Lord Beltzer's Mansion

Title : Lord Beltzer’s Mansion
Filename : Lord Beltzer’s Mansion.zip
Author : Beltzer
Contact info : beltzer2@hotmail.com
Homepage : No
Date of release : November 02, 2011
Version : 1.0
Description : After the incidents in our town, the kidnapping and murders, my wife and I left home. But we had not gone very far when I fell down a hole in the ground...
This is a sequel to my first mission "Ransom". It is recommended that you play Ransom first if you have not already done so.
* Play Information *
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Names : Lord Beltzer's Mansion
File names : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes.
Equipment store : No.
Map/Automap : Yes (blank)
New graphics : Yes.
New sounds : No.
New conversations : No.
New models : Yes.
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : No.
Briefing : No.
* Construction *
Base : None.
Map Size : Medium.
Build Time : 3 weeks, many hours a day
Build Info : This is my second mission, a sequel to Ransom.
* Loading Information *
Runs from Dark Loader. Leave the file ZIPPED - DO NOT UNZIP this file, but put the whole "Lord Beltzer's Mansion.zip" file into whatever folder/directory you want to on your hard drive, then in Darkloader setup, point to this folder/directory, and the mission should show up in the Darkloader main screen.
* Thanks To *
Everyone who wrote the good tutorials that I learned from.
Also, the people at the TTLG Forums who asked the right questions, and of course those
who answered those questions so I could easily search for answers to the problems I had.
To the Beta testers on shalebridgecradle:
Gloria Creep
And to Dussander, the moderator who setup the beta forum on shalebridgecradle.
Custom objects:
(I really hope i remember all, please tell me if i missed to credit some one)
Flecha das Sombras, for the cutlery.
JasonOtto, for animal trophies, leather sofa, modern looking toilet.
R Soul, for the fancy bed, fireplace, doors, Banquet Chairs.
Sluggs, for the picture light
Targa, for footlocker skin, safedoor, desk fan, the two objectives Sceptres,
crystal plates and goblets, two frosted windows, the dome, "BladeX" dagger,
sewer lid, a desk, Heart jewelry box, lockbox, VicSwitch skin, picture frame,
replacement turbine, decorative shield, tapestry, crystal ball, Decorative mirror,
chain, bathtub faucet and the pipe.
Team CoSaS, A lots of things, different beds, chairs, chests, lamps, tables, desks, cabinets,
dressers, drapes, flowers, bookcases, pub set, bathroom set, gambling set.
Light Gem & Health Shields. Too many things to list here :)
Targa, for the fat noble, overweight female, onearm guard, pegleg guard.
Team CoSaS, for a Noble (Philip).
Remedy Entertainment Ltd.
Taffers Tavern
AntiMatter_16 at TTLG
Iikka Keränen, optimised for Thief 2 by MaJiC
And obviously my girlfriend Sofie for a test and the moral
support, and standing out with me working with it 24/7.
* Copyright Information *
This level is © by Beltzer
Distribution of this level is allowed in any way, shape, or manner you wish. However, you must leave the mission intact and give me credit for it :-)
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Title : Lord Beltzer’s Mansion
Filename : Lord Beltzer’s Mansion.zip
Author : Beltzer
Contact info : beltzer2@hotmail.com
Homepage : No
Date of release : November 02, 2011
Version : 1.0
Description : After the incidents in our town, the kidnapping and murders, my wife and I left home. But we had not gone very far when I fell down a hole in the ground...
This is a sequel to my first mission "Ransom". It is recommended that you play Ransom first if you have not already done so.
* Play Information *
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Names : Lord Beltzer's Mansion
File names : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes.
Equipment store : No.
Map/Automap : Yes (blank)
New graphics : Yes.
New sounds : No.
New conversations : No.
New models : Yes.
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : No.
Briefing : No.
* Construction *
Base : None.
Map Size : Medium.
Build Time : 3 weeks, many hours a day
Build Info : This is my second mission, a sequel to Ransom.
* Loading Information *
Runs from Dark Loader. Leave the file ZIPPED - DO NOT UNZIP this file, but put the whole "Lord Beltzer's Mansion.zip" file into whatever folder/directory you want to on your hard drive, then in Darkloader setup, point to this folder/directory, and the mission should show up in the Darkloader main screen.
* Thanks To *
Everyone who wrote the good tutorials that I learned from.
Also, the people at the TTLG Forums who asked the right questions, and of course those
who answered those questions so I could easily search for answers to the problems I had.
To the Beta testers on shalebridgecradle:
Gloria Creep
And to Dussander, the moderator who setup the beta forum on shalebridgecradle.
Custom objects:
(I really hope i remember all, please tell me if i missed to credit some one)
Flecha das Sombras, for the cutlery.
JasonOtto, for animal trophies, leather sofa, modern looking toilet.
R Soul, for the fancy bed, fireplace, doors, Banquet Chairs.
Sluggs, for the picture light
Targa, for footlocker skin, safedoor, desk fan, the two objectives Sceptres,
crystal plates and goblets, two frosted windows, the dome, "BladeX" dagger,
sewer lid, a desk, Heart jewelry box, lockbox, VicSwitch skin, picture frame,
replacement turbine, decorative shield, tapestry, crystal ball, Decorative mirror,
chain, bathtub faucet and the pipe.
Team CoSaS, A lots of things, different beds, chairs, chests, lamps, tables, desks, cabinets,
dressers, drapes, flowers, bookcases, pub set, bathroom set, gambling set.
Light Gem & Health Shields. Too many things to list here :)
Targa, for the fat noble, overweight female, onearm guard, pegleg guard.
Team CoSaS, for a Noble (Philip).
Remedy Entertainment Ltd.
Taffers Tavern
AntiMatter_16 at TTLG
Iikka Keränen, optimised for Thief 2 by MaJiC
And obviously my girlfriend Sofie for a test and the moral
support, and standing out with me working with it 24/7.
* Copyright Information *
This level is © by Beltzer
Distribution of this level is allowed in any way, shape, or manner you wish. However, you must leave the mission intact and give me credit for it :-)
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
• Uploaded 02.11.2011
• Size 29.24 Mb