyright Information *

This level is ? by bassmanret (Chris Moyer)

Distribution of this level is allowed in any way, shape, or manner you wish. However, you must leave the mission intact and give me credit for it. HAVE FUN! :)

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos


• Uploaded 11.01.2010
• Size 83.00 Mb
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